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Passenger loading PMDG 744 - please answer - Printable Version

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Passenger loading PMDG 744 - please answer - noodles - 23-08-2005

Hi all,

got a quick question,

just setup the profile and stuff of the pmdg 744, when i read more info on passengers waiting to board it says u have 274 but the aircraft
can take a maximum of 364 or whatever it is passengers..

Thing is when im in the loading screen for them after clicking ok, when u load the 274 passengers that are waiting with the sliders to the
right, u have to load the sliders all maximum to get all 274 onboard ? that dont seem right or is it ? or does it say right you having this
many vip this many economy etc and u have to load them all to empty the gate of passengers?

can someone please enlighten me a little on this ,

thanks in advance,


Re: Passenger loading PMDG 744 - please answer - JayKae - 23-08-2005

To get all passengers on board you have to slide them to the utmost right... keep in mind that it is ALWAYS advisable with the Queen to
first do you fuel setup with the PMDG loader and then when you get to the FsP interface to NOT touch .. I repeat NOT TOUCH the fuel
settings. That way FsP will not adjust the settings that you have so carefully put into the PMDG loader.

Hope it helps

Re: Passenger loading PMDG 744 - please answer - noodles - 23-08-2005

Yeah thats all good and well, but im afraid i dont ever load fuel before i know what weights ill be dealing with. otherwise there is no way u
can load the correct fuel for your flight.... im also not sure the aircrafts weight is correct in that 744 specific payload model... im sure its
lower than it showed ? if i recall it showed 394,000 or something, when i thought the pmdg 744 is 382,000 or so.

anyway cant be sure as im not looking at it all right now.

cheers about the passenger loading,

p.s does it ever load like 2 vip ? instead of max seating for it ? that goes for other classes too... if not that would seem a bit strange that it
is always getting full bookings for the smaller compartments..


Re: Passenger loading PMDG 744 - please answer - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

I'm not sure I understand your last P.S. question, however I'll answer it the way I understand it: You can drag the amount of PAX you want
in each section (or class). This way, you can have maxed out business and first class, and only half a load in economy class (or the
other way around).

I hope this answered your question... if not, be a little more descriptive.

Re: Passenger loading PMDG 744 - please answer - noodles - 23-08-2005

ok well it says 274 passengers waiting for boarding right ? ok so ---- to get them all on u have to slide the sliders fully across. to fill up the
seating there.. i was just wondering if its always like that way modeld?
if i get a flight saying 300 passengers will i have to slide all the sliders again to the end to get them all in? is it done this way ?
maybe im just seeing it as a strange way of loading. pax ? to me id say ok 274 passengers to load, and then slide the sliders to acheive
this number by varying what classes i wish to have filling up ?

or is the passenger list pre defined saying there is so many of this class etc on board and ull have to slide the sliders all the way across
to get this acheived?

thanks hope that is a bit better for u :P

heck it confused the hell outta me anyhow Smile

Re: Passenger loading PMDG 744 - please answer - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

You can drag as many PAX as you want (and as can fit) into each class of seating. If you have 300 PAX available at the gate, you can load
just 1 if you'd like, or all 300. You can also spread them out in various classes. I can't make it any more clear than this. Hope it helps.

Re: Passenger loading PMDG 744 - please answer - noodles - 23-08-2005

Yup i understand that thanks, but if they are at the gate why wouldnt you take all of them ? id be a bit p*ssed if i was left at the gate
because the captain decided he only wants so many sitting at economy class or something. when he could of fitted more than was
available at the gate anyway..



Re: Passenger loading PMDG 744 - please answer - Samuel - 23-08-2005


Re: Passenger loading PMDG 744 - please answer - noodles - 23-08-2005

I guess you got my point samuel :P

Re: Passenger loading PMDG 744 - please answer - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

Quote:noodles wrote:
Yup i understand that thanks, but if they are at the gate why wouldnt you take all of them ? id be a bit p*ssed if i was left at the gate
because the captain decided he only wants so many sitting at economy class or something. when he could of fitted more than was
available at the gate anyway..



You see, this is a simulator. lol. PAX waiting at the gate simply means "available passengers". FSP doesn't include any randomizing of
the PAX number (if your company reputation is near 100%, you'll have near a full load everywhere... especially at the airports you fly to a
lot). Sometimes, in order to be realistic, you want say 120 people on such a large aircraft. Other times, you may want 200, or 300, etc.
The numbers will remain pretty static in FSP once you've reached a certain point. Not every flight is a full load, and with setting the
amount of PAX on board, you get to simulate this.

You're not "leaving" them at the gate. You're simply fine tuning the number on-board.

Hope this makes it a little more clear for you.

Re: Passenger loading PMDG 744 - please answer - noodles - 23-08-2005

Yeah i understand this thanks alot much better .... althouuuughhhhhh :P hehehe u knew this was coming huh..

wouldnt it be better to have it random and u can move the sliders ? just to simulate that not everyone flys everywhere all the time ?

anyhow great stuff, its been fun pulling ur leg a bit, and im just learning to read into ur sense of humor Wink

just read ur tag Smile good stuff --- hornet huh Wink


Re: Passenger loading PMDG 744 - please answer - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

Quote:noodles wrote:

just read ur tag Smile good stuff --- hornet huh Wink


What do you mean by this? I don't find anything funny in my signature. Is something wrong with it?

Sure, randomizing the passenger load would be neat, but the way it's modeled now is even better. You can randomize it on your own! If
you want a full load, and you have 100% PAX waiting at the gate, you can get a full load. If you have 100% PAX waiting at the gate, and
only want 40% of them on board, you can do that to. Customization is the key!

Re: Passenger loading PMDG 744 - please answer - Jetflyer - 24-08-2005

My reputation is 96% but I consistently get 65% passenger loads really.