24-08-2005, 09:49 PM
OK so this question is also for those programming the excellent FsP program but anyway, I am scepticle of the system of bonus points for smooth
landings, since really isn't a good landing not necessarily smooth, but a landing that touches down in the right part of the runway?
The aiming point bars at 1000ft down the runway fromthe threshold should be aimed for and a good landing in my mind is one that comes as near to this
point as possible. For example, consider the air france A340 that crashed at toronto, it landed on the runway having overflown the entire touchdown
zone, extending down 3,000ft of the runway, yet still did a "greaser" or very smooth landing. So on FSP, you would get bonus points for the landing,
even though it overshot the whole touchdown zone.
Also, on that point, (for SWAFO/SWACAP) is that when I aim for the aiming point bars I can land the plane on them yet it is a much harder landing,
say, than if I flare out the plane to the maxed and grease it down the runway, doing the latter I don't touch down until I hit at least 2000-3000ft of
runway, which is a waste of runway. So how do I do an ultra smooth landing, which can also get me in the correct point of the runway without flying
rediculously below the glideslope on approach? May sound a bit pedantic but I'd appreciate some tips anyway!
Post Edited ( 08-24-05 22:53 )
landings, since really isn't a good landing not necessarily smooth, but a landing that touches down in the right part of the runway?
The aiming point bars at 1000ft down the runway fromthe threshold should be aimed for and a good landing in my mind is one that comes as near to this
point as possible. For example, consider the air france A340 that crashed at toronto, it landed on the runway having overflown the entire touchdown
zone, extending down 3,000ft of the runway, yet still did a "greaser" or very smooth landing. So on FSP, you would get bonus points for the landing,
even though it overshot the whole touchdown zone.
Also, on that point, (for SWAFO/SWACAP) is that when I aim for the aiming point bars I can land the plane on them yet it is a much harder landing,
say, than if I flare out the plane to the maxed and grease it down the runway, doing the latter I don't touch down until I hit at least 2000-3000ft of
runway, which is a waste of runway. So how do I do an ultra smooth landing, which can also get me in the correct point of the runway without flying
rediculously below the glideslope on approach? May sound a bit pedantic but I'd appreciate some tips anyway!
Post Edited ( 08-24-05 22:53 )