Hello good morning, 3 days ago I bought the game from simmarket, and I can't activate it. I saw a post that I had to send an email to Dan, I'm already sending two e-mails and I haven't answers. Can you help me, please?
-FsPassengers setup ver. Jan 23 2016 started: 12.04.2020 - 15:40
-Search if FsX is running
-Please exit Fsx before install
-Flight simulator X is running, you must shutdown it before installing FsPassengersx.
I bought fspassengers some time ago from the flight sim store and now I can't redeem my serial. I can provide transaction info to the author.
Thanks for any help
Hello lads,I've just got Fspassenger for fsx se, I'm experencieng continuous plane crashes during cruising for "unknown reasons".
The only addon I have is active sky,I disabled all failures (in the cfg file too),but without succeding.
I'm a bit disappointed it looks like I can't finish a flight (no problems without the addon).
anyone can help? thanks
So, I made the move from a perfectly working FSX/Win7 setup to Win10. I knew there might be issues....and there are with my GoFlight stuff, but, on the whole, nearly all addon are working great again.
I tried to reinstall FSPaX which I have been using since 2009 and it gives real meaning and context to a flight. Low and behold my code has been blocked. Why has this happened? I have sent an email to Dan, but, by the looks of things, the response time is lacking. With any software I use, customer support is the most important factor in development ( our purchases pay the developer's salaries ).
So far this has not been resolved. Why are legitimate, legal and paying customers treated like they are illegal software pirates? There need to be better systems in place to resolve block code issues.
For a few days now I've had a issue with the Cessna 208 caravan from carenado for fs2004. I've noticed when I'm taxing the plane bounces and I mean bounces, I bought this addon from simmarket not the the makers them selves. I've searched Google for answers and read something about a patch now i cant find this patch on the software's webpage, I understand its a few years old, but maybe the update is already included in the software but after reading more into this annoying issue maybe its not.
If anyone could help me with this maybe this is a long shot to ask on here not sure if its worth it but I'm giving it a try i have this on windows xp 32bit fs2004, if anybody does have the same version as me maybe on the same operating system would it be possible to send a copy of the aircraft.cfg if I'm allowed to ask this.
Thankyou very much if anybody could help I do like this plane i dont whant to think that i can't use it, I do use this for fspassengers.
kind regards to all and thanks for letting me apart of this forum .
Hello to all im haveing a problem with the payload model for the carendo 208 caravan Ive been OK with other payload for my other aircraft never had any trouble. But im now having trouble with this one, im installing them correctly but its still not working, if anybody could suggest what is going wrong or any other problems that be welcome. Many thanks and regards. Sorry if the letters are big.
Just asking over here just in case, I have just sent an email to Dan as requested in order to unblock a license. However, since I know Dan is not in great shape so I am wondering whether he is unblocking serials. I just downloaded FSX on steam and I felt liker starting a new career in FSX since we are all stuck at home.