25-11-2007, 10:28 PM
First thanks to all who responded..
What I did was to get a registered version of FSUIPC and clicked on indefinite battery life. I flew from KORD to KIND without any issues,
yes I was holding my breath the entire time. So it looks as I fixed it, but I crashed on landing, so go figure.
What I did was to get a registered version of FSUIPC and clicked on indefinite battery life. I flew from KORD to KIND without any issues,
yes I was holding my breath the entire time. So it looks as I fixed it, but I crashed on landing, so go figure.
Quote:connorsdad wrote:
Does any one know why when I start FS Passengers, I have a total instrument failure in about 10 minutes. There are no failures set to
turn on in FS Passengers, and the only other add on I am running is Radar Contact. I have narrowed the problem to FS Passengers.
I have completely reformat my hard drive, reinstalled FS9, ran it no problems, installed radar contact, no ran it with no problems, installed
FS Passengers and bam, no electrical.
There are no failures set to turn on in FS9 or FS passengers.
Happens in any plane at any airport.