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Any computer expert? - Printable Version

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Any computer expert? - aibiria - 14-07-2005

Hi there guys!

I know this topic is a little bit out from fspassengers but I thought you might help me with a couple of questions.

first thing first
My sistem is as follows:

AMD XP 1700 (1.4 ghz) 1 gb ram, NVIDIA GFORCE 128 megas. 60 gb hard disk

Since I bought this computer, kind of 2 years already I had this problem with a lot of 3d based programs, included of course fs.

What exactly happens to my computer?

Well, When I am flying with fs suddenly it gets frozen, when I say frozen i don't mean frozen because of the cold weather here in the uk ;-),
I mean real frozen,
you can even hear the (tac-tac-tac) really quickly of the flight simulator background. Only way to restart it is pressing the reset button.
I had some heating problems with this system and here is my first question:

What temperature is ideal for the CPU? Mine after hard work is about 65 C
What temperature is ideal for the system? Mine is about 35 C

I've got the case open since the fan for the NVIDIA Gforce got stucked and it wont work. I've just fixed a new one.

What do you guys think it is? Is it a Video problem? I had this kind of frozen thing playing the sims 2 as well


As you probably know you may change the CPU Speed in the BIOS. So, with this computer you may change the cpu to a slower speed.
This case is 1100 MHZ. But at
that speed fs sucks. After all the stuff i've got, all the cool planes I fly I CANNOT deffinately flight with my computer at 1100 MHZ.

I am going to buy a new system thought but its just really curiosity, it's been 2 years with the same argument. Trust me guys, you know
how is like when you get ready the flight, you've done the


Any ideas???

Re: Any computer expert? - Gibbmusic - 14-07-2005

You might get some help here, but I'd suggest posting on a computer hardware forum like the ones at cnet.com or similar places.

As far as temperature goes, it depends on the processor. I don't know much about the XP1700s, but I can tell you that overheating can
cause lockups for sure. There are other sources of lockups as well....bad RAM, registry issues, driver issues, even bad video card. If the
fan on your video card stopped working, I would guess that maybe your video card is overheating. Just opening the case can not cool it
effectively and if you replaced the fan make sure it is blowing the right way (it blows away from the chip, not onto it) and that the fan is an
acceptable replacement.

It looks like you are due for a new rig....start saving cash and upgrade so you can fly with full graphics at 20fps anywhere in the FS world.
You'll be surprised how much more enjoyable FS9 is when you can crank up the graphics and run it smoothly.

Good luck,

Re: Any computer expert? - kayle411 - 14-07-2005

Post Edited ( 07-22-10 08:55 )

Re: Any computer expert? - jboweruk - 14-07-2005

65C is a bit warm, especially if that is after the hard work as they cool down pretty quick, so when it's stressed it's probably hitting the 80s
in which case that's probably part of the cause. You really need to get that cpu temp down, the 35 system temp seems fairly normal so
that shouldn't be a problem. Check the fan on your cpu to see that it's on tight, and that it's running. You might want to check the fan
speed as well. If all is okay then you may want a larger fan, something with a bit more kick to it. Also first try cleaning all your fans out from
dust etc, that is a surefire CompKiller. (hmm should practice what I preach there) and as someone said earlier, make sure it's off the
floor, I've seen too many where our customer's have had them sitting on the carpet and picking up so much dust it's gross.

Re: Any computer expert? - fruitfly - 14-07-2005

As soon as I get home from work, I'll explain you some tips and tricks and how to's, but you've got one of the most overclockable CPU's
there is! (it goes from 1.4 to 2.2!!!!)
Untill than, try to vacuum clean the ribbs of the CPU cooler. It can make a difference as much as 12 C! Before you do that, touch the metal
casing of the power supply unit with the cleaner hose to discharge any static electricity. After that there's no danger, but still try not to touch any
of the parts in the PC. Just in case.

(but I think this should be discussed in a different forum?)

Post Edited ( 07-14-05 11:22 )

Re: Any computer expert? - aibiria - 15-07-2005


Thanks very much to all of you. I knew I should posted on a different forum but I did here cause we all here know how to deal with flight

By the way, New computer is coming soon!!! But this last month business is being a little bit down here in London so I'll try my best for a
Augoust, but... I am going away on holidays to Spain so.... guess I'll get in on September. Anyways you are right, flight simulator is more
enjoyable with top graphics and a smooth frame rate.

Thanks again to all!!!

Re: Any computer expert? - Gibbmusic - 15-07-2005

Also one more tip I didn't think about earlier....actually taking the side off your case is counterproductive to cooling unless you have a large
fan or other cooling unit blowing directly on the insides. As long as you have one good fan bringing in air from the front and one fan
blowing air out the back (other than your power supply fan), it should create a nice windstream through the case. If you open the side you
disrupt the windstream and the cooling is not as effective. Think of it as opening the windows on your car while you have the AC running.
Air flow is more important than air exposure.


Re: Any computer expert? - aibiria - 16-07-2005

Quote:Gibbmusic wrote:
Also one more tip I didn't think about earlier....actually taking the side off your case is counterproductive to cooling unless you have a large
fan or other cooling unit blowing directly on the insides. As long as you have one good fan bringing in air from the front and one fan
blowing air out the back (other than your power supply fan), it should create a nice windstream through the case. If you open the side you
disrupt the windstream and the cooling is not as effective. Think of it as opening the windows on your car while you have the AC running.
Air flow is more important than air exposure.


Thank you for the note. I've got it open cause the system fan wasn't working neither. hahaha, I know your faces, don't look at me like that

Well, tomorrow im gonna buy a system fan by the mean time till i get my a new computer. By the way, Tonight I was flying and it did not
crash. Anyway guys believe me or not but yesterday after four or five hours working i've checked the cpu temp and it was 65C!!!
I've checked the fan and it IS working correctly, I must do some dush cleaning though.

Thanks again for your tips!!