I have decided to give FSP a try after a family friend had recommended it. So I downloaded and installed the demo, however, I cannot complete a single flight as it keeps crashing with no warning message.
Don't know what else to say as I haven't noticed a specific action that causes it to crash.
I am on the latest Windows 10 update and use FSX: SE, my PC is only 3 months old and was built specifically for flight simulation and whatever else my avionic systems college uni course may require.
FsPassengers X ver. Jan 23 2016
LOG started 24.06.2019 - 23:19
Start of FsPassengersX.dll
Selected Language:English
No keyboard.ini to load - ok
Getting FSX version
FsX version returned: 10.0.62615.0
FsX version OK: Steam/Acceleration build 62615
Fsx path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX
FsP path: C:\Users\Public\Documents
No config file - loading default Option
Nbr of currency found in file: 7
Selected currency:Dollars
Nbr of inflation data found 113
Config file saved
Start Init Failures
End Init Failures OK. Nbr of failures: 40
searching music collection
Music found: 8
Module and mem Listing. Please report those in case of CTD >>>:
bin\nodump.txt found, no module and memory listing
End of module listing
All init completed ok - run addon
SimConnect_Open - OK
SimConnect_CallDispatch - OK
End of initialisation - OK
Config file saved
Sent Db Error box error=Company doesn't exist. Unable to add pilot!
GetCompanyUniqueID=Sprogis Industries18366510814
GetCompanyUniqueID=Sprogis Industries18366510814
GetPilotUniqueID=Viktors Sprogis1815363918396
GetPilotUniqueID=Viktors Sprogis1815363918396
Config file saved
Config file saved
AircraftType 0
AircraftBrandNewPrice 243100
Price 243100
Hours 7.32000
DegradationRate 0.79346
State 1000.00000
Gps release
Detect parking brakes available:
Parking brakes available
Checking update of FsPassengersX on internet
EXPORT- attempt to GetPage
EXPORT- attempt to GetPage successfull
Connected - reply received
No update available - OK
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Correcting payload station nbr. Original was: 5
payload count 6
Payload ini> search loadmodel for: Cessna Skyhawk 172SP G1000
Payload ini> Loading : 172
Payload ini> Loaded: 172.ini
payload count 6
Payload ini> Zero Cg Pos found: 1.00000
original CGPos= 0.15456
payload count 6
Payload ini> search passenger lon: -96.66 lat:33.74 maxpass: 2
Payload ini> zone nbr: 0 use zone list name (self-1): 0 passengers found 3
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
Detect parking brakes available:
Parking brakes available
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
payload count 6
Payload ini> search loadmodel for: Cessna Skyhawk 172SP G1000
Payload ini> Loading : 172
Payload ini> Loaded: 172.ini
payload count 6
Payload ini> Zero Cg Pos found: 1.00000
original CGPos= 0.15456
payload count 6
Payload ini> search passenger lon: -122.38 lat:37.61 maxpass: 2
Payload ini> zone nbr: 0 use zone list name (self-1): 0 passengers found 3
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
Fixed gear aircraft, force belly landing disabled
ATC Aircraft MTOW is: 2550.00000
Current flight number:
changed to: SPI83
Heavy flag not set
Starting FsPassengers adventure
Function ForceCrashAndCollideFlag
Function ForceCrashAndCollideFlag end
Loading Crew sound from user chosen directory Sound/CrewPack\Default\
Loading crew text, default voice pack used
Disabled penalty flag 4096
Call function GAFFA4645
END function GAFFA4645 found: 48
Call function RAFF43587
End function RAFF43587
Detect parking brakes available:
Parking brakes available
Movies_choices.cfg loaded movies availables: 6
Config file saved
Total Percentage of failure= 5
Pausing FsPassengers adventure
UnPausing FsPassengers adventure
Pausing FsPassengers adventure
UnPausing FsPassengers adventure
Pausing FsPassengers adventure
UnPausing FsPassengers adventure
End of FsPassengersX.dll
Deleting Failures
DirectSoundDeinit-> Success
Config file saved
SimConnect_Close - OK
Quote:-FsPassengers setup ver. Jan 23 2016 started: 24.06.2019 - 23:12
-Search if FsX is running
-OK FsX is not running
-Attempting to find FsX directory.
