28-10-2007, 08:07 AM
Hey Guys.
I haven’t been flying Flight Sim as much as I’d like to lately.
So I got rid of my old company (flying only Air Canada planes, and routes was holding me back)
And made a new one: World Trans-Link - “Flying any route with any aircraft”
So here is how I am starting it off,
A Trip to Australia, a place that (other then the World Tour) I have never flown to in FS.
Some of you may remember when I made a ‘Hawaiian Tour’ thread awhile back, this is going to be pretty much the same, but with Australia.
All shots are Unedited except adding black bars ect , As I can only use Photoshop at my aunt house, I have a photo editing program that came
with my old camera, but it only changes colour, and red eye removal
So Lets begin:
This morning I had to get up early, my flight was a 7:23am.
Rushing out the door with my cereal bar in hand, I made it to the local airport 30minutes before departure.
My first flight was to Vancouver, from there I would take the longest flight in my life, to Sydney, Australia.
Climbing down the stairs to the tarmac below, I managed to take my first shot.
Sitting there was a new beautiful Dash 8-100, ready to take me to my first destination.
![[Image: fsscr035xt5.jpg]](http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/4108/fsscr035xt5.jpg)
It took us about half of an hour to get all settled down, we were now ready for take off.
I made sure I sat right near the engine so I could hear the wonderful hum they produced.
![[Image: fsscr000vt5.jpg]](http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/5020/fsscr000vt5.jpg)
Woot!, finally we were off, this was to be a short flight, Vancouver was only 35 km’s away, but none the less this was the beginning of a great and
sure to be amazing few weeks to come.
![[Image: fsscr012wr3.jpg]](http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1418/fsscr012wr3.jpg)
Sitting on the plane I starting thinking of all the places I wanted to visit, from the commercials I have been watching Australia seemed to be a
beautiful place to go, great wildlife and scenic places....Not to mention hearing those accents.
As I thought, I couldn’t help but look at the sparkling water below me either.
![[Image: fsscr013vj4.jpg]](http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/2617/fsscr013vj4.jpg)
We were already starting to descend into Vancouver. Seeing the big Jumbo’s take to the sky’s
I started to get even more excited knowing that, that will be me in only a few hours.
Touching down, what a great pilot we had for this flight, the landing was absolutely amazing
![[Image: fsscr013sm6.jpg]](http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/8508/fsscr013sm6.jpg)
Saying goodbye to the people I met on the plane, I was off to check in for the next flight.
I gave my luggage to the lady at the Qantas check-in centre, who after I told what I was doing, was surprised at the little amount of luggage I had.
Nah, it’s enough to get me by; I said, I was planning on buying a few clothes while I was down under, anyway.
But I do hope I can find me a few hotels with laundry mats, I don’t want to make a bad impression on the Australian girls..
I had to wait 2 ½ hours until boarding, so I tried to find the nearest magazine shop.
I knew needed a fair amount of reading material to last me through the 15 hour flight.
After I did all my pre-flight preparing I heard the announcement over the PA system.
Boarding was about to start in 10minutes.
So I mosied on my way to the international terminal.
There it was, on my ticket she was listed as Boeing 747-400ER so I assumed that was her name. Crikey! What an amazing paint job! I
shouted, as the fellow passengers gave me the stare.
![[Image: fsscr002kp7.jpg]](http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/6091/fsscr002kp7.jpg)
Looking out the terminal window I really appreciated the size of this beast.
I see why it can take us all the way to Australia!
As always, I made sure I had a window seat for the flight, while taxiing I was amazed at how high off the ground we were.
Waiting for departure, we found ourselves waiting behind a few aircraft, but what else would you expect.
![[Image: fsscr013lu7.jpg]](http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/5503/fsscr013lu7.jpg)
At last we are off. Time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight.
I took one last look at the airport as we began to climb; from now on only water ahead.
![[Image: fsscr036zg0.jpg]](http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/1972/fsscr036zg0.jpg)
We have made it far from the land, and just reaching are cruising altitude of 35,500ft.
At this point I began to read my first magazine...
![[Image: fsscr038mo8.jpg]](http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/4920/fsscr038mo8.jpg)
After eating lunch and dinner, it was starting to get late out. The sun was starting to set, as we kept on going over the ocean.
![[Image: fsscr040os6.jpg]](http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/4007/fsscr040os6.jpg)
Finally it was time to land.
After 15 hours we were on the ground again. I couldn’t wait to get a hotel room where I could sleep comfortably.
![[Image: fsscr044hk1.jpg]](http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/7244/fsscr044hk1.jpg)
After landing was clearing customs, it wasn’t as bad as I thought, though I was too tired to really pay attention.
Next was booking a hotel room, I really didn’t care about the quality I was so tired I could sleep anywhere at any price.
After signaling a cab, I made it to my temporary room.
Now, it is time to sleep in for a few hours, and see what tomorrow has in store....
I haven’t been flying Flight Sim as much as I’d like to lately.
So I got rid of my old company (flying only Air Canada planes, and routes was holding me back)
And made a new one: World Trans-Link - “Flying any route with any aircraft”
So here is how I am starting it off,
A Trip to Australia, a place that (other then the World Tour) I have never flown to in FS.
Some of you may remember when I made a ‘Hawaiian Tour’ thread awhile back, this is going to be pretty much the same, but with Australia.

