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Payload Model  Payload Model  |  242 - De Havilland Beaver DHC-2 MK IHits: 2927   
This is a payload model for the DHC-2 Beaver by Aerosoft
and reflects the load model of the 5 seat amphibian version.

The model is configured for in total five persons. One
pilot, which isn't considered and up to four passengers:

- 1 economy seat in the front
- 3 economy seats in rear

It is also possible to load up to 1100 lbs cargo instead
of passengers at the front cargo which simulates the
dismounting of the passenger seats in the back. A common
excercise of real bush pilots: They transport almost
everything almost everywhere. The rear cargo has a
maximum load of only 250 lbs.

Author: Michael Meyer  |  2005-08-15  |  Users Rating: 6.50/10 (8 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  240 - Payload for PMDG 747-400Hits: 18541   
Specific Payload Model for PMDG 747-400 'Queen Of The Skies'.

Best use with PMDG add-on :

May be used as well with other 747-400 models but I have NOT tried.

Explanations included, if needed, about external fuel/pax loader usage.

Author: Sebastien Belluteau  |  2005-08-15  |  Users Rating: 7.87/10 (52 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  238 - FSD Cheyenne Payload ModelHits: 2137   
My first payload model. Should work nice :-)
Have fun !

Author: soulcage  |  2005-08-14  |  Users Rating: 7.68/10 (53 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  237 - Marchetti SF-260 PayloadHits: 2150   
Specific Payload Model for SIAI Marchetti SF260

Best use with SIAI Marchetti SF260 available here:

Can work with other SF260 models...

Author: Renorx  |  2005-08-14  |  Users Rating: 5.97/10 (32 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  223 - Grumman Goose G21 by Bill LyonHits: 2506   
This is a payload model for the Goose by Bill Lyon
and reflects the load model of the cargo version.

The model is configured only for cargo !

The cargo could be loaded :
Water : max. 1800 LBS (due to the drag of the water!)
Land : max. 3000 LBS (with very low fuel!)
typical 2500 LBS with a maximum of 75% fuel

Please see the Readme.txt for installation!

Author: Michael Meyer  |  2005-08-13  |  Users Rating: 3.35/10 (17 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  222 - Payload model for DHC8-102 (Dash8)Hits: 2818   
This is a payload model made for DeHavilland Dash8 (DHC8-102). I used PADs Air Labrador when testing the model, so if you have any problems, there might be some differences in the .cfg file of your DeHavilland. It should however not be to hard to correct it.

I have used two stations (Front and Rear) even though a real DHC8-102) only has ONE station. This is to easier balance the CG when flying with full cargo.

Author: SE-TMA  |  2005-08-13  |  Users Rating: 5.13/10 (23 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  216 - Cessna Skylane II RG R182Hits: 4307   
This is a payload model for the Cessna RG 182 II by Carenado
and reflects the load model of the 4 seat version.

The model is configured for in total four persons. One
pilot, which isn't considered and up to three passengers:

- 1 economy seat in the front
- 2 economy seats in the rear row

The rear cargo has a maximum load of 300 lbs.

Author: Michael Meyer  |  2005-08-11  |  Users Rating: 5.75/10 (12 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  214 - Payload Concorde Brittish AirwaysHits: 4757   
Specific Payload Model for Aerospatiale BAC Concorde British Airways
Updated station weights thanks to Bryan.

Best use with Concorde by Koch/Media :

May be used as well with PSS Concorde but i have NOT TRIED.

Author: Sebastien Belluteau  |  2005-08-10  |  Users Rating: 5.25/10 (40 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  213 - Payload Model Concorde Air FranceHits: 3369   
Specific Payload Model for Aerospatiale BAC Concorde Air France
Updated station weights thanks to Bryan.

Best use with Concorde by Koch/Media :

May be used as well with PSS Concorde but i have NOT TRIED.

