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My Australian Adventure ‘C-Boy Edition’ - W/Screenies. - Printable Version +- FsPassengers Forums (http://www.fspassengers.com/forum) +-- Forum: FsPassengers (http://www.fspassengers.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=3) +--- Forum: FsPassengers General (http://www.fspassengers.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=4) +--- Thread: My Australian Adventure ‘C-Boy Edition’ - W/Screenies. (/showthread.php?tid=2932) |
My Australian Adventure ‘C-Boy Edition’ - W/Screenies. - Canada_Boy - 28-10-2007 Hey Guys. I haven’t been flying Flight Sim as much as I’d like to lately. So I got rid of my old company (flying only Air Canada planes, and routes was holding me back) And made a new one: World Trans-Link - “Flying any route with any aircraft” So here is how I am starting it off, A Trip to Australia, a place that (other then the World Tour) I have never flown to in FS. Some of you may remember when I made a ‘Hawaiian Tour’ thread awhile back, this is going to be pretty much the same, but with Australia. ![]() All shots are Unedited except adding black bars ect , As I can only use Photoshop at my aunt house, I have a photo editing program that came with my old camera, but it only changes colour, and red eye removal ![]() So Lets begin: ![]() ------------------------------------------ This morning I had to get up early, my flight was a 7:23am. Rushing out the door with my cereal bar in hand, I made it to the local airport 30minutes before departure. My first flight was to Vancouver, from there I would take the longest flight in my life, to Sydney, Australia. Climbing down the stairs to the tarmac below, I managed to take my first shot. Sitting there was a new beautiful Dash 8-100, ready to take me to my first destination. ![]() It took us about half of an hour to get all settled down, we were now ready for take off. I made sure I sat right near the engine so I could hear the wonderful hum they produced. ![]() Woot!, finally we were off, this was to be a short flight, Vancouver was only 35 km’s away, but none the less this was the beginning of a great and sure to be amazing few weeks to come. ![]() Sitting on the plane I starting thinking of all the places I wanted to visit, from the commercials I have been watching Australia seemed to be a beautiful place to go, great wildlife and scenic places....Not to mention hearing those accents. As I thought, I couldn’t help but look at the sparkling water below me either. ![]() We were already starting to descend into Vancouver. Seeing the big Jumbo’s take to the sky’s I started to get even more excited knowing that, that will be me in only a few hours. Touching down, what a great pilot we had for this flight, the landing was absolutely amazing ![]() ![]() Saying goodbye to the people I met on the plane, I was off to check in for the next flight. I gave my luggage to the lady at the Qantas check-in centre, who after I told what I was doing, was surprised at the little amount of luggage I had. Nah, it’s enough to get me by; I said, I was planning on buying a few clothes while I was down under, anyway. But I do hope I can find me a few hotels with laundry mats, I don’t want to make a bad impression on the Australian girls.. I had to wait 2 ½ hours until boarding, so I tried to find the nearest magazine shop. I knew needed a fair amount of reading material to last me through the 15 hour flight. After I did all my pre-flight preparing I heard the announcement over the PA system. Boarding was about to start in 10minutes. So I mosied on my way to the international terminal. There it was, on my ticket she was listed as Boeing 747-400ER so I assumed that was her name. Crikey! What an amazing paint job! I shouted, as the fellow passengers gave me the stare. ![]() Looking out the terminal window I really appreciated the size of this beast. I see why it can take us all the way to Australia! As always, I made sure I had a window seat for the flight, while taxiing I was amazed at how high off the ground we were. Waiting for departure, we found ourselves waiting behind a few aircraft, but what else would you expect. ![]() At last we are off. Time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. I took one last look at the airport as we began to climb; from now on only water ahead. ![]() We have made it far from the land, and just reaching are cruising altitude of 35,500ft. At this point I began to read my first magazine... ![]() After eating lunch and dinner, it was starting to get late out. The sun was starting to set, as we kept on going over the ocean. ![]() Finally it was time to land. After 15 hours we were on the ground again. I couldn’t wait to get a hotel room where I could sleep comfortably. ![]() After landing was clearing customs, it wasn’t as bad as I thought, though I was too tired to really pay attention. Next was booking a hotel room, I really didn’t care about the quality I was so tired I could sleep anywhere at any price. After signaling a cab, I made it to my temporary room. Now, it is time to sleep in for a few hours, and see what tomorrow has in store.... ...TO BE CONTINUED...