-Checking 64 byte registry for fsx vanilla
-Fsx vanilla Directory found: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\
-Checking 64 byte registry for fsx steam edition
-64 byte registry not found, checking 32 byte registry for fsx steam edition
-Registry key of FsX steam edition not found or unreadable
-Error - Registry key is FSX but steam version was found. Trying to install anyway
-Checking FsX path, searching this file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\dialogs\dlgabout.spb
-FsX found ok
-Detecting OS and FsPassengers install path...
-Windows 10: 10.0
-FsPassengers will be installed in: C:\Users\Public\Documents\FsPassengers
-Getting FSX version
-FsX version returned: 10.0.62615.0
-FsX version OK: Steam/Acceleration build 62615
-Check free space
-Free space Total Mb available: 27826
-Check needed space
-Needed space: 147
-No previous version of FsPX 2016 detected.
-No previous version of FsPX 2008 detected.
-AppCompatFlags checked OK
-Start of file copy...
-Extracting file to: C:\Users\Public\Documents\FsPassengers
-Ok: all files extracted correctly
-Attempting to find dll.xml file
-Getting FsX.exe version
-FsX.exe version: 10.0.62615
-fsx.cfg found in C:\Users\Viktors-PC\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\fsx.cfg
-dll.xml found in C:\Users\Viktors-PC\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\dll.xml
-Writting FsPassengers addon in dll.xml
-Start of dll.xml parsing----------------------------
-dll.xml, Nbr of addons found: 3
-dll.xml : ' Object Placement Tool' Xml ok.
-dll.xml : ' Traffic Toolbox' Xml ok.
-dll.xml : ' Visual Effects Tool' Xml ok.
-dll.xml written ok
-End of dll.xml parsing----------------------------
-Emptying old installation of FsPassengers into FsX's folder and/or creating new FsPassengers folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\FsPassengers
-Copying FsPassengers files into FSX's folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\FsPassengers
-Attempting to write Config file 'FsPassengers\bin\FsXPath.cfg'
-Config file 'FsPassengers\bin\FsXPath.cfg' written ok
-Creating shortcut in start menu...
-Number of files not replaced by update (to keep user's modification): 0
-No update of more_option.cfg required, this is a fresh install
-No update of money_currency.cfg required, this is a fresh install
-Writting FsPassengers's windows in missionpanel.cfg
-missionpanel.cfg - ok
-Adding uninstall key to registry
-Uninstall key added to registry
-Checking if simconnect and all library are installed
-FsPassengersX.dll loaded fine - simconnect and library ok
-Install completed with success
-Writting this log in FsPassengers folder.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require more information from me.
On a side note:
I have enjoyed FSP so far, it has reignited my interest in flight simulation, but what do I know I haven't had the chance to complete a flight yet. I am definitely going to purchase the full version once my finances recover from the PC purchase.
Just out of interest, what coding language is used to develop this "addon"?
I am a new member of this Forum but an old FS Passengers user!!
My OS is XP, I fly using FSX SP2.
I have downloaded the last update of FSP installer (20160123) and when I try to execute the file I receive the following
system message:
Sorry for my English.
Is there any possibility in the FSP to set up a company with several aircraft and pilots and make them interact with each other?
