With all due respect, I cordially piss you off. In no way can you give up on all those people who have bought your software without answers all this time, even if you have problems and from what I understand, which are very serious.
I haven't been able to use fspassengers since I bought it and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
I'll be polite at the end, but I don't think so.
I wrote to Dan to reactivate my old FSP code, but haven't got any reply. So I am moving past that and have decided to buy a new license key. But before I do, I would like to know: when I buy the license on simmarket, will ir be usable immediately or do I still need for a human intervention somewhere to activate it/make it work... ?
Hello, this has been a question for me a while, because I use active sky, and as of today (several minutes ago), I was doing a flight between Amsterdam and Eindhoven, and there was a lot of turbulence and thunderstorms, yet I got the G forces and the 57 kts over 250 under FL100 penalites while I had speedbrakes on and there was heavy turbulence and I got more than -6 love for the airline (or somehwere of that line, but cancelled the flight anyway), not my fault, also about the "too early" issue, I also get this as a penalty thas passengers get annoyed with it, yet I use the Estimated Block to block time of simbrief which I generated the flight plan. Can this be fixed?
I've just done a new installation of FS9 on a new PC and I've also installed the latest version of FSPax, dated 2011-01-07. Now FSP is giving me problems when I want to load a plane and start a flight: in short, it's either freezing the sim while I'm managing the fuel or crashing the sim. It even froze when I entered my purchase key.
I've uninstalled it and reinstalled it three times and it's still the same.
Another milestone for me...15 yrs as an active member of the FsP forums. Although nothing is happening with FsP, it's made my job much easier
At any rate, just thought I would share...over and out!
Not that many people will read this, but I just realized that I have been in professional aviation for 27 years this month. I haven't thought about it much lately and then it hit me. It's the same amount of time I've been with the same air cargo carrier : I've been lucky, I've been blessed. Carry on!
Hi everyone,
I want to know if there is any possibilitie to take in charge the A32X of FSLabs by FSPassenger who (to my mind) is now a reference in the A320 family for FSX & P3D.
Thank you to every people who take time to answer.
hello (google trafuction)
I bought fspassenger a while ago and now I have taken over fsx
the problem is that I also changed the disk to ssd
I have the passenger files but no idea of the license
in addition my email address is not recognized anywhere
I do not know if the license is stashed in a fire pit but following the new install it asks me for the license (I have copied the old company files, a plane breaks tec
so it's messed up for me?
thank you
I've tried different AC and no roll sound in those either.
I'm using W7. Log posted.
FsPassengers X ver. Apr 15 2015
LOG started 26.02.2021 - 15:11
Start of FsPassengersX.dll
Selected Language:English
keyboard.ini file loaded key read= 26
Getting FsX version
FsX version returned: 10.0.61637
FsX version OK: SP2/Acceleration
Fsx path: D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X
FsP path: C:\Users\Public\Documents
Loading config file
Nbr of currency found in file: 7
Selected currency:Dollars
Nbr of inflation data found 113
Config file saved
Start Init Failures
End Init Failures OK. Nbr of failures: 40
searching music collection
Music found: 8
Module and mem Listing. Please report those in case of CTD >>>:
bin\nodump.txt found, no module and memory listing
End of module listing
All init completed ok - run addon
SimConnect_Open - OK
SimConnect_CallDispatch - OK
End of initialisation - OK
AircraftType 0
AircraftBrandNewPrice 293150
Price 293150
Hours 10.74000
DegradationRate 0.79346
State 1000.00000
Gps release
Detect parking brakes available:
Parking brakes available
Detect parking brakes available:
Parking brakes available
Check FsPassengersX Update is deactivated
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
payload count 7
Payload ini> search loadmodel for: Cessna 206 PWV1
Payload ini> No model found. Loading default
payload count 7
Payload ini> loading defaut 4-10 seat model Nbr= 5
Payload ini> Loaded: defaut4-10seat.ini
payload count 7
Payload ini> Zero Cg Pos found: 1.00000
original CGPos= 0.33550
payload count 7
Payload ini> search passenger lon: -78.71 lat:38.65 maxpass: 4
Payload ini> zone nbr: 0 use zone list name (self-1): 0 passengers found 5
Detect parking brakes available:
Parking brakes available
Check FsPassengersX Update is deactivated
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
payload count 7
Payload ini> search loadmodel for: Cessna 206 PWV1
Payload ini> Loading : 206
Payload ini> Loaded: 206.ini
payload count 7
Payload ini> Zero Cg Pos found: 1.00000
original CGPos= 0.33550
payload count 7
Payload ini> search passenger lon: -78.71 lat:38.66 maxpass: 7
Payload ini> zone nbr: 0 use zone list name (self-1): 0 passengers found 7
payload count 7
payload count 7
payload count 7
payload count 7
Fixed gear aircraft, force belly landing disabled
ATC Aircraft MTOW is: 3600.00000
Current flight number:
changed to: DEM23
Heavy flag not set
Starting FsPassengers adventure
Total Percentage of failure= 0
Function ForceCrashAndCollideFlag
Function ForceCrashAndCollideFlag end
Loading Crew sound from user chosen directory Sound/CrewPack\Default\
Loading crew text, default voice pack used
Disabled penalty flag 6144
Call function GAFFA4645
END function GAFFA4645 found: 48
Call function RAFF43587
End function RAFF43587
Detect parking brakes available:
Parking brakes available
Movies_choices.cfg loaded movies availables: 6
Config file saved
Pausing FsPassengers adventure
UnPausing FsPassengers adventure
Gps release
Ending FsPassengers adventure
Call function RAFF234GF
End function RAFF234GF
CALC-> START of aircraft degradation---------------------------------------
CALC->AircraftDecradationRate[AircraftIndex]= 0.79346
CALC->Totalhours= 0.62139
CALC->Totaldegradation rate= 0.70217
CALC->Penality_RollOnWrongSurfaceDeparture rate= 0.00000
CALC->Penality_RollOnWrongSurfaceArrival rate= 0.00000
CALC->Penality_UsedParkingBrakeWithSpeed rate= 0.00000
CALC->Penality_MadeBellyLandingSpeed rate= 0.00000
CALC->CrashValueToAddToRate= 0.00000
CALC-> END---------------------------------------
Flight made, new oil market price calculated
Config file saved
End of FsPassengersX.dll
Deleting Failures
DirectSoundDeinit-> Success
Config file saved
SimConnect_Close - OK