Re: My Australian Adventure ‘C-Boy Edition’ - W/Screenies. - gronji2004 - 28-10-2007 Absoulely great shots Ryan! You've made the 747 look like its real size, which is quite hard to do in FS. You'r never on MSN anymore? Re: My Australian Adventure ‘C-Boy Edition’ - W/Screenies. - Canada_Boy - 28-10-2007 Thanks Alex! I am actually on MSN quite a bit, it is just the timezone difference on weekdays, I will be on today for a few hours. Never mind talking now ![]() Re: My Australian Adventure ‘C-Boy Edition’ - W/Screenies. - Canada_Boy - 29-10-2007 Here are the flight reports if anyone wants a look: First flight: Flight ID: WTL879 Pilot: Ryan Company: World Trans-Link Aircraft: Dreamwings Dash8 Q100 jazz_green Flight Date: October 26 2007 Departure: 07h31 (14h31 GMT) Arrival: 07h07 (15h07 GMT)From: CYYJ - Victoria Intl - Canada To: CYVR - Vancouver Intl - Canada Nbr of Passengers: 32 Report: Flight Distance: 34 Nm Time Airborne: 00h19:54 Flight Time (block): 00h36:02 Time On Ground: 00h17:45 Average Speed: 104.27 kt Max. Altitude: 4196ft Landing Speed: 126.91 kt Landing Touchdown: -146.2 ft/m (kiss) Landing Pitch: 2.41° Landing Weight: 31759 lbs Total Fuel Used: 454 lbs Fuel Not Used: 1277 lbs Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%) -Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience. Financial Report: Ticket Income: +$615 (34 Nm) Cargo Income: +$174 (1999 lbs) Services Income: +$0 (0 sandwich 0 hot food 0 drink) Services Cost: -$0 (20% quality) Fuel Cost: -$254 (454 lbs Jet-A1) Airport Taxes: -$38 (Small Aircraft) Insurance Costs: -$34 (4.32% rate) Total Real Income: $463 Total Income: $23,150 (real x50) Fleet Bonus: $0 (0 aircraft) Total Sim Income: $23,150 (total income+fleet bonus) Company Reputation: Considering that the flight was perfect,the tickets price low,passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100% Your company reputation is now: 68% (+3.18 increase) Overall Flight Result: Perfect Pilot Bonus points: 230 points You made a very smooth landing. (+50) Perfect Flight, no problems and very satisfied passengers. (+150) You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30) Second Flight: Flight ID: WTL158 Pilot: Ryan Company: World Trans-Link Aircraft: Project Opensky - Boeing 747-400 V3 Qantas W Flight Date: October 27 2007 Departure: 12h36 (20h36 GMT) Arrival: 21h06 (11h06 GMT) From: CYVR - Vancouver Intl - Canada To: YSSY - Kingsford Smith Intl Airp - Australia Nbr of Passengers: 338 Report: Flight Distance: 6,750 Nm Time Airborne: 14h11:42 Flight Time (block): 14h32:13 Time On Ground: 00h24:12 Average Speed: 475.27 kt Max. Altitude: FL 350 Climb Time: 00h21:02 Cruise Time: 11h53:53 Average Cruise Speed: 512.98 kt (M0.83) Descent Time: 01h56:47 Landing Speed: 134.91 kt Landing Touchdown: -74.4 ft/m (kiss) Landing Pitch: 7.39° Landing Weight: 600437 lbs Total Fuel Used: 249169 lbs Climb Fuel Used: 21849 lbs Cruise Fuel Used: 182374 lbs Cruise fuel/hour: 15328 lbs (calc) Descent Fuel Used: 44946 lbs Fuel Not Used: 119089 lbs Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%) -Were highly entertained by the movie. -Were irritated because they were hungry sometime during the flight. -Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience. Financial Report: Ticket Income: +$220,181 (6,750 Nm) Cargo Income: +$80,680 (24197 lbs) Services Income: +$10,274 (2 sandwich 2 hot food 3 drink) Services Cost: -$10,591 (100% quality) Fuel Cost: -$135,346 (249169 lbs Jet-A1) Airport Taxes: -$1,206 (Heavy Aircraft) Insurance Costs: -$66,327 (4.32% rate) Total Real Income: $97,665 Total Income: $4,883,250 (real x50) Fleet Bonus: $82,184 (1 aircraft) Total Sim Income: $4,965,434 (total income+fleet bonus) Company Reputation: Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price very low, the service price good and the service quality perfect, passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100% Your company reputation is now: 71% (+2.89 increase) Overall Flight Result: Perfect Pilot Bonus points: 939 points You made a very smooth landing. (+50) Perfect Flight, no problems and very satisfied passengers. (+150) You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30) Long flight (14h11) without using time acceleration, without any problems and with satisfied passengers. (+709) ![]() Re: My Australian Adventure ‘C-Boy Edition’ - W/Screenies. - Joeflyer - 29-10-2007 Darn fine screenshits, Ryan! At first glance of the 747, I thought it to be the PMDG one, but saw it was POSKY. I wouldn't mind having that paint job for my PMDG version ![]() Re: My Australian Adventure ‘C-Boy Edition’ - W/Screenies. - Canada_Boy - 29-10-2007 Thanks Joe ![]() Here you go, 'Wunala Dreaming' for the PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies. http://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=oej32bit.zip&CatID=root&Go=Search Re: My Australian Adventure ‘C-Boy Edition’ - W/Screenies. - xhado13 - 30-10-2007 Whoa That's POSKY? Wow, I swear I thought that was PMDG.... Nice shots Ryan, really nice. Sure do like the Jazz Livery ![]() Re: My Australian Adventure ‘C-Boy Edition’ - W/Screenies. - DBE - 30-10-2007 Great pics, Ryan! ![]() So where's the rest? ![]() Re: My Australian Adventure ‘C-Boy Edition’ - W/Screenies. - Joeflyer - 30-10-2007 You rock, Ryan ![]() ![]() Re: My Australian Adventure ‘C-Boy Edition’ - W/Screenies. - Canada_Boy - 30-10-2007 Thanks Guys ![]() And, no problem Joe. I just got a huge project due at the end of the week(on earthquakes) So I have put aside 2 hours a night for that, along with other homework. I have flown some more routes, but I need to put the screenshots and story together. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow night, I will update ![]() Re: My Australian Adventure ‘C-Boy Edition’ - W/Screenies. - xhado13 - 31-10-2007 Quote:Canada_Boy wrote:I lived in San Fran for eleven years, earthquakes are my thing ![]() haha and you just reminded me, I need to write a short story for english, due tomorrow ! I'm use a true story about my friend, and Hollywood- it. ![]() Re: My Australian Adventure ‘C-Boy Edition’ - W/Screenies. - Canada_Boy - 31-10-2007 Quote:xhado13 wrote: Same here, we have earthquake drills all the time, along with the odd real earthquake. ![]() Re: My Australian Adventure ‘C-Boy Edition’ - W/Screenies. - Joeflyer - 31-10-2007 Ryan, Got the livery installed. It's got a very nice shine to it ![]() Re: My Australian Adventure ‘C-Boy Edition’ - W/Screenies. - Canada_Boy - 03-11-2007 I slept in the next day, until about 1pm. Once up it was time to view a little bit of Sydney for the day, what better way then to rent a boat! I found a pretty decent one at a cheap price, too. First stop was the world famous opera house. ![]() After that was downtown. Buildings look a lot bigger from the ground then at 5000ft; I thought to myself. ![]() Finally after about 45minutes, my time was up. I took a short ride by the Sydney Harbour Bridge, on my way back ![]() After a long day of seeing the city, it was time to head back to my hotel room where I would have to get up bright and early too get to a new airport on the outskirts of Sydney. But suddenly when the boat hit a wave, I dropped my camera! Oh no! I said, now I have to finish the tour, with out any more story/screenies. .....The End.....
Sorry for the lame ending guys, but I don't have the time to create a story, after I flying/homework, and what not. Mark, Joe, I will hand the 'screenshot story telling' back over to you guys ![]() I will be posting some more screenshots though, in the Screenshot thread. ![]() |