I just purchased a ButtKicker Gamer Plus and the BK’s native software only supports a handful of sims.
Does the Passenger software support other games? I want to play Horizon Zero Dawn with the immersion of vibration.
Hello, I would like to comment on a bug that I have when I activate FSP on the PMG B738.
After takeoff, when raising the landing gear, the light system indicates the two colors (green and red) indicating that the landing gear is deployed and stored at the same time. In addition, the altimeter and the PFD freeze, it takes time to engage the autopilot. Although everything else works, it's like flying blind.
If this has happened to someone and they were able to fix it, I would be very grateful. Greetings
Devido à ausência de Dan, por que até hoje algum desenvolvedor em comum acordo com o proprietário não aceitou este projeto para continuar? É uma pena que um trabalho como este termine assim. Até agora eu não vi nenhum outro programa que chegue perto de fspassengers. Seria um grande sucesso alguém continuar esse trabalho para o Prepar3D v4 e V5 e, claro, para o Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.
Hello i had purchased wrong version of Fs passengers of Prepar3d today of order no 2944256 at Simmarket, i had wanted to purchase Fs passengers 2015 X fof FSX.
Can u kindly replace it for me, im so sorry please.
Hello everyone.
Excuse me for asking about this here, but it looks like there are no other options left.
I am from Orbiter community and for more than half a year there has been no news from Dan aka DanSteph (According to records from his Orbiter forum: "Last Active:11 June 2021, 12:22:46"), which led me to wonder if Dan is still alive (however, this question concerns your community as well).
Is there anyone on this forum who has personal communication with Dan?
Those who at one time, for various reasons, wrote to him by e-mail (which is dan@fspassengers.com) - did you receive an answer later?
Of course, I know perfectly well that each of us may have different life situations, but the ongoing pandemic and more than six months of complete uncertainty make me assume the worst...
Thanks in advance.
I'm sorry if this question's been asked before, but I'm having a hard time finding an answer on Google. I'm using FSPassenger, and would like to be able to connect the "Fasten Seat Belt" switch on the Overhead Panel of my B737-300 aircraft to FSPassenger. So that way, all I have to do is flip the switch and FSPassenger will then "turn on" the "seat belts on".
I have just discovered FSP, using it with FS2004. I should like clarification on the Overspeed Penalty criteria. (I have done a search and while this seems to cause quite a bit of grief, I remain unconvinced by some of the offered ideas. Note: I do know that one can turn it off in the more options .cfg .)
Vne = "Barber pole" = "Red line" = "Never Exceed" is an INDICATE airspeed. The a/c I have been using (Flight1 Cessna Conquest) correctly models a decrease in Vne IAS with increasing altitude. The aircraft.cfg speed section states the following:
The first can't be both "indicated" and "knots true" can it?!!
I consistently get these penalties when flying nowhere near Vne (INDICATED!!!)
A recent effort had the following parameters:
IAS = 180kts
This gives @ TAS of 296kts and MACH .489
Question: What speed, found from where, does FSP use to assign these penalties? If FSP is erroneously using max_indicated_speed not infact as the INDICATED speed but as True Airspeed then in my recent flight the 296kts TAS was well over 245kts clearly. But still substantially below max_mach of 0.55. The primary source of air speed information for pilots to ascertain if they are in danger of exceeding Vne is always going to be the barber pole. FSP should not be dishing out a penalty if staying clear of it! Right......?
PS: No issues in this instance of lack of wind smoothing or something....