All shots are Unedited except adding black bars ect , As I can only use Photoshop at my aunt house, I have a photo editing program that came
with my old camera, but it only changes colour, and red eye removal

So Lets begin:

This morning I had to get up early, my flight was a 7:23am.
Rushing out the door with my cereal bar in hand, I made it to the local airport 30minutes before departure.
My first flight was to Vancouver, from there I would take the longest flight in my life, to Sydney, Australia.
Climbing down the stairs to the tarmac below, I managed to take my first shot.
Sitting there was a new beautiful Dash 8-100, ready to take me to my first destination.
![[Image: fsscr035xt5.jpg]](http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/4108/fsscr035xt5.jpg)
It took us about half of an hour to get all settled down, we were now ready for take off.
I made sure I sat right near the engine so I could hear the wonderful hum they produced.
![[Image: fsscr000vt5.jpg]](http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/5020/fsscr000vt5.jpg)
Woot!, finally we were off, this was to be a short flight, Vancouver was only 35 km’s away, but none the less this was the beginning of a great and
sure to be amazing few weeks to come.
![[Image: fsscr012wr3.jpg]](http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1418/fsscr012wr3.jpg)
Sitting on the plane I starting thinking of all the places I wanted to visit, from the commercials I have been watching Australia seemed to be a
beautiful place to go, great wildlife and scenic places....Not to mention hearing those accents.
As I thought, I couldn’t help but look at the sparkling water below me either.
![[Image: fsscr013vj4.jpg]](http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/2617/fsscr013vj4.jpg)
We were already starting to descend into Vancouver. Seeing the big Jumbo’s take to the sky’s
I started to get even more excited knowing that, that will be me in only a few hours.
Touching down, what a great pilot we had for this flight, the landing was absolutely amazing

![[Image: fsscr013sm6.jpg]](http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/8508/fsscr013sm6.jpg)
Saying goodbye to the people I met on the plane, I was off to check in for the next flight.
I gave my luggage to the lady at the Qantas check-in centre, who after I told what I was doing, was surprised at the little amount of luggage I had.
Nah, it’s enough to get me by; I said, I was planning on buying a few clothes while I was down under, anyway.
But I do hope I can find me a few hotels with laundry mats, I don’t want to make a bad impression on the Australian girls..
I had to wait 2 ½ hours until boarding, so I tried to find the nearest magazine shop.
I knew needed a fair amount of reading material to last me through the 15 hour flight.
After I did all my pre-flight preparing I heard the announcement over the PA system.
Boarding was about to start in 10minutes.
So I mosied on my way to the international terminal.
There it was, on my ticket she was listed as Boeing 747-400ER so I assumed that was her name. Crikey! What an amazing paint job! I
shouted, as the fellow passengers gave me the stare.
![[Image: fsscr002kp7.jpg]](http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/6091/fsscr002kp7.jpg)
Looking out the terminal window I really appreciated the size of this beast.
I see why it can take us all the way to Australia!
As always, I made sure I had a window seat for the flight, while taxiing I was amazed at how high off the ground we were.
Waiting for departure, we found ourselves waiting behind a few aircraft, but what else would you expect.
![[Image: fsscr013lu7.jpg]](http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/5503/fsscr013lu7.jpg)
At last we are off. Time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight.
I took one last look at the airport as we began to climb; from now on only water ahead.
![[Image: fsscr036zg0.jpg]](http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/1972/fsscr036zg0.jpg)
We have made it far from the land, and just reaching are cruising altitude of 35,500ft.
At this point I began to read my first magazine...
![[Image: fsscr038mo8.jpg]](http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/4920/fsscr038mo8.jpg)
After eating lunch and dinner, it was starting to get late out. The sun was starting to set, as we kept on going over the ocean.
![[Image: fsscr040os6.jpg]](http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/4007/fsscr040os6.jpg)
Finally it was time to land.
After 15 hours we were on the ground again. I couldn’t wait to get a hotel room where I could sleep comfortably.
![[Image: fsscr044hk1.jpg]](http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/7244/fsscr044hk1.jpg)
After landing was clearing customs, it wasn’t as bad as I thought, though I was too tired to really pay attention.
Next was booking a hotel room, I really didn’t care about the quality I was so tired I could sleep anywhere at any price.
After signaling a cab, I made it to my temporary room.
Now, it is time to sleep in for a few hours, and see what tomorrow has in store....
![[Image: 1313377whitetr0.jpg]](http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/2170/1313377whitetr0.jpg)
![[Image: 1313377whitetr0.jpg]](http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/2170/1313377whitetr0.jpg)