04-08-2005, 12:23 AM
Awsum program
1:Question // If doing a long-haul flight for example [ COA071 KIAH - EHAM ] total time 9-10 ours, i depart Houston at 15:30PM local time,
meaning ill be flying throught the night and landing in Amsterdamn the next day around 8-9AM... Now im wondering is there a " Sleeping
Mode" for the passengers? Cause i read realism was the ker here, so far its all GREAT and Real!! But if i have to keep feeding them and
serving them all night... that doesnt seem to real too me//
Well thanks alot in advance
Awsum program
1:Question // If doing a long-haul flight for example [ COA071 KIAH - EHAM ] total time 9-10 ours, i depart Houston at 15:30PM local time,
meaning ill be flying throught the night and landing in Amsterdamn the next day around 8-9AM... Now im wondering is there a " Sleeping
Mode" for the passengers? Cause i read realism was the ker here, so far its all GREAT and Real!! But if i have to keep feeding them and
serving them all night... that doesnt seem to real too me//
Well thanks alot in advance