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Flying Long-Haul Night Flights! - Printable Version

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Flying Long-Haul Night Flights! - Dobbie - 04-08-2005


Awsum program

1:Question // If doing a long-haul flight for example [ COA071 KIAH - EHAM ] total time 9-10 ours, i depart Houston at 15:30PM local time,
meaning ill be flying throught the night and landing in Amsterdamn the next day around 8-9AM... Now im wondering is there a " Sleeping
Mode" for the passengers? Cause i read realism was the ker here, so far its all GREAT and Real!! But if i have to keep feeding them and
serving them all night... that doesnt seem to real too me//

Well thanks alot in advance



Re: Flying Long-Haul Night Flights! - Ryanamur - 04-08-2005

Great idea. We'll see if Dan sees it this way too. It probably won't be in the first update but maybe in a subsequent one.


Re: Flying Long-Haul Night Flights! - FlyBoy2 - 04-08-2005

Well Johan,

As a International Flight Attendant the real world flights you would be working the whole flight. Yes some of your passengers would deside to go to
sleep but you will have others that will want to stay up watch a movie, Eat, have something to snack on through out the flight. I do agree there
should be a way to let your passengers relax and sit back. Maybe the next version will have on the Wide body's where each passenger has there own
entertainment center so they could choose to watch a movie or sleep if they want. I hope all that helps


Re: Flying Long-Haul Night Flights! - Dobbie - 04-08-2005


Yes your rite about that, " Being the Flying enthusiast I am [ In pilot training at this time ] i never sleep on flights night or day". But if im
correct they only serve 1 dinner before " sleep" and then brakefast so there is atleast a 5-6 our gap between dinners. At this time the
availeble 4 ours " dinner" options just doesnt feel rite.

>> Brakefast option..... sounds good? <<!


Re: Flying Long-Haul Night Flights! - FlyBoy2 - 04-08-2005

well for the flight you are doing usally it is Drinks after take off an hour or so into the flight would be Dinner then Movies then about 1hr to 45
min before you start desent for landing breakfest. usally we have the galley's set up after dinner with different snack's that way if people get
hungry they can help themselves.

Re: Flying Long-Haul Night Flights! - Dobbie - 04-08-2005

I was preatty close, i find it interesting what you say about your experience as F.A // Smile

Coming back to the onBoard entertainment you talked about.

A cool option Idear i have for FSpass. :: // Make some kind of window " acceceble via the FSpass. menu" that when you open it its a
picture of a " TV or something simular" with Options for the Pilot to set-up the movies availeble, the games availeble and A ON and OFF
switch for: ON after passing 10,000 feet - OFF bellow 10,000feet / and ill think of more idears.. hehe

Quote:Pilot in Training 18months and thats it! THE REAL THING

Re: Flying Long-Haul Night Flights! - SWAFO - 04-08-2005

No sleep? I'll sleep any chance I get while flying. lol.

Re: Flying Long-Haul Night Flights! - Dobbie - 04-08-2005

Interesting Thought::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;

How about a Virtual Flight Attendant, who takes care of Meals and Drinks and Entertainment When necesary according to Your COmpnay
settings. When this Virtual FLight Attend does anything, It will show on a display in the cockpit the same info shown now, Only difference
flight attends does it automatically instead of you.

Hehe maybe you could even have a choice of wich flight attendants you would like to hire... hehe:P

well anyone else anything on this?


Re: Flying Long-Haul Night Flights! - FlyBoy2 - 04-08-2005

well you can actully set it up so that food and movies are auto done for you its in the program for FSP


Re: Flying Long-Haul Night Flights! - Dobbie - 04-08-2005

Oh im sorry > I should read manual abit better!!!! << hits him-self lol

Re: Flying Long-Haul Night Flights! - Dobbie - 04-08-2005


Got my flight Log.. 100% .. hmm Maibe its cause im a real pilot in training.. :P



Re: Flying Long-Haul Night Flights! - FlyBoy2 - 04-08-2005



Re: Flying Long-Haul Night Flights! - Dobbie - 04-08-2005

Anyone know a Fuel Planner for the LEVEL-D 767?


Re: Flying Long-Haul Night Flights! - FlyBoy2 - 04-08-2005

I use there own fuel planer


Re: Flying Long-Haul Night Flights! - Dobbie - 04-08-2005

You mean the one that comes in the Panel loader? I cant find a duel planner in any folder.....?