WARNING !!!! the picture below show the first project drawing a way for me to guess
what control I'll put on this dialog IT'S NOT FINISHED IN ANY WAY IT MAY LOOK
[EDIT] Dialog finished , see last post
This dialog will clear my idea of how I'll do things, then I'll start to make
the calculus function that I'll need , than I'll redo this dialog... (it's my common way of work)
So with this dialog you'll fix your company's price politic, it will determine
how your reputation and income will evolve and so how much passengers will take your flight - in economicall mode -
You'll be able to choose preset (low cost company -normal company - luxe company etc etc)
or set directly the prices...
An example - if you set high ticket price and high service price (drink etc etc) your passengers
will be disatisfied. With high price ticket the service must be free (but of course it will cost you money)
You will be able to have many financial politics for exemple you can lose money
during a time to raise your reputation (low ticket price, free service, high cleaning cost)
Or get the maximum cash if your reputation is high (high ticket, high service price low cost cleaning)
but in this case your reputation will quicly degrade...
Well done because adding new key for me will take now
only one line of code (previously it was a bit complicated)
nice for you because it's fast and clear and you can print
the sheet with all the key.
More key will be added to give access to more functions
now that it's easy for me.
I'll carefully listen to the beta tester feedback to set the default key so
FsP key will not use as much as possible key of others add-ons
or Fs. So this dialog will be usefull for people that like to have their
hown key mainly.
Yes, I know that this is not included in FsP. But I know also that your intention Dan is to continue with the code later on FsP (a good way to
avoid piraty, because every new patch, then a new protection you could do). So.. I really would like to see the posibility of repairing only
parts of the plane. Why?, because is more fun, for example if you don't have enough money, and you only repair 3 of 5 systems in your
airplane to continue flying and earning more money, but you have the risk to have a worst failure.
It would be nice to have a market of second hand pieces. Cheaper, but worst than firsts ones.
Also with that posibility you can contract maintenance service to dismount your plane and test all the systems that are ok. Of course you
cannot fly that plane for a period of time, but maybe you can detect a posible failure in a system that you could not imagine (and maybe
you have flight your plane really well before). If you don't enough money then you say no, to that maintenance, but there is more risk to
have a failure in your plane... and that is more fun!!!
I wanted to ask how your personal pilot performance affects which aircraft you fly , if at all ...
I saw in the screenshots that you can be promoted / demoted according to how well you fly ...
Will your rank affect the aircraft types you fly or only money will set the planes you can fly ?
Also will there be Captain / Co-pilot ranks in therms of from where you fly a specific aircraft?
I think it would be good if you could hear the Crew on the PA system. Im not sure if this is already a feature, it would also be great if the
captain had to speek on the PA system, to keep his passengers happy! Could someone tell me if this feature is in the program. - I cannot
find it! And Dan if you'd concider this to be a feature?
Here the new load manifest feature finished, the data are real now
here on the screenshots it's a 747-400 loaded with 358 passengers.
You can print this manifest, no problem.
If you check "show passengers list" you will have the 358 passengers listed
with their weight age and the class (VIP first economic etc etc)
those data are real and their weight are really taken in account for the aircraft's weight.
(ie: in FS your aircraft is really loaded with those weight)
Useless ? it's all about ambiance
If you want full realism anyway ou can even check if the 358 passengers are really aboard before take-off
Hello. I know that this is not really part of fspassengers.. and that you can find it on Alert pro!!, but it would be nice to detect ice runaways
and rainy firms, so it's harder to land.
Another thing. I you don't fix your aircraft, they your company could be sent to a judcement if you have an accident and you didn't fix your
plane on time (just let it flight more times), and your country can put a penalty for that.
It's a nice video from Daum... http://jutado.fr.free.fr/ on the first page it's " A specific flight " number eight left down...
May be it will be difficult to do such sounds.
And what about the score of the pilot in such a case.....he did his job...but I'm not sure passengers were happy...
I have been waiting for this sort of an update for ages , since I first started to use Flight Simulator ...
The lack of "doing something" in Flight sim always bothered me , but now you make a dream come true with this fantastic add on ..
I can't wait for it to be released ...
I have been watching the progress since it was announced and also monitor these forums ..... and naturally I have a few questions ...
1) How do you start , or to be more precise "what you start with?" a single plane ? is it a jet or a turboprop ? starting money?
2) Will I be able to use "real" airline names , or the company name must be fictional ?
3) Can you set ticket prices ? will the be a market competition?
Thanks in advance, and I'm sorry if some of these questions have been asked before ..