I quit enjoyed looking at your screenshots but where are the passengers? One thing I would really like to see before I buy this
product is a video, so I found an excellent person who may be able to help you with the making of a video for your product.
He is a chief captain for Fly Away Simulation. His user name is" tomthetank ". If you would like to see a video of his just go to http://s10.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0K940...M37DF5J7NZ .The video will be there for one week
Now the new company creation is a three step process,
in the first dialog you give company name, and optionaly
your name and an info text about the company...
Then you get the "creation-step2 dialog"
If you choose "defined by scenario" you have a list of scenario
that you can select: (notice my currency setting is on norwegian kroner in the options)
scroll down to see the others settings:
Another scenario, the new "victory" and "failure" condition allow to make various
scenarios, here I have set them all (temporary scenario just to test of course)
Her the directory with the scenario config file, (100 max allowed)
notice if you put here a JPG image with the same name than the scenario this image
will be showed in case of victory, this allow you to have custom "win" image instead of the default.
And finally here an example of a CFG file, here the "humanitarian scenario"
TitleOfGame =Fly humanitarian company // max 30 characters
AuthorOfScenario =FsP team // max 15 characters authors name of this scenario
You are an humanitarian company that transport medical payload and related passengers in dangerous country,
you must make at least 20 flight in dangerous country (war level>60%) without any crash to succeed.
Difficulty =2 //0=easy 1=medium 2=hard 3=very hard (just an indication for player)
Economical_Mode =1 //1=yes 0=no
Instant_Record =1 //1=yes 0=no
StartCashDollars =100000000 //the start cash of company in dollars
StartingReputation =65 //the reputation at start
IncomeMultiplier =20 //1-100 the income multiplier for each flight
ReputationMultiplier =10 //1 to 100 (%) how each flight's result modify the company's reputation
FixedFailureSetting =0 //1-100 failure chance each flight (if set disable player's option)
FailureTypeAllowed =0 //1=easy only 2=easy and medium 3=easy to hard (if set disable option)
// below are the victory condition, leave to zero the parameters that
// must not be taken in account for victory
ReputationToReach =0 // 1 to 100
NbrAircraftToReach =0 // numbers of aircraft the company must have...
MinWeightOfAircraft =0 // ...and their minimal weight if previous is set (in kilogram)
CashToReach =0 // in dollars.
StatusToReach =0 // 1=small regional 2= inter regional 3=national 4=international
NbrOfFlightToReach =0 // the total numbers of flights
DistanceMinToReach =0 // distance in kilometer of all flights
MinWarMission =20 // the min number of war mission to make (War level>60)
PilotsMustReachRank =0 // If one or more pilot must reach a rank...
NbrPilotMustReachRank =0 // ...And the number that must reach this rank if previous is set
// below are the FAIL condition if one parameter is reached and the
// victory condition are not satisfied the scenario fail and the player
// have a message that he failed. Leave parameter to zero if you
// don't want that they are taken in account
FAILMaxFlight =0 // max flight allowed to reach victory
FAILMinReputation =0 // 1 to 100 min reputation allowed
FAILMinCash =0 // min cash to have
FAILMaxCrash =1 // max crash allowed
Hello, Can't wait for the release. Um, will this program offer the option of printing boarding tickets? I have read on another website about
such a program and I looked into it but they require some knowledge of something called "Php" and you need the software. I don't know
anything in regards to this. Thanks for responding, cameron
I'm not satisfied by company creation yet, it's too limited so I'll rework a bit this.
My idea is to allow two type of game when you start a company:
1-free flight custom setting
You choose all the settings, economical mode or not, instant record or not, cash at start
this is an never-ending game because there is no goal appart making your company grow.
2-"mission game"
You will be able to choose in a list a number of predefined setting and goal for your company
and you will be able to "win" those game.
This system will be very flexible because those "mission" will be defined in CFG file and
anyone would be able to modify or add more...
FsP will be delivered with 5-10 mission already defined.
So basicall you'll have a CFG file in a directory that will look like this one below:
TitleOfGame =Fight for reputation // max 30 characters
You must reach 100% reputation with your company, you don't have a lot of cash at start
and you must have at least 10 aircraft that weight at least 80 ton to win this game.
Difficulty =2 //0=easy 1=medium 2=hard 3=very hard (just an indication for player)
Economical_Mode =1 //1=yes 0=no
Instant_Record =0 //1=yes 0=no
StartCashDollars =100000000 //the start cash of company in dollars
StartingReputation =65 //the reputation at start
IncomeMultiplier =20 //the income multiplier for each flight
ReputationMultiplier =10 //1 to 100 (%) how each flight's result modify the company's reputation
FixedFailureSetting = //0-100 failure chance each flight (if set disable player's option)
FailureTypeAllowed = //1=easy only 2=easy and medium 3=easy to hard (if set disable option)
// below are the victory condition, leave blank the parameters that
// must not be taken in account for victory
ReputationToReach =100 // 0 to 100
NbrAircraftToReach =10 // numbers of aircraft the company must have...
MinWeightOfAircraft =80000 // ...and their minimal weight if previous is set (in kilogram)
CashToReach = // in dollars
StatusToReach = // 0=small regional 1=regional 2=national 3=international
NbrOfFlightToReach = // the total numbers of flights
DistanceMinToReach = // distance in kilometer of all flights
MinWarMission = // the min number of war mission to make (War level>60)
PilotsMustReachRank = // If one or more pilot must reach a rank...
NbrPilotMustReachRank = // ...And the number that must reach this rank if previous is set
As you see there is many "victory" condition that one can set, once a company started with a "mission" like that
you will not be able to change any company setting, you must win the game or create another company.
If someone want to design a new "mission" he will even be able to provide a banner in jpg that will show
in the dialog when the user click on the mission title in the "select a mission dialog"....
In brief , when the player create a new company he will have the choice beetween "free flight"
with his custom settings or choose one "mission" with predefined settings and goal.
Don't know if my explaination are clear, anyway it's crystal clear in my head....
FSP will be finished in no time - you'll work and rest and sleep and... (maybe there are extensions for some other needs ) - all at one
place! You'll be able to spend ALL your time programming, and have a good time doing that!