23-11-2007, 09:46 PM
Yepp, sounds like that. Unfortunately, FS9 does not have anything like an APU in its repertoire. I added a fake APU to my 737-200. It is actually a
third engine, mounted about 30,000 ft in the back so that it cannot be heard. The APU Gauge I created holds its fuel valve down, so it actually cannot
ever be started. The trick is that sending the starter event can rev it high enough so that the alternator produces enough amps to charge the battery
(total bullsh*t from a real world point of view, but in the sim it does the job just fine).
third engine, mounted about 30,000 ft in the back so that it cannot be heard. The APU Gauge I created holds its fuel valve down, so it actually cannot
ever be started. The trick is that sending the starter event can rev it high enough so that the alternator produces enough amps to charge the battery
(total bullsh*t from a real world point of view, but in the sim it does the job just fine).
Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither
liberty nor security. -- Benjamin Franklin
Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither
liberty nor security. -- Benjamin Franklin