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Uncommanded throttle activity - Printable Version

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Uncommanded throttle activity - sjwk - 02-08-2005

Evening all,

I've had an odd problem a couple of times on recent flights - I think it's an FS thing rather than FSP - unless it's the symptom of an in-flight

I've been flying along happily and found that the throttle is suddenly dropping to virtually nothing. Touching the throttle control on the joystick
again restores the power to where it should be for a while - might be a couple of minutes before it does it again or it might be 20 minutes.

It's done this on the last two planes I've flown - Piper Warrior II and Beechcraft Kingair 350. Both planes were flying on autopilot in a
straight line and had already reached the altitude I'd set. Neither plane has autothrottle so I'd set the throttle to cruising speed and left it. I
watched, in the throttle quadrant display, the throttle levers suddenly jump from 2/3 or so back to just above idle.

Actually, now I come to think of it, I have had a couple of times in either a 737 or an A319 what I took to be an FSP failure - moments after
takeoff, all power drop off and I've had to come to a halt back on the runway. But I couldn't ever see a problem, and in the post-flight
briefing, FSP didn't mention a fault having occurred - perhaps that was the same problem.

Has anyone else seen this?


Re: Uncommanded throttle activity - jboweruk - 02-08-2005

which throttle are you using? I've been getting the same thing lately with my X45 Throttle, and having to jiggle it to get throttle up. I've had
to totally re-calibrate it and get it off the top, but now the bottom end is starting to fade as well Hunappy

Re: Uncommanded throttle activity - sjwk - 02-08-2005

It's just the stock throttle on an ancient sidewinder joystick - nothing special... calibrates fine and has had very little use (until FSP...)

However, I might have come up with an answer - I realised that about the same time this started, I'd plugged a gamepad in, which was
showing up as a second controller. Doing some testing shows that FS was accepting input from both controllers. Nothing was being
pressed on that either, but it might just be that it was interfering somehow, maybe by sending some signals saying nothing was being
pressed which FS took to mean the throttle was set to 0.

I've unplugged it again now and will test and see if it happens again.



Re: Uncommanded throttle activity - dorknight - 03-08-2005

hello steve,

I had the same problem happen to me as well,
as you've probably found out by now it must have been the gamepad causing the trouble,

I unpluging the pad didn't solve it, the only thing i could think of would be to reinstall the drivers for the sidewinder

happy flying


Re: Uncommanded throttle activity - Almighty1va - 03-08-2005

I have the Logitech Freedom 2.4 Cordless Joystick, and if you don't move anything for about 3 minutes, then the thing shuts off and the throttle on my
airplane moves forward, this is quite anoying if im at a gate, because i have to franticly turn the joystick on, and move the throttle back, and
unfortunatly...im usually winding up in the terminal Grrr Grrr Grrr lol, I wonder if anyone else with this joystick has the smae problem...Doubt

Re: Uncommanded throttle activity - Pierino - 03-08-2005

@sjwk & dorknight

make sure not to plug/unplug the stick or pad while FS is running. FS won't recognise the changes properly.

The batteries of your stick seem to last for 50 hours only (which isn't that much for flightsimming). So I think that it's wise from Logitech to make
it shut down after 3 minutes to save power.
Try to assign the throttle controls to buttons instead, this should work.


Re: Uncommanded throttle activity - Ryanamur - 03-08-2005

Quote:Almighty1va wrote:
I have the Logitech Freedom 2.4 Cordless Joystick, and if you don't move anything for about 3 minutes, then the thing shuts off and the throttle on my
airplane moves forward, this is quite anoying if im at a gate, because i have to franticly turn the joystick on, and move the throttle back, and
unfortunatly...im usually winding up in the terminal Grrr Grrr Grrr lol, I wonder if anyone else with this joystick has the smae problem...Doubt

Like it was said earlier, map your throttle to button and leave one button without an Fs2004 assignment (or use a button which will not provide any
valid function). When your joystick turns off, simply press the unassigned button to restart it. I personnally use the brake button to queue up my
cordless gamepad but it's up to you.


Re: Uncommanded throttle activity - SWAFO - 03-08-2005

That's why I use the keyboard commands. lol. Allows more precise control.