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Never had failures in 100+ hours - Printable Version

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Never had failures in 100+ hours - Pimmy - 23-08-2005

Hey guys,

First of all I want to thank the FSP team for this great mod, one of the first mods next to PMDG planes I really like. But I have a slight
problem. I am flying the bush carreer now for around 100 hours and I never had a failure. A guy that I know flown the same amount and
he had around the 5 failures. We both have the failure percentage of the Bush carreer on 10%. So I wondered what I'm or FSP is doing
wrong. The failures are set to easy to hard. Anyone has the same problem or has the solution?

Re: Never had failures in 100+ hours - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

There isn't anything that you're doing wrong, or that's wrong with your copy of FSP. If you fly with a 10% chance of failures, this means that
everytime you fly you've got a 1 in 10 chance of having a failure. If you've flown over 100 hours without a failure, that simply means you've
been lucky! Each flight the percentage is re-calculated, and you have that 1 in 10 chance of a failure. If you'd like a definite failure, try
increasing the chance of it occuring.

Re: Never had failures in 100+ hours - Sovek - 23-08-2005

yeah, be glad, Ive flown about 15 flights in my bravo, I had three failures.

Re: Never had failures in 100+ hours - SaVas - 23-08-2005

Since I bought FSP, Ive restarted and accidentally deleted a few various airlines. Total hours are probably 250 hours. Ive had 3 failures in
that time and 2 were within 2 days of each other.

Re: Never had failures in 100+ hours - taxader - 23-08-2005

Mine is set at 5%. I flew 40 flights (about 40 hours) with only 1 failure, then one day I flew 3 consecutive flights with 3 consecutive
failures. Wow! It cost me some money, but it was fun!

Re: Never had failures in 100+ hours - Jetflyer - 23-08-2005

I have 76 hours, and 24 flights, in which I have had one failure, of the landing gear.

Re: Never had failures in 100+ hours - Pimmy - 23-08-2005

Ah ok, then i know nothing's wrong. Thanks guys Smile

Re: Never had failures in 100+ hours - pagir - 23-08-2005

Stop the maintenance of your plane... Wink

If you are leaving from an airport with bad maintenance skills, it will add to your failure probability too.


Re: Never had failures in 100+ hours - SWAFO - 24-08-2005

That'll definetly do the trick. Either do as Pagir mentioned, and stop maintaining your aircraft, or do as I recommended, and increase your
failure chance.