23-08-2005, 07:26 PM
Hey guys,
First of all I want to thank the FSP team for this great mod, one of the first mods next to PMDG planes I really like. But I have a slight
problem. I am flying the bush carreer now for around 100 hours and I never had a failure. A guy that I know flown the same amount and
he had around the 5 failures. We both have the failure percentage of the Bush carreer on 10%. So I wondered what I'm or FSP is doing
wrong. The failures are set to easy to hard. Anyone has the same problem or has the solution?
First of all I want to thank the FSP team for this great mod, one of the first mods next to PMDG planes I really like. But I have a slight
problem. I am flying the bush carreer now for around 100 hours and I never had a failure. A guy that I know flown the same amount and
he had around the 5 failures. We both have the failure percentage of the Bush carreer on 10%. So I wondered what I'm or FSP is doing
wrong. The failures are set to easy to hard. Anyone has the same problem or has the solution?