It would be like setting up a hub (CIA) and creating routes with connections
Random as somtimes it does somtimes it doesnt and i can go several flights between. each do a CTD. Its nice to be back on fsx and fspassengers, i ahppen to be trying to find new atc for fsx currently too.
fsp log.txt
FsPassengers X ver. Jan 23 2016
LOG started 03.06.2019 - 19:00
Start of FsPassengersX.dll
Selected Language:English
No keyboard.ini to load - ok
Getting FSX version
FsX version returned: 10.0.62615.0
FsX version OK: Steam/Acceleration build 62615
Fsx path: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX
FsP path: C:\Users\Public\Documents
Loading config file
Nbr of currency found in file: 7
Selected currency:Dollars
Nbr of inflation data found 113
Config file saved
Start Init Failures
End Init Failures OK. Nbr of failures: 40
searching music collection
Music found: 8
Module and mem Listing. Please report those in case of CTD >>>:
bin\nodump.txt found, no module and memory listing
End of module listing
All init completed ok - run addon
SimConnect_Open - OK
SimConnect_CallDispatch - OK
End of initialisation - OK
Detect parking brakes available:
Parking brakes available
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Correcting payload station nbr. Original was: 3
payload count 6
Payload ini> search loadmodel for: CRJ-200LR - JAL Pokemon JA2017J.
Payload ini> Loading : crj-200
Payload ini> Loaded: crj-200.ini
payload count 6
Payload ini> Zero Cg Pos found: 1.00000
original CGPos= -1.09285
payload count 6
Payload ini> search passenger lon: -74.03 lat:45.68 maxpass: 36
Payload ini> zone nbr: 0 use zone list name (self-1): 0 passengers found 36
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
Force Belly landing started
Gear speed limit found = 200
crash points: 4
Point # replaced: 3
Force Belly completed OK points added: 3
ATC Aircraft MTOW is: 51250.00000
Current flight number: 2206
changed to: swr64
Heavy flag not set
Starting FsPassengers adventure
Function ForceCrashAndCollideFlag
Function ForceCrashAndCollideFlag end
Loading Crew sound from user chosen directory Sound/CrewPack\Default\
Loading crew text, default voice pack used
Disabled penalty flag 4129
Call function GAFFA4645
END function GAFFA4645 found: 59
Call function RAFF43587
End function RAFF43587
Detect parking brakes available:
Parking brakes available
Movies_choices.cfg loaded movies availables: 6
Config file saved
Total Percentage of failure= 5
Cruise sound loop started at seconds: 1570
Cruise sound number: played at second : data1: 3 data2: 1570
End of FsPassengersX.dll
Deleting Failures
DirectSoundDeinit-> Success
Config file saved
SimConnect_Close - OK
-FsPassengers setup ver. Jan 23 2016 started: 01.06.2019 - 07:50
-Search if FsX is running
-OK FsX is not running
-Attempting to find FsX directory.
-Checking 64 byte registry for fsx vanilla
-Fsx vanilla Directory found: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\
-Checking 64 byte registry for fsx steam edition
-64 byte registry not found, checking 32 byte registry for fsx steam edition
-Registry key of FsX steam edition not found or unreadable
-Error - Registry key is FSX but steam version was found. Trying to install anyway
-Checking FsX path, searching this file: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\dialogs\dlgabout.spb
-FsX found ok
-Detecting OS and FsPassengers install path...
-Windows 10: 10.0
-FsPassengers will be installed in: C:\Users\Public\Documents\FsPassengers
-Getting FSX version
-FsX version returned: 10.0.62615.0
-FsX version OK: Steam/Acceleration build 62615
-Check free space
-Free space Total Mb available: 25891
-Check needed space
-Needed space: 147
-No previous version of FsPX 2016 detected.
-No previous version of FsPX 2008 detected.
-AppCompatFlags checked OK
-Start of file copy...
-Extracting file to: C:\Users\Public\Documents\FsPassengers
-Ok: all files extracted correctly
-Attempting to find dll.xml file
-Getting FsX.exe version
-FsX.exe version: 10.0.62615
-fsx.cfg found in C:\Users\spgco\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\fsx.cfg
-dll.xml found in C:\Users\spgco\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\dll.xml
-Writting FsPassengers addon in dll.xml
-Start of dll.xml parsing----------------------------
-dll.xml, Nbr of addons found: 8
-dll.xml : ' Addon Manager' Xml ok.
-dll.xml : ' Object Placement Tool' Xml ok.
-dll.xml : ' Traffic Toolbox' Xml ok.
