28-08-2005, 06:07 AM
Quote:andy14 wrote:
In a 737400 what is the cruise speed i go 300 knts can you go higher than that without overspeed
It seems that you post a lot of questions with easy to find answers! A quick

messages have always sounded a bit trollish

I just discussed 737 cruise speed a few days ago... a forum search would also turn up relevant results! Please try these various
avenues of finding information next time, before posting easy questions! Thanks!
Anyway, the cruise speed of most 737's will vary between about 300KTS GS, all the way up to 500KTS ground speed. This is in the 345
to 615 MPH range! Pretty fast! Lots of conditions are factored in to the final determination of cruise speed. These include airline specific
economy settings, altitude, air pressure, various other atmospheric conditions, departure delays, and LOTS of other things. 300 KIAS is
about the cruise speed of a 737 at FL290 (roughly). You ask elementary questions, so I'm giving elementary answers! Hope this helps!