16-07-2005, 03:08 AM
Quote:Gibbmusic wrote:
Also one more tip I didn't think about earlier....actually taking the side off your case is counterproductive to cooling unless you have a large
fan or other cooling unit blowing directly on the insides. As long as you have one good fan bringing in air from the front and one fan
blowing air out the back (other than your power supply fan), it should create a nice windstream through the case. If you open the side you
disrupt the windstream and the cooling is not as effective. Think of it as opening the windows on your car while you have the AC running.
Air flow is more important than air exposure.
Thank you for the note. I've got it open cause the system fan wasn't working neither. hahaha, I know your faces, don't look at me like that
Well, tomorrow im gonna buy a system fan by the mean time till i get my a new computer. By the way, Tonight I was flying and it did not
crash. Anyway guys believe me or not but yesterday after four or five hours working i've checked the cpu temp and it was 65C!!!
I've checked the fan and it IS working correctly, I must do some dush cleaning though.
Thanks again for your tips!!
Que tengan un buen vuelo! ;-)