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Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1209 - McDonnell Douglas MD-80Hits: 2733   
Payload McDonnell Douglas Super MD80 Flight1 - Sonic Fast

Author: Enrique Fuentes  |  2007-03-12  |  Users Rating: 3.25/10 (4 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1208 - Airbus 320Hits: 1782   
Payload Airbus 320 PSS - Sonic Fast

Author: Enrique Fuentes  |  2007-03-12  |  Users Rating: 6.83/10 (6 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1207 - Airbus 318Hits: 1795   
Payload Airbus 318 Feel There/Wilco - Sonic Fast

Author: Enrique Fuentes  |  2007-03-12  |  Users Rating: 4