I think blue marble image from nasa are public domain to be sure I wrote to them
if the answer is positive here the new style of maps that will be available in FsP:
Just got wind of the new program coming out very excited... I have been jonsing for something to give us a bit more realism and a
mission statement..
I currently have fs9 with ActiveSky 2004.5, AlertPro, Ultimate Traffic, American Data Roads & Rails, and Some FS Genesis Mesh..
I have just been kinda dabbling with editing airfields and changing a few things in fs9 and I have alot more respect for what you all go
through to do what ya do... I do believe it is quite time consuming...
Hope I am not gonna beat ya up with questions.. But curiosity is getting the best of this cat.. (LOL)
1. What about General Aviation. Such As Turbo Props etc? Can we use them as an airline?
2. I guess I could say I am more the cargo flying bush pilot like to fly in harsh weather and remote areas. I pretend I am flying supplies in
somewhere or doing MedVacs.. In harsh weather. Maybe just some ideas there I guess.
3. I fly intentionally in some pretty rough thunderstorms to see the effects etc... Lets say there is Hail in a area where you fly in or
accidentally fly in... Of course no one wants to through a plane in that junk would turn it into a lawn dart fast... But will we be able to recieve
damage in very harsh conditions? Like structural damage or aileron or elevator damage trim etc? Any gear damage or more tire wear
and tear for hitting them gravel or dirt strips?
Sorry I have so many questions and I am quite sure this stuff is not easy... So I am not asking nothing for miracles just curious and
sharing questions and ideas...
I am very excited about this program... I hope it prospers greatly and is a great program...
Is there such things as loosing hydraulic pressure, oil pressure, engine overheating,
Just Curious and I am in the ready to position to leap for a grab of this program...
Would there be any way or will there be anything incorporated in this program to have your company be an airlines and also incorporate
medvac flights or cargo..
Sorry if I keep asking the same questions just brainstorming...
This is in economical mode only Text of dialogs not corrected yet
Now all the prices value for ticket, company reputation, quality of service is taken in account
for each flight..
The calculus are very complicated internally if for example you set the services prices (drink, food)
too high only a few peoples will take them and you income will be low.
You can also set cheap service price with a low quality, peoples will perhaps buy them on this flight
but your reputation may go down and the next flight less peoples will board your plane.
Here the result on the reputation of my last flight.
As said reputation will set how much passengers will board your plane as tickets prices
and the number of time you flown from or to this airport:
Also I have changed the "cleaning setting" at the right for a "quality" setting, this will determine
how good the product you will serve will be, of course good product will cost you
more lowering your income but raising your reputation:
A question/suggestion for FSPassengers :
How will we have money enough to buy our first aircraft ?
I mean, we can imagine that a bank will give us money at the beginning for the creation of our compagnie, and then we will have to give it
back with interests (not sure of the word in english... des intérêts quoi).
Furthemore, it can use your system of compagnies' appreciation note. If your compagnie has a good note and/or earn a lot of money, the
bank will be more pleased to give you money if you need it.
What do you think about that ?
Good luck Dan,
I'm so interested in FSP, it will greatly enhance our flight sim experience, can't wait for it!
BTW, I heard that you will incorporate different voices for captain, FO, FA, pax...into the program, and it will be different in US vs Europe. FYI,
I'm Asian, and will be glad if I can "contribute" my voices for FSP, if you can, could you introduce Asian voice set too?
Hey Dan I'm extremly excited about this addon i've been going to this website since January and I look at the form almost every day. My
question is do you have any idea of how close you are to finishing this project? Awhile ago you said you hope to finish this around April
do you still feel like you can accomplish this? I just wonder exactly where your at in this project. Anyway no matter how long it takes
thankyou for making such a wonderful project and good luck to you!
During a FsP flight the situation will be saved each nn secondes when the altitude is at least 500 feet...
(you can set in the option from 60 secondes to 5mn or completely disable the autosave)
Those save will be deleted if:
-You end the flight normally (End of flight report)
-You start a new FsP flight
This to avoid cheat like "I didn't make it well I'll redo the end of flight"
So now you can stop the FsP flight in the midlle and continue it later, usefull also if Fs2004 crash
during a long flight..
If a save is available you have this in the start flight menu:
This feature will not be available in the demo version (freeware)
I can hardly wait for FsP to be published so I can start my RTW trip.
I wonder if FsP will remember the settings from the previous flight (fuel spent, how much the engine has been 'worn out', damaged parts,
continuation of the 'countdown to random failure'...)
I guess it will be possible to do that by creating an airline consisted of 1 plane just for the purpose of the RTW trip, no?