will it be possible so that the only failures occuring are due to negligence, ie not maintaining your aircraft correctly and/or pilot error but
without random failures over which nobody has any control?
I made some stress test with the database, after one flight I saved the same flight in a loop 7500 times.
-The detailed flight database increased until 3mo
-The index flight database increased to 622ko (the one that is loaded usually if you don't want to display a complete flight report)
-Attempting to display the complete flight report of flight #7500 displayed in 0.01 secondes
-All others flight complete report displayed in 0.01 seconds. (select in index the flight you want, click on it to have complete report)
-Map displayed the 7500 flight in less than 0.5 seconds
-Memory usage was still low (no memory leak)
-Aircraft and pilots stats recorded without flaw.
-No crash, no problems.
About code I have since start a memory leak survey (debug mode) FsP is memory leak proof.
No crash reported due to FsP yet by tester and still about no framerate impact when you are in a "FsP flight"
Fsp source contain now 40'911 lines of C++ and assembly. (net, without comments lines)
FSP looks da*m cool and i am really looking forward to get it. One question though, will FSP add any new flyable a/c to the game? Or can we incorperate other A/C we have downloaded into the program?
FSPassenger will feature a payload manager that is easy-to-use and standard compatible to all FS aircrafts ! It
auto detects the aircraft
type you're using and will suggest you the payload model the most accurate for this one.
FSPassenger will feature a few payload models and default aircraft types models so you are not lost alone.
Anyway, many of you will prefer specific payloads models, that's why a payload editor will ship with FSPassenger.
These payload models are fully customizable and it's easy to do so in a few minutes like me.
You can :
- import any picture/photo/screenshot in JPG 585x157 px
- edit all stations loads data (position, weight, cabin price, name, label location on the pic)
- check setup CG (Center of Gravity is correct)
Finally, in only a few minutes you can prepare your own and custom payload model.
Here are some of mines.
you are free to design others based on your preferred airline :
See in FS how FSP detected I'm onboard 737-800, so the Payload Manager opens up the respective payload
Im not normaly impatient when it comes to addons but i have to say this is one of those addons that gets me all excited.Is the release to
fsp going to be much longer because this money ive got is burning a hole in my pocket..?
Hey everyone, I got thinking the other day *shocked silence* and I was wondering if FsP will be allowed to be used on VATSIM? I ask
this because of the failures you can get with FsP, failurs are usually frowned upon when flying VATSIM. Though, if you could get
permission by the VATSIM admin members, it will make online flying a heck of a lot more realistic...imagine acutally having to declare
mayday beacuse your gear doesn't go up...my mouth drools at the thought.