I get these crashes even when not running fsp directly. Usually clicking somewhere on the menu bar will trigger it. I noticed a fellow OP had a very similar problem but i do not understand fully the fix. I am running windows 10, I disabled user account control, and I running as an administrator. However, fsx se is installed in the x86 folder. I saw a previous posts describing the uiautomation core, and it is located in my fsx directory but i do not understand what exactly you do with it, like disabling it or turning it off. I have included the fsxP log and the event viewer Let me know if i need to post anything else.
FsPassengers X ver. Jan 23 2016
LOG started 03.01.2020 - 23:52
Start of FsPassengersX.dll
Selected Language:English
keyboard.ini file loaded key read= 26
Getting FSX version
FsX version returned: 10.0.62615.0
FsX version OK: Steam/Acceleration build 62615
Fsx path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX
FsP path: C:\Users\Public\Documents
Loading config file
Nbr of currency found in file: 7
Selected currency:Dollars
Nbr of inflation data found 113
Config file saved
Start Init Failures
End Init Failures OK. Nbr of failures: 40
searching music collection
Music found: 8
Module and mem Listing. Please report those in case of CTD >>>:
bin\nodump.txt found, no module and memory listing
End of module listing
All init completed ok - run addon
SimConnect_Open - OK
SimConnect_CallDispatch - OK
End of initialisation - OK
End of FsPassengersX.dll
Deleting Failures
DirectSoundDeinit-> Success
Config file saved
SimConnect_Close - OK
-FsPassengers setup ver. Jan 23 2016 started: 22.09.2019 - 17:56
-Search if FsX is running
-OK FsX is not running
-Attempting to find FsX directory.
-Checking 64 byte registry for fsx vanilla
-Fsx vanilla Directory found: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\
-Checking 64 byte registry for fsx steam edition
-64 byte registry not found, checking 32 byte registry for fsx steam edition
-Registry key of FsX steam edition not found or unreadable
-Error - Registry key is FSX but steam version was found. Trying to install anyway
-Checking FsX path, searching this file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\dialogs\dlgabout.spb
-FsX found ok
-Detecting OS and FsPassengers install path...
-Windows 10: 10.0
-FsPassengers will be installed in: C:\Users\Public\Documents\FsPassengers
-Getting FSX version
-FsX version returned: 10.0.62615.0
-FsX version OK: Steam/Acceleration build 62615
-Check free space
-Free space Total Mb available: 903369
-Check needed space
-Needed space: 147
-Previous version detected - this is an upgrade of 2016 version of FsPassengersX.
-No previous version of FsPX 2008 detected.
-AppCompatFlags checked OK
-Start of file copy...
-Extracting file to: C:\Users\Public\Documents\FsPassengers
-Ok: all files extracted correctly
-Attempting to find dll.xml file
-Getting FsX.exe version
-FsX.exe version: 10.0.62615
-fsx.cfg found in C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\fsx.cfg
-dll.xml found in C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\dll.xml
-Writting FsPassengers addon in dll.xml
-Start of dll.xml parsing----------------------------
-dll.xml, Nbr of addons found: 2
-dll.xml : ' as_connect' Xml ok.
-dll.xml : ' CMeteoXml' Xml ok.
-dll.xml written ok
-End of dll.xml parsing----------------------------
-Emptying old installation of FsPassengers into FsX's folder and/or creating new FsPassengers folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\FsPassengers
-Copying FsPassengers files into FSX's folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\FsPassengers
-Attempting to write Config file 'FsPassengers\bin\FsXPath.cfg'
-Config file 'FsPassengers\bin\FsXPath.cfg' written ok
-Creating shortcut in start menu...
-Number of files not replaced by update (to keep user's modification): 585
-Checking and updating more_option.cfg
-No update required for file more_option.cfg
-Checking and updating money_currency.cfg
-No update required for file money_currency.cfg
-Writting FsPassengers's windows in missionpanel.cfg
-missionpanel.cfg - ok
-Adding uninstall key to registry
-Uninstall key added to registry
-Checking if simconnect and all library are installed
-FsPassengersX.dll loaded fine - simconnect and library ok
-Install completed with success
-Writting this log in FsPassengers folder...
for years my FSP has worked flawlessly but now it is unusable. what happens is it will open but when i try to start a flight the green bar that shows aircraft fuel is not there, and the sliders for loading passengers/freight does not work, you can drag it to the right but then it goes right back to the left with 0 passengers loaded. all buttons appear selectable but the only one that works is "OK - Load Immediately" but no flight starts as there are no passengers or freight. the same thing happens in the "company manager" section, i can see company aircraft but the only 2 working options on that page are viewing aircraft and quitting the manager. the other buttons can be selected but the screen never changes from the company aircraft view. I am running windows 10 with all the updates. This happened several weeks ago and I tried uninstalling/reinstalling FSP using every imaginable combination of compatibility and run as administrator or not. I was able to get it working once installing without any compatibility selected, but it only worked for a few days and then back to the same issue and now it doesn't matter how many times i uninstall/reinstall or what compatibility i select the same issue is always there now. system is Windows 10 64 bit, Intel core I5, 8 gb ram, 1 tb hard drive, nvidia geforce GTX 1050 Ti.0 graphics. Any suggestions appreciated, thanks
Recently I have been receiving requests from forum members to delete their accounts. For the record, I do not
have authority to delete accounts. Dan will have to do this. Please message Dan on all account deletion requests.
Just purchased FsP and also having the crash issues prople are experiencing, randomly. So one way round it or so i thought was to regularly save my flight and then go back to most recent save after each crash. But i notice when i reload a save in FSX it does not in fact incorporate FsP into the flight ie when landed there are no passengers onboard.
Is there a way of saving my FsP flight so as to not loose the FsP progress when o reload?
I went to KLAS and got to the gate, passengers of in 5 mins and then when i press fspassenger and put my cursor over end flight my game crashed and didn't record anyone of the around 2 hour flight is there anything i can do to prevent crashing and/or to get the flight registered?
Hello guys.
I recently bought FsPassengers.
I use FSX Steam Edition and an error that seems recurring with FsP always happens. Usually the second time I open FSX the famous Third Party program bug happens ...
I have read several forums and no one seems to have a solution.
Can anyone here please help me by giving me a direction to follow and solve?
Hi, I live in Brazil and I want to buy FsPassengers for FSX steam edition. I would like to know how I receive the product (key?) And how long it takes on average for me to receive it.
Hello everyone
Firstly, I apologize for my English.
I'm from Brazil and recently bought FSX Steam Edition and would like to know if FsPassenger works in the simulator. My platform is Windows 10. I previously tried to contact DAN but almost a week ago and got no response. Maybe he is too busy.
If anyone can help I am grateful.