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Female Flight Sim Users? - Printable Version

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Female Flight Sim Users? - webdancer - 25-08-2005

I have looked on several Virtual Airlines rosters and forums and was wondering.

Is there any female that uses Flight Sim? I have seen a few names that look like they could be female but they
generally are ones that could be male

Its killing me (my curiosity that is). If there arent any females dont let them know . . . they'll want to join just so there will be some
females involved. Not that I
would mind, I'm just saying.

Post Edited ( 08-25-05 02:50 )

Re: Girls - SaVas - 25-08-2005

Flight simming doesnt tend to be a dating service. Leave that to Yahoo Chatrooms

Re: Girls - Jetsgo - 25-08-2005

I don't think this thread is very appropriate.

Re: Girls - webdancer - 25-08-2005

I was just curious. I'm not looking for a date. I have a wife and kids. It was just out of curosity, nothing more. Lets not get pissy about it.I
was just curious. I'm not looking for a date. I have a wife and kids. It was just out of curiosity, nothing more. I notice things and was
wondering. If you’ll notice I did not say anything about looking for a date or cybersex or anything inappropriate.

Curiosity tends to be a good thing. I apologize for offending anybody. None meant.

Maybe I should have made the subject "Female Flight Sim Users", "Female Pilots" or something less generic than "Girls"

Post Edited ( 08-25-05 02:41 )

Re: Girls - pagir - 25-08-2005


If this thread stay unoffending, it's ok with me.


Re: Female Flight Sim Users? - webdancer - 25-08-2005

Um . . . Geez thanks for correcting the subject line for me.

Re: Female Flight Sim Users? - SaVas - 25-08-2005

You just have to realize when such threads come up on a messageboard they are 999 times out of 1000....trollish. No harm no foul but to
answer your question I know a couple of females that are fairly avid flight simmers

Re: Female Flight Sim Users? - webdancer - 25-08-2005

This is the only forum that I frequent. I dont think what your impression was would be proper here in any way, had that been what I was looking for I
do not think a flight sim forum would be where I would look. I think this would be totally the wrong place for it for a few reasons, not the least of
which the fact that there arent many females that are into Flight Sim.

Re: Female Flight Sim Users? - Jetsgo - 25-08-2005

Good question, you just went about asking it wrong.

I also know a few femaile simmers.

Re: Female Flight Sim Users? - webdancer - 25-08-2005

Just out of curiosity, how did I ask it wrong? How was my phrasing incorrect?

Re: Female Flight Sim Users? - FlyBoy2 - 25-08-2005

Yes there are Female Pilots that Fly on line to answer the question that was asked in fact there are several of my friends that are captins with VA's.

Re: Female Flight Sim Users? - Jetsgo - 25-08-2005

Quote:webdancer wrote:
Its killing me (my curiosity that is). If there arent any females dont let them know . . . they'll want to join just so there will be some
females involved.
Not that I
would mind, I'm just saying.

That was a sexist comment. If you want an answer, next time I sujust you say, and only say, "Does anyone know of any Female
members of a VA?"

The tittle GIRLS is also inapropriate.

Re: Female Flight Sim Users? - webdancer - 25-08-2005

Quote:Jetsgo wrote:

That was a sexist comment.

Not a sexist comment. . . but a joke.

My off the wall humor. I'll keep it to myself nextime.

I am not sure how the subject like Girls is inappropriate. It might have given you an inappropriate idea of what the post was about. Are you saying
"Females", "Women", "Ladies", "Childeren", "Cats", "Dogs", and/or "Goldfish" would all be inappropriate titles?

Re: Female Flight Sim Users? - Kstinson - 25-08-2005

Ya it was a joke but it was a sexist one.

Re: Female Flight Sim Users? - Jetsgo - 25-08-2005

Quote:webdancer wrote:
Maybe I should have made the subject "Female Flight Sim Users", "Female Pilots" or something less generic
than "Girls"

You've answered your own question. Subject over.