23-07-2006, 10:19 AM
How about more weather related operations, Like the need for at-the-gate de-icing, which you would have to pay for, and plan time for, it could happen
concurrently with passenger boarding. If you request de-icing when you don't need it, you still pay for it, plus a small fine. If you don't prompt it,
and you face icing conditions, control surface failures could result. a stuck flap, lost trim responce, or non-responsive rudder come to mind. And on
that note.... How about Pitot failure/freeze up if you don't have heat on below, say 7-10* c. Turning heat on would fix problem after 3-5mins, but you
would face a penalty. Just a thought from a rookie. Love the program though- Brilliant!
concurrently with passenger boarding. If you request de-icing when you don't need it, you still pay for it, plus a small fine. If you don't prompt it,
and you face icing conditions, control surface failures could result. a stuck flap, lost trim responce, or non-responsive rudder come to mind. And on
that note.... How about Pitot failure/freeze up if you don't have heat on below, say 7-10* c. Turning heat on would fix problem after 3-5mins, but you
would face a penalty. Just a thought from a rookie. Love the program though- Brilliant!
Audentes fortuna juvat - "Fortune Favors the Bold"