25-08-2005, 02:41 PM
Quote:I had someone on the forum (in a post yesterday or early today I believe) tell me that they're sick of me referencing real world issues, and
that I should just get around to fixing "virtual" problems (they worded it differently... don't remember where the post is, but that was the just
of it). Is anyone else sick of this? I try to answer problems with FS9 and FSP just as much, if not more than I make real world
references. If there's a problem with my posts, someone, please speak up! I'll just climb back into my shell now
I for one dont think that you can post too much references to the real world... I also can tell you that I have learnt alot thru your answers. .. and
that has made my whole flight simming experiences so much more enjoyable. Yes there is a difference between real world and flight simming but being
able to apply real world procedures, techniques etc makes that gap a bit smaller and simming alot more interesting.
I also agree with some of the posts above that there are 2 different kind of people playing the simulator.. those that just want to open up throttles
and off they go and those that want to play as close to real world as possible (within FS limits).
How I see it is that almost everyone can help/reply or answer those not interest in real world issues... in other words many to assist on forums.
Regarding those of us interested in making our experience as real as possible witin FS limitations...
Only a handful of people can really help out here and in my opiniun with top candidate regarding willingness and knowledge Brad. Others like Silo etc
also help out... much apprecdiated. The point i'm trying to make is that people like Brad capable of helping out regarding real world issues results
maybe in posting alot more real world related issues than other... because nobody else can help with that knowledge and therefore the posts will of
course be addressing more real world issues than the other users... so whoever complains keep that in mind.
Alot of times we as for advise and the easiest way to explain/answer our questions is with reference to real world... after all this is a simulator
NOT a fantasy game. Those complaining about real world go and look at the definition of simulator. Also instead of complaining take the time you
write to complain to search the forums seeing how many people have been helped... virtual, FsP and Real World related by Brad... maybe then you will
see and realize that he has a very good balance to support all parties... not just real world issues... also think about the time he invests... not
for himself but to help FsP users and flight simmers. Thats a heck of alot of dedication and do you realize its an opportunity to learn as well...
tomorrow the opportunity might not be there... and you might just wish you have taken the opportunity to learn a bit more one day.
Also think of guys like me interested in the real world issues... dont we also have the right to have some informative info related to that what
interests us. Thanks again Brad for all the help from our serious flight simmers out here.
![[Image: dash7l6ar.jpg]](http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/8638/dash7l6ar.jpg)