21-07-2005, 04:09 PM
I broke down and read all the messages. Let me clarify the real world use of ALL external aircraft lights (at least on the 737). From left to right
(based on appearance on the overhead panel):
Landing Lights: Well, you've got two types of landing lights to worry about in real life. In the sim, luckily there's only one. I'll cover the real
world use though. The two types of landing lights are 1)Fixed, Inboard Landing lights, and 2)Retractable, Outboard landing lights.
Normally, the fixed LL are always used during takeoff and landing, and during climb and descent below FL180 (at least with SWA). The
Retractable LL are used at the pilots discretion, and most pilots use them only at night. However, I'll normally flip all 4 landing lights on at
once (using the large gang bar above the LL switches)... it's just easier for me. This is also how they'd be used in the sim, as I don't think
you have individual LL control. Landing lights are always switched off when exiting the runway after landing.
Runway Turnoff Lights: The use of these is again at the pilots discretion, however I'll use them the same way as landing lights (with
regards to when they're turned on and off), but only at night... too much illumination for the day.
Taxi Light: Normally, this is first switched on after the pusback truck is disconnected, and the after start checklist is complete. This is
also the time when we'll switch ignition systems (if required), and request taxi clearance, however that's a topic for a different day. The
use of taxi lights is at the pilots discretion as well, however their use is highly encouraged ANY TIME WHILE MOVING ABOUT THE
TAXIWAY. I'll keep them on until the after takeoff checklist is complete, and turn them on again in the descent when I'm passing FL180.
You'll have some pilots that will flip them on and off when entering and exiting the runway (at the appropriate phases of flight). For me, it's
easier to turn on all the required lights for landing and taxiing to the gate when I'm passing FL180, and easier to turn off the taxi light after
takeoff. Normally, after landing we'll keep the taxi light on until we're in the gate safety zone.
Logo Lights: Ahh, my favorite, easy to use set of lights. These are switched on for all operations below FL180 during night-time hours.
Isn't that one easy?
Navigation (or Position) Lights: These are even easier to use than the logo lights if you can believe it! These are ALWAYS on! NEVER
OFF (except when completing a terminating flight)!
Strobe Lights: These are turned on when cleared for takeoff, and off when exiting the runway after landing. Another very easy to use set
of lights.
Anti-Collision (beacons) Lights: These lights are on ANYTIME at least one engine is running. They'll be flipped on during the before start
checklist prior to pushback just so the ground crew knows we are about to start the engine(s). We'll flip them off when both fuel cutoff
switches have been placed in the CUTOFF position.
Wing Lights: These are the rarest lights to be used, and their only use is checking the leading edge slat/flap configuration at night, or
checking for wing icing at night or in low visibilty conditions. Quite simple to use, and don't really have a use in the sim.
Also, alot of the earlier 737's have a wheel well inspection light switch that is on the overhead panel. The newer models have this switch
in the wheel well, as there really isn't a time when the captain needs to switch it on for the ground crew (they're quite capable).
Hope this message helps. Let me know if you'd like to know the position of each light, and what they look like/what color they are, or the use of the internal lighting. lol.
Post Edited ( 07-21-05 17:11 )
(based on appearance on the overhead panel):
Landing Lights: Well, you've got two types of landing lights to worry about in real life. In the sim, luckily there's only one. I'll cover the real
world use though. The two types of landing lights are 1)Fixed, Inboard Landing lights, and 2)Retractable, Outboard landing lights.
Normally, the fixed LL are always used during takeoff and landing, and during climb and descent below FL180 (at least with SWA). The
Retractable LL are used at the pilots discretion, and most pilots use them only at night. However, I'll normally flip all 4 landing lights on at
once (using the large gang bar above the LL switches)... it's just easier for me. This is also how they'd be used in the sim, as I don't think
you have individual LL control. Landing lights are always switched off when exiting the runway after landing.
Runway Turnoff Lights: The use of these is again at the pilots discretion, however I'll use them the same way as landing lights (with
regards to when they're turned on and off), but only at night... too much illumination for the day.
Taxi Light: Normally, this is first switched on after the pusback truck is disconnected, and the after start checklist is complete. This is
also the time when we'll switch ignition systems (if required), and request taxi clearance, however that's a topic for a different day. The
use of taxi lights is at the pilots discretion as well, however their use is highly encouraged ANY TIME WHILE MOVING ABOUT THE
TAXIWAY. I'll keep them on until the after takeoff checklist is complete, and turn them on again in the descent when I'm passing FL180.
You'll have some pilots that will flip them on and off when entering and exiting the runway (at the appropriate phases of flight). For me, it's
easier to turn on all the required lights for landing and taxiing to the gate when I'm passing FL180, and easier to turn off the taxi light after
takeoff. Normally, after landing we'll keep the taxi light on until we're in the gate safety zone.
Logo Lights: Ahh, my favorite, easy to use set of lights. These are switched on for all operations below FL180 during night-time hours.
Isn't that one easy?
Navigation (or Position) Lights: These are even easier to use than the logo lights if you can believe it! These are ALWAYS on! NEVER
OFF (except when completing a terminating flight)!
Strobe Lights: These are turned on when cleared for takeoff, and off when exiting the runway after landing. Another very easy to use set
of lights.
Anti-Collision (beacons) Lights: These lights are on ANYTIME at least one engine is running. They'll be flipped on during the before start
checklist prior to pushback just so the ground crew knows we are about to start the engine(s). We'll flip them off when both fuel cutoff
switches have been placed in the CUTOFF position.
Wing Lights: These are the rarest lights to be used, and their only use is checking the leading edge slat/flap configuration at night, or
checking for wing icing at night or in low visibilty conditions. Quite simple to use, and don't really have a use in the sim.
Also, alot of the earlier 737's have a wheel well inspection light switch that is on the overhead panel. The newer models have this switch
in the wheel well, as there really isn't a time when the captain needs to switch it on for the ground crew (they're quite capable).
Hope this message helps. Let me know if you'd like to know the position of each light, and what they look like/what color they are, or the use of the internal lighting. lol.
Post Edited ( 07-21-05 17:11 )