Hi can anyone please help me my unlock code has been blocked I have had fsx passengers since 12 september 2009 bought it from flight sim store used it without fault on a regular basis for approx 3 years had a back injury which curtailed my useage (unable to use rudder pedals) sorry i degress
finaly set up system to fly again fspassengers has update downloaded update went to punch in serial key came back you have been blocked that was on the 25th nov 2018 followed the instructions sent and resent proof of purchase ....no responce hence I am on here now some one please tell me whats going on I paid $62.00 au in 2009 for this software licence which included free updates ......?
Hello, I recently downloaded fspassengers and love it. I had to uninstall it recently and tried reinstalling it again and when I did the sizing of the text is outside of the boxes and the fspassengers menus are all out of frame. I am running fsx steam edition along with the pmdg 777, active sky next, gsx, and fs2crew. I am not sure what is causing this. My drivers are all up to date and I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling fspassngers twice now but still to no avail. I am running this on my surface pro 4 i5 128 model. If you could help me find a solution I would appreciate it a lot! Thanks
Hello everyone or purchased the activation key from simmarket , and when I go to insert it gives me this message: Sorry, impossible to unlock at this time, please try later or write to info @fspassengers with this error number: 56 "You can help me thanks
Hi flight simmers.
Can anyone pls explain me why on my FSX taxi lights wont turn on pls? It happens that when I click landing lights everything Works perfectly, but when I need to turn off landong lights to use taxi lights these ones wont work.
The JF/CLS BAE146 will not load PAX due to the doors not being recognised as open. All doors are governed thru a GP board very similar to the Caranado ones. Is there a fix to this?
Having Problems with FSpassengers not uploading certain flights to my log server.
It uploads SOME flight but not all and shows this below.
* FSPassengers Sql Error - Unable to export flight number 24 - SQL Error - You have an error in your sql syntax *
I would love to see a proper sql server dump, one that does not get these errors.
Want to see the Tables : and how they are set.
I have set them the best I can with my limited knowledge of sql.
the problem is that the fspassenger website files were made for php 5.2 I believe and that was years a go, as php versions are now 5.5, etc, which is
what I am using.
Can anyone give me an updated version of the Tables to suit php 5.5 please ?
Any Help appreciated.
Can also contact me Here : vk3fwdt@iinet.net.au
Good day, I too have been receiving this crash for a while now and i finally sat down to figure it out. I have reviewed the forums and have tried just about everything that I have found to fix it such as uninstall reinstall etc etc etc. Nothing I have done has worked. I currently have FSP uninstalled and have completed multiple flights without incident. I have used the latest "2016" installer downloaded from your site and no FSX is not on my C drive. I would love for help in resolving this issue so that I might continue to use this program. Thanks!
What happened? Every Orbiter site is closed. No hint of why. All 404 Not Found. I just finally got back online from a long deficit of job and no Orbiter.
Remember me Dan, MattNW from DG IV? I never believed Orbiter could Die.
Many FS Developers and Customers reported that The Flight Sim Store is not Paying Developers and also some Download Links are not working. If Dan can check into it and take proper action. I downloaded a copy of FSP FSX and FSP P3D last week but today the website is down.