24-07-2005, 11:09 PM
Sorry if this topic has been brought up before but I found nothing in a search but I could well be searching for the wrong thing to start with. Anyway
my question is regarding the .ini files of payware aircraft such as the Level-D 767 and the PSS A330/A340 and others for the payloader of FsP. Where
do we get these .ini files? so as when we load these aircraft when we start-up FsP, it'll have the same weight and PAX's as we selected in the load
editor of the payware aircraft.
my question is regarding the .ini files of payware aircraft such as the Level-D 767 and the PSS A330/A340 and others for the payloader of FsP. Where
do we get these .ini files? so as when we load these aircraft when we start-up FsP, it'll have the same weight and PAX's as we selected in the load
editor of the payware aircraft.