Let me explain. Suppose I am developing a new Virtual Airline. You know... there are real people flying birds arround the world to
simulate the real airline or just an invention one.
In Fsp, we create an airline.. and for example we can start with 3 aircraft. I know that we can fly one and the other 2 let the program fly for
me, so I earn money from my flight and also from the 2 more flights.
But my question, and sure you know which one will be.... is: instead of flying the computer the other two planes, can fsp share the
information with other 2 people and be three (or more. More pilots in my V.A. to fly that 3 planes) people that they fly them.
I don't know if it is possible or not. Maybe a thing like that is very difficult to implement inside the program. Don't know. Maybe to share the
information of the 3 flights is just copy a simple file at the end of your flight (of course flying the 2 more people after you). Or just can be
edited by hand. Don't know.
If so.... Expecial prices for V.A. of FSP? hehe :P (sure is cheap now)
Finding prices for brand new aircraft is a bit difficult (seem impossible for somes heavy aircraft),
for now my calculus are based on maximum 3-4 example, it would be nice if someone have more
data so I can fine tune my calculus....
I just need the aircraft name, the brand new price and the empty weight.... if there is
just the name and the price it's cool also (I can find others data on the net)
My calculus are based on the empty weight, engine type, and number of engines.
Good news!!! for people using Fs Navigator 2005 (v4.6) and Flight Ones Ultimate Traffic 2004 (v1.2).
FsPassengers has been tested with these add-ons and there is 100% compatability. Let me say that
along with the ultimate sensations of the crew announcements from FsPassengers, FS2004 is now unbelievable.
Can you fly just cargo and make money? So that way ya don't have to worry about screaming passengers. So when ya fly in to an
Alaskan Bush site and have to drop her in and pull a negative g or 2 you won't put people through the roof?
It is possible to let the passengers have tv with films and routeplan etc on? and Is it possible for captain to see that in looooooong tours and it is
beginning borring (also map view on the tv )
I'll add in the company setting the possibilities to have optionaly "pilot rank limit aircraft type".
That could be an intteresting feature..
Problem is that I'm not satisfied with my ranks name, they are realistic but are not very appealing
at least for the first part of the list and they would not do well with the "rank limit aircraft type" option.
Here the actuall rank vs hour and an idea of what could aircraft type limit,(of course the rank
name have to be changed also):
00h00 First Officer (c0)
06h00 First Officer (c1) (<light aircraft)
13h00 First Officer (c2) (<two engine light aircraft)
23h00 First Officer (c3) (<ATR 42 and such weight - no jet)
36h00 First Officer (c4) (light jet - 737 and such)
52h00 Senior First Officers (c5) (medium jet)
71h00 Senior First Officers (c6) (heavy jet)
92h00 Senior First Officers (c7)
116h00 Senior First Officers (c8)
143h00 Captain (c9)
173h00 Captain (c10)
206h00 Captain (c11)
242h00 Captain (c12)
281h00 Senior Captain (c13)
322h00 Senior Captain (c14)
366h00 Senior Captain (c15)
413h00 Senior Captain (c16)
463h00 Flying legend (c17)
516h00 Flying legend (c18)
572h00 Flying legend (c19)
631h00 Flying legend (c20)
692h00 Flying God (c21)
756h00 Flying God (c22)
Any list suggestion with name and aircraft limit welcome.
Now FsP detect turbulence and weather condition so passengers will react to them
in auto belt the captain will set the belt sign on in case of turbulence and the weather
will be taken in account for bonus points and end-of flight report.
I added also the rank information in the pilot's info box:
Here the pilot info box that you have when you click on a pilot's name in company manager:
If you click on "FsP rank info" you have the ranks vs hours of flight information (warning: text not corrected yet)
The ranks go until Class 22 wich is obtained after 750 hours of flights.... if you don't have penality points
I added also in the "aircraft info box" somes statistics about the aircraft. This will be usefull
also for company statistics you'll be able to see which aircraft cost you the most etc etc...
Here the aircraft info box when you click on one aircraft:
And if you scroll down you have somes informations, total flight time, distance, fuel used
here below this aircraft cost me a lot even for 1 flight because I have made a belly landing.
will fs passenger work side by side with airline pilot from just flight as these 2 seem to be the best addons for ages?
Any more news on the release date for fsp?
I'm wondering if FSP will be ablie to resum from its "previous state" after I reboot FS9. In other words, if I start a long-haul flight from CYYZ to
VHHH, and then after flying for 3 hours for example I save the flight, then close FS9 and the next day I reload the flight to continue. Will FSP be
able to "save" the all statistics and other status?
Or FSP works only when I start a new flight and if trying to load from a saved flight, it won't work.
For those that follow the news you know that you can create your company
either with custom free setting or by choosing a scenario with Victory
or Fail settings.
Thinking more about this, this feature bring endless possibilities of new game
and I expect later to see more scenario submited by peoples that I'll glad to put on this
site for download...
Now you can not only design a new scenario but provide also Victory or failure custom splash screen as well as Custom wav that will play when your compagny reach
the victory or fail condition.
So when you create your company you can choose a scenario, if a custom image is provided
FsP tell you so:
And if finally you win the game you can have a custom victory splash screen
something like that for example: (I have done it really fast)
If your scenario's name is "Serengeti.cfg" you only need to drop here
a jpg image of any size with the name "serengety_win.jpg" and/or "serengety_fail.jpg" FsP will detect them.
Also if you provide a "serengeti_win.wav" and/or "serengeti_fail.wav" FsP
will play those sound in case of victory or failure.... (you can have "boooo booooo" sound
Else you'll have generic win/fail splash and sound...
Wining a game will be more appealing if people take the time
to make such image for their game....