12-09-2005, 08:15 PM
I am not sure if I have the same problem, I installed the latest update on my purchased version, running FS2004 from drive F, on running
the update Program I browsed to drive :F/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Flight Simulator 9 which the update program accepted and
started installing the update, after processing files to 100% the update stopped processing and left me with a blank update screen with
the exit option the only available key to use.
On loading FS2004 and running FSPassengers it came up with the update message saying an update was available, it would seem the
installation of the update has not worked.
So I am now in a situation where I have updated my installation but it does not think I have. If I try running FSPassengers it crashes
saying I do not have a purchased product, even though I have entered my purchase code in again.
I obviously do not want to uninstall FSP as I will lose all my flights to date. I did save FSP files prior to installing the update, how do I get
back to a system prior to the update, I have tried copying the saved files back into FSP, entering the purchase code but it still crashes
saying I do not have a valid purchase product........................
Any thoughts would be appreciated, but I fear I might lose my flights with this problem?
the update Program I browsed to drive :F/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Flight Simulator 9 which the update program accepted and
started installing the update, after processing files to 100% the update stopped processing and left me with a blank update screen with
the exit option the only available key to use.
On loading FS2004 and running FSPassengers it came up with the update message saying an update was available, it would seem the
installation of the update has not worked.
So I am now in a situation where I have updated my installation but it does not think I have. If I try running FSPassengers it crashes
saying I do not have a purchased product, even though I have entered my purchase code in again.
I obviously do not want to uninstall FSP as I will lose all my flights to date. I did save FSP files prior to installing the update, how do I get
back to a system prior to the update, I have tried copying the saved files back into FSP, entering the purchase code but it still crashes
saying I do not have a valid purchase product........................
Any thoughts would be appreciated, but I fear I might lose my flights with this problem?