24-07-2005, 10:47 PM
Quote:nem wrote:
Great list, helped me a lot so far.
One note though: DH-88 Comet carrying 36-44 PAX? I'd like to see that.More like 0-1.
Yep, I see what happened here, I used stats from the deHavilland Comet jet liner instead of the deHavilland DH-88 Comet racing plane
from the 1930s. I'll fix that tonight, who would have thought that the geniuses over at deHavilland would have made two planes with such
similar names? Thanks for the heads up.
Ryanamur: Thanks for moving it to the tips and tricks section. The URL shouldn't change soon, however there is going to be an online
version up very soon that is just in a php script. This should make it accessable to those without MS Word or those behind a firewall. I'll
post the link here as soon as it is completed.