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Payload Model  Payload Model  |  700 - Carenado Cessna 210M Centurion IIHits: 2387   
The Cessna 210M Centurion II is the first Cessna aircraft to have retractable undercarriage and swept back vertical tail surfaces.

Author: N66FC Raptor  |  2006-01-10  |  Users Rating: 6.42/10 (24 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  698 - Wilco 737-300 House Full PayLaodHits: 5810   
Wilco 737-300 House Full Payload Model. Must unZip to FsPassenger .../payload_model file.
Happy landings!!

Author: Jose Borges  |  2006-01-08  |  Users Rating: 6.31/10 (36 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  696 - PC6 PorterHits: 1636   
Two .ini files. The FSD Porter for pax and another for cargo. Both using the Payette Air Charters skin.
C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesFlight Simulator 9
Author: kenml  |  2006-01-07  |  Users Rating: 6.00/10 (6 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  693 - Payload for Flight1 Cessna 172RHits: 2760   
This payload matches the default 172 with the exception of the aircraft picture.

Author: N66FC Raptor  |  2006-01-04  |  Users Rating: 6.00/10 (10 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  691 - Convair 880 HJGHits: 1624   
This is for the Convair 880 from the Historic Jetliners Group. The CG works better than the 990 I downloaded from here, but I also had to adjust the weights in the aircraft.cfg of the 880 from HJG. Empty: 85000 MTOW: 185000. These are pretty close to accurate according to the source I found. Hope this works for you as well as it does for me.

Author: Ian Robertson  |  2006-01-04  |  Users Rating: 6.40/10 (5 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  689 - DHC-3 NG Payload ModelHits: 1975   


This aircraft can be downloaded from Simviation at...

This airplane was made by Eugene Heyart.

"The Otter NG is a fictitious airplane which represents the possible future for the current DHC-3. The Otter NG is equipped with a more powerful turbine, five blade scimitar prop and a new designed, more efficient main wing. With these changes the Otter NG overtrumps its predecessor in nearly all flight characteristics... FS2004, dynamic virtual cockpit, 7 liveries, reflective textures, opening door, full moving parts, panel with custom gauges and custom sound by Eugene Heyart"


Author: COA_101  |  2006-01-03  |  Users Rating: 5.29/10 (14 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  682 - LDS 767-300ERHits: 5669   
My first payload model made for the LDS 767-300ER.
The payload has been configured to match the setmap set in the 767-300 Configuration. Make sure to set the Basic Aircraft Configuration to empty in the 767-300 configuration manager before using the payload. Read the readme for more information.
VIP: 18 pax
First Class: 40 pax
Business: 56 pax
Economy: 150 pax
Front Cargo: 54180.0 lbs
Rear Cargo: 17513.0 lbs

Author: crowebird  |  2006-01-02  |  Users Rating: 7.45/10 (22 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  681 - TAM Payload for A319, A320 and A330Hits: 4100   
TAM Payload for A319 (IAE), A320 (IAE) and A330 (GE or PW)
Author: BBB  |  2006-01-01  |  Users Rating: 5.42/10 (12 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  679 - Lockheed L-188 ElectraHits: 2322   
My second try at a payload model. I tried this payload model in various load configurations and it seems to work well.

Author: Scott  |  2005-12-31  |  Users Rating: 6.72/10 (25 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  676 - Convair 580Hits: 1761   
Heres my first try at a Payload Model for the Convair 580. Hope it works for all.

Author: Scott  |  2005-12-31  |  Users Rating: 7.11/10 (9 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  673 - Dreamfleet Beechcraft A36 BonanzaHits: 3108   
Payload models for the Dreamfleet Beechcraft A36 Bonanza.

Included are two models - for the basic A36 version and the one with tip tanks. They both use the same picture in payload manager though.

Extract files to your FSPassengerspayload_model folder and enjoy!

Author: nem  |  2005-12-29  |  Users Rating: 6.00/10 (14 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  672 - A319-111 Air FranceHits: 2057   
Airbus A319-111 Air France.

Author: Gilles Mansuy  |  2005-12-29  |  Users Rating: 3.18/10 (11 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  671 - Payload Model for Bell/Textron 430Hits: 1940   
Bell/Textron 430 payload model.

Author:   |  2005-12-27  |  Users Rating: 6.86/10 (7 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  668 - Cirrus SR22 G2 GTSHits: 3750   
Payload model for the eaglesoft cirrus SR22 G2 GTS

Author: marcel thomas  |  2005-12-26  |  Users Rating: 8.00/10 (14 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  666 - Beech Bonanza A36Hits: 1971   
This is the Beechcraft Bonanza A36. If you get a good CG payload worked up please e-mail me a copy.

Author: Kenml  |  2005-12-22  |  Users Rating: 7.67/10 (12 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  661 - Seatmaps for MD-11Hits: 8859   
This package includes typical layouts for McDonnell Douglas MD-11.

1. MD-11 (298).ini: standard 3 class layout: 177+97+24 total 298.
2. MD-11 (323).ini: typical 2 class layout: 299+24+0 total 323.
3. MD-11 (410).ini: max 1 class layout (tight): 410+0+0 total 410.

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Author: Covoxer  |  2005-12-17  |  Users Rating: 7.31/10 (51 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  660 - Seatmaps for DC-10 (MD-10)Hits: 7444   
This package includes typical layouts for McDonnell Douglas DC-10.

1. DC-10 (270).ini: standard 2 class layout: 246+24+0 total 270.
2. DC-10 (250).ini: typical 3 class layout: 183+42+24 total 250.
3. DC-10 (380).ini: max 1 class layout (tight): 380+0+0 total 380.

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Author: Covoxer  |  2005-12-17  |  Users Rating: 7.57/10 (37 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  659 - Let L-410 Payload ModelHits: 2780   
Payload model for the excellent Let L-410 aircraft available from AVSIM (search for "pwdt" to find it). The L-410 handles up to 19 passengers and/or up to 1400kg of cargo making it an excellent choice for FSPassengers. It is capable of landing on unimproved airstrips and will land on the shortest airfields. Couple this with a top speed in excess of 200 knots and you have what I consider to be the perfect short haul FSPassengers aircraft.

Author: timcclayton  |  2005-12-16  |  Users Rating: 6.15/10 (13 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  657 - Feelthere PIC ERJ 145 payload modelHits: 6053   
Payload model for the PIC ERJ145 by Feelthere
Passenger seating: 14 Business / 36 Economy

Author: eazy  |  2005-12-15  |  Users Rating: 8.19/10 (21 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  654 - Seatmaps for 737-600 and -700Hits: 9990   
This package includes typical layouts for Boeing 737-600 and 737-700.

1. 737-600 (110).ini: standard 2 class layout: 102+8+0 total 110.
2. 737-600 (132).ini: max 1 class layout: 132+0+0 total 132.
3. 737-700 (126).ini: standard 2 class layout: 118+8+0 total 126.
4. 737-700 (149).ini: max 1 class layout: 149+0+0 total 149.

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Author: Covoxer  |  2005-12-13  |  Users Rating: 6.97/10 (34 votes)    Download

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