30-05-2006, 07:32 PM
Over the weekend I wanted to belly land the Learjet and at first simply pasting the Mooney's scrape points into the Lear's folder didn't
work. I had to adjust the third number value (which determines vertical relation to the plane). This made it work! At one test with the Lear I
scraped down with a good amount of speed on the runway. Then I started to yaw for some reason and was going sideways, then the
wing dug under the ground (visually, like it commonly does in a crash) and then crash. I had a belly land result in a side slide and tumble,
that was fun..... good luck to those that try to get their belly landings working.
Chris B. in Iowa
work. I had to adjust the third number value (which determines vertical relation to the plane). This made it work! At one test with the Lear I
scraped down with a good amount of speed on the runway. Then I started to yaw for some reason and was going sideways, then the
wing dug under the ground (visually, like it commonly does in a crash) and then crash. I had a belly land result in a side slide and tumble,
that was fun..... good luck to those that try to get their belly landings working.
Chris B. in Iowa
No chocks needed for air jocks.