-dll.xml : ' Visual Effects Tool' Xml ok.
-dll.xml : ' SODE Animation Module' Xml ok.
-dll.xml : ' RAASPRO' Xml ok.
-dll.xml : ' FSUIPC 4' Xml ok.
-dll.xml : ' PMDG HUD interface' Xml ok.
-dll.xml written ok
-End of dll.xml parsing----------------------------
-Emptying old installation of FsPassengers into FsX's folder and/or creating new FsPassengers folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\FsPassengers
-Copying FsPassengers files into FSX's folder E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\FsPassengers
-Attempting to write Config file 'FsPassengers\bin\FsXPath.cfg'
-Config file 'FsPassengers\bin\FsXPath.cfg' written ok
-Creating shortcut in start menu...
-Number of files not replaced by update (to keep user's modification): 0
-No update of more_option.cfg required, this is a fresh install
-No update of money_currency.cfg required, this is a fresh install
-Writting FsPassengers's windows in missionpanel.cfg
-missionpanel.cfg - ok
-Adding uninstall key to registry
-Uninstall key added to registry
-Checking if simconnect and all library are installed
-FsPassengersX.dll loaded fine - simconnect and library ok
-Install completed with success
-Writting this log in FsPassengers folder...
Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.16299.15 X86
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\fsx_62615_crash_2019_6_3T20_31_41C0.mdmp]
Comment: 'Minidump: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\fsx.exe
User Mini Dump File: Only registers, stack and portions of memory are available
Symbol search path is: srv*
Executable search path is:
Windows 10 Version 17134 MP (4 procs) Free x86 compatible
Product: WinNt, suite: SingleUserTS
Machine Name:
Debug session time: Mon Jun 3 20:31:43.000 2019 (UTC + 0:00)
System Uptime: not available
Process Uptime: 0 days 1:36:27.000
This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it.
The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.
(30a0c.36ab0): Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)
eax=00000000 ebx=3aa61008 ecx=09e31af0 edx=00b02000 esi=000002cc edi=3aa60ff8
eip=7792b0ec esp=00cac854 ebp=00cac860 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00200202
7792b0ec c20800 ret 8
0:000> !analyze -v
* *
* Exception Analysis *
* *
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for xuipc.dll -
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for api.dll -
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for ui.dll -
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for gameoverlayrenderer.dll -
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for fsx.exe
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for demo.dll
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for nvd3dum.dll -
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for bglmanx.dll -
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for RAASAUDIO32.DLL
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for RAASAUDIO32.DLL -
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for RAASPRO.dll -
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for FSUIPC4.DLL
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for FSUIPC4.DLL -
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for symmap.dll
GetUrlPageData2 (WinHttp) failed: 12007.
CONTEXT: (.ecxr)
eax=09e146a0 ebx=00007576 ecx=09e31af0 edx=00b02000 esi=53563a50 edi=0000800a
eip=5355dd8d esp=00caf45c ebp=00caf46c iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00210206
5355dd8d ff5108 call dword ptr [ecx+8] ds:002b:09e31af8=????????
Resetting default scope
Hi Guys,
Been using FSp for a while now, and love the software. I have (I believe) the most up to date variation, but I'm having an issue. I was simming earlier on and all was going fine. Made a mistake and cheated a bit by ending the FsP flight so it wasn't recorded. I then closed FSX, but PC was left running. Put FSX back on, and now there's no optiion in the menu bar for FS Passengers.....
I've seen some threads talk about DLLs etc, but I'm a complete novice.
I bought FSP from flight sim store a Year ago and now, I had to reinstall my computer, so its lost. I downloaded it againt but can't get the code sadly as the e-mail isn't avalaible. How can I get my code back?
Since one of the updates many months ago my copy paste font changed to CALIBRI only like 11 point or 10?!!! I hate it!
I googled and did everything i could already but still no change...
I use it in OUTLOOK AND WORD and nothing seems to work. What happened?? I tried the most obvious stuff already please note... i dont remember what though...