23-08-2005, 12:05 AM
Hi all,
got a quick question,
just setup the profile and stuff of the pmdg 744, when i read more info on passengers waiting to board it says u have 274 but the aircraft
can take a maximum of 364 or whatever it is passengers..
Thing is when im in the loading screen for them after clicking ok, when u load the 274 passengers that are waiting with the sliders to the
right, u have to load the sliders all maximum to get all 274 onboard ? that dont seem right or is it ? or does it say right you having this
many vip this many economy etc and u have to load them all to empty the gate of passengers?
can someone please enlighten me a little on this ,
thanks in advance,
got a quick question,
just setup the profile and stuff of the pmdg 744, when i read more info on passengers waiting to board it says u have 274 but the aircraft
can take a maximum of 364 or whatever it is passengers..
Thing is when im in the loading screen for them after clicking ok, when u load the 274 passengers that are waiting with the sliders to the
right, u have to load the sliders all maximum to get all 274 onboard ? that dont seem right or is it ? or does it say right you having this
many vip this many economy etc and u have to load them all to empty the gate of passengers?
can someone please enlighten me a little on this ,
thanks in advance,