So when you load your aircraft and you click "ok immediatelly" or "ok delayed"
You have this datasheet below that come ready to print, notice you can disable it while
clicking on "don't show me next time" (or in options)
You can also add V1-VR speed if you have them already and add a small line of info
(frequency, ils etc etc)
If you add speed and check "pilot call speed" the co-pilot will announce "v1 v2 rotate"
Notice the weight on this sheet are fake for now but the hard part is done.
First of all i'm sorry i didn't reply to your post on your orbiter forum...In fact i'm really busy these days...and moving to another job...So not
enough time to be beta tester...
Anyway, if your need help about operational mangement of any failures or anything else...your welcome!
I have a question: do you think it will be possible to run FS2crew with Fspax?
I know it's another addon...pretty buggy if you don't follow the right path...but very interesting.
And whatever the issue is, i'll be one of your customers....
See you!
P.s: do you have a resume? And what kind of job are you looking for? mp me.
I've read somewhere here in the forums that the voices will be synthetic ones.
Does that mean that they will not be recorded but FsP will rely on MS speach engine?
(in that case you will want to try out this one: )
Will we be able to turn off the failure feature for some flights, I fly with a VA which has this feature build into its own software, so when I fly
with them I would like to be able to turn off this feature in FsPassangers.
Will there be random loads available, or will I have to set the loadout for each flight?, Its this feature that I find the most interesting, as
being able to set (or hopefully have set) the loadout whilst in FS at the gate is more realistic, (I am assuming that includes fuel load),
being able to then adjust the load, by leaving some of the baggage for example if the aircraft is too heavy.
looks like a great program, I am hopeing it will interface well with the likes of FS Crew, could FS Passangers provide printouts to the
system default printer of the load (a load sheet) ?
Do you intend to release FSP in several languages? Do you still need anybody who translates the texts from English into German?
I would like to do this.
I was just wondering if it is possible to have delays on the ground through 'missing passengers', cargo loading or refueling delays. I think
this would add even more realsim to the ground handling part of flying. I am thinking like something similar to the program Fsboarding
but a bit better.
By request I just finished to add currency support in FsP.
You will be able to define up to 50 new currency in a cfg file
and select them in the option for now I have only 2 in the config file: (dollars is by defaut)
start of money_currency.cfg ----------------------------------------------------------------- Currencyname=GBP
End of money_currency.cfg -----------------------------------------------------------------
it give this for exemple for the GBP:
So if you want any new currency that should be bundled with FsP's configuration file
state them here (and if possible how they should be displayed, sign, separator etc etc)
FsP was designed with customization in mind so here somes things that you can customize:
IF FSP doesn't find a payload model for an aircraft it propose a defaut model based on it's weight
and engine type. Else anyone can do a specific payload model. FsP will be bundled with the most
common aircraft and new payload model will be done later by request on forum for exemple
(available as separate download)
Here FSP didn't find a payload model for the aircraft "Global Freight - 2 engines" (a Fs2002 jet aircraft that look like 727)
as you see FsP has detected its weight and engine type en show (behind) a defaut payload model for 90-120 seat
jet aircraft. There is defaut payload model from 3 seat to 1000 seat prop/jet/turboprop.
But before you can load your aircraft FsP send you a warn dialog with somes clickable option on it:
if you click "query FsPassengers website..." FsP will automatically attempt to connect to internet
and see it this payload model is available for download on this site based on the aircraft's name.
If you click "read the help text how to make a model yourself" you will have a small text that will explain
to you how to add a new custom payload model for any aircraft.
The process is simple:
Make a sideview jpg image of your aircraft detailed or simple, no matter (A Photoshop layered image will be available for background info)
here the finished image example for the NAMC YS-11 :
now run the "payload_editor.exe" available in model's directory, load you jpg image, define somes load points
price class etc etc move the weight stickers on your image and save the new CFG with the exact name of your
aircraft in Fs2004 or only a part of the name ("YS-11" or "PMDG" for example)
When you run FsP and start a flight, FsP will now look every CFG it have and see if one name is matching more or less
(ie: if the name is "my cool aircraft YS-11" it will then show you the YS-11 payload model.
Every hostess, co-pilot sound are in a "Crewpack/defaut" directory, you can add a new directory with only some or all sound
customized or redone and you will be able to choose this new directory in FsP's option.
FsP will load all sound it find in your new directory and will load the others from the defaut directory, you can than have
up to 255 new "soundpack" with custom voice or sound for any event.
FsP will be bundled only with the defaut directory (>100 sound) for size concern mainly.
As you see in the screenshots page 3 you can display somes maps with your fligth displayed on them.
You can add up to 255 maps, you simply need to provide a jpg image of your maps and define
in a cfg four parameter: pixel lat/lon ratio and the center of the world.
This way you can have new map with town name, new country, map with elevation color etc etc.
There will be listed and FsP will display the flight on them. (a separate utility is available so you can tune
your cfg parameter without needing to load Fs2004)
FsP will be bundled with the most common maps (europe Usa - Usa coast, somes country as germany england etc etc)
UI interface
somes dialog as "you are dead" or "you have been promoted" have their background image in jpg in a "UI" directory,
simple for anyone to change them.
Having a custom logo for your company or pilot is simply a matter to create a jpg image in "logo" directory
with the same name than your pilot or company.
Of course it's very simple to add custom radio chatter sound, each atc directory can have up to 60 sound
with any wav name (no need for special name) and the "atc chatter dialog" is here to help you see what's
frequency are available in FsP:
you even have a button "open atc chatter directory" that will open the correct directory so you don't worry find it.
FSP's atc chatter unlike somes of the atc chatter around have somes unique feature, first the chatter sound play only
when you are inside the aircraft, if a chatter sound is playing and you switch outside and come back latter
you will hear the end of the sound, it was playing silently when you was in outside view.
Second ATC chatter sound are random of course but they don't repeat unless they all played.
And last you can of course choose the frequency how they will play but this freqency lower as you gain altitude
simulating less traffic when you are at high altitude on "cruise" frequency.
In FSP there is some area of the world defined as dangerous either with a war risk either with maintenance problem.
see the dialog :
FSP is bundled with a list of all those area but you can add or remove place from it just click
on "edit cfg" on the "dangerous area" dialog and you will be able to define a whole country or only somes airport on it
as dangerous with the level of danger.
FSP is full of small help text in it's directory to help you customizing things.
I have always wanted a program like this ever since I first used FS98 7 years ago. The features look really
amazing (and I know it will be fantastic after using your great DG3 for Orbiter) and I am looking foward to its
release with anticipation. I cant believe FsP has been your only job for the last 9months, you really deserve it to be
a sucess (I will get all my friends to buy it!). Is it going to be available for online download or do you have a
publisher, or both? I really think it should be available on a cd in the shops.
I have an idea which could make this addon even better, although it probably dosent need to be included in the
first release. You could internationalise the copilot/hostess voices (eg. get people from Uk, America and other
countries to record voice samples for you).
This would add even more realism. For example if you are flying a UK registered aircraft you hear British accent
voices, a French aircraft you hear French accent voices. Also is it possible to have differnt money curriencies eg £
for UK companies, Euros for other European countries?
Really good work, Thanks
(Hopefully doing my JAR-ATPL for real later this year - I want to be a real pilot!)
[edit admin] I edited the title to reflect what's in this thread