Author: Sebastien Belluteau  |  2005-08-10  |  Users Rating: 4.71/10 (38 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  211 - Payload Model Tupolev Tu-154BHits: 4434   
Specific Payload Model for Tupolev-154B

Best use with Project Tupolev Tu-154B available here:

Author: Sebastien Belluteau  |  2005-08-10  |  Users Rating: 7.49/10 (37 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  210 - Payload Model Tupolev Tu-154MHits: 3467   
Specific Payload Model for Tupolev Tu-154M

Best use with IGFly Tu-154M available here:

Author: Sebastien Belluteau  |  2005-08-09  |  Users Rating: 4.97/10 (30 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  207 - PSS Dash 8 Payload ModelHits: 5672   
Payload model for PSS (Phoenix) DHC8-300 and -Q300 turboprop airliners.

Author: Ian P  |  2005-08-08  |  Users Rating: 5.96/10 (26 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  201 - De Havilland Beaver DHC-2 MK IHits: 2835   
This is a payload model for the DHC-2 Beaver by Aerosoft
and reflects the load model of the 5 seat Tundra version.

The model is configured for in total five persons. One
pilot, which isn't considered and up to four passengers:

- 1 economy seat in the front
- 3 economy seats in the rear row

It is also possible to load up to 1100 lbs cargo instead
of passengers at the front cargo which simulates the
dismounting of the passenger seats in the back. A common
excercise of real bush pilots: They transport almost
everything almost everywhere. The rear cargo has a
maximum load of only 250 lbs.

Author: Michael Meyer  |  2005-08-07  |  Users Rating: 5.97/10 (32 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  200 - FSD Piper NavajoHits: 3142   
A payload model for the FSD Piper Navajo Panther add-on.

Author: Ian P  |  2005-08-07  |  Users Rating: 8.06/10 (34 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  178 - Payload model fro Embraer 120Hits: 4437   
A payload model of the Embraer 120, a 40 PAX Turboprop aircraft certified for the second officers (C4 rank, more than 35 hours)

Author: Jean-Louis COURBON  |  2005-08-05  |  Users Rating: 3.47/10 (17 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  172 - DC-9-41Hits: 2473   
FsPassengers 2004 Payload Model for DC-9-41 in SAS 122 seat version.
Background image is default MD-82 slightly modified

Author: B717  |  2005-08-04  |  Users Rating: 5.71/10 (7 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  171 - De Havilland Beaver DHC-2 MK IHits: 2862   
This is a payload model for the DHC-2 Beaver by Aerosoft
and reflects the load model of the 8 seat float version.

The model is configured for in total eight persons. One
pilot, which isn't considered and up to seven passengers:

- 1 economy seat in the front
- 3 economy seats in the 1st row
- 3 economy seats in the 2nd row

It is also possible to load up to 1100 lbs cargo instead
of passengers at the front cargo which simulates the
dismounting of the passenger seats in the back. A common
excercise of real bush pilots: They transport almost
everything almost everywhere. The rear cargo has a
maximum load of only 250 lbs.

Author: Michael Meyer  |  2005-08-03  |  Users Rating: 6.44/10 (39 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  170 - 747-400 PMDGHits: 3350   
Voici un payload pour le 747-400 PMDG,amusez-vous bien.

Author:   |  2005-08-03  |  Users Rating: 3.62/10 (26 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  164 - Flight 1 Piper MeridianHits: 2860   
FS Passengers payload model for the Flight One Piper Meridian.
All station data taken directly from the Piper Meridian aircraft.cfg file. 4 passenger stations: all V.I.P., 2 facing rear, 2 facing fwd. Aft baggage compartment: max. 100 lbs load as per aircraft.cfg.

Author: Nick Barnes  |  2005-08-02  |  Users Rating: 3.79/10 (33 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  151 - Flight 1 DC-9Hits: 4259   
FsPassengers 2004 Payload Model for Flight1 Douglas DC-9-31. The background image is for the "Century of Flight" paint scheme.

Author: Zdenek Cizek  |  2005-07-30  |  Users Rating: 7.48/10 (23 votes)    Download

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