25-08-2005, 02:47 AM
Quote:I am not sure how the subject like Girls is inappropriate. It might have given you an inappropriate idea of what the post was about. Are you saying
"Females", "Women", "Ladies", "Childeren", "Cats", "Dogs", and/or "Goldfish"
would all be inappropriate titles?
But what about this question?
I’m serous. What is the difference? I truly would like to know, because I am having trouble understanding this. I am not being sarcastic or confrontational. Just once again curious.
I do admit. It was a little sexist. Hearing it in my head, the voice had a tone that I use jokingly and would make jokes like that with my wife and friends that are female. Not like a Andrew Dice Clay type of sexist joke.
Post Edited ( 08-25-05 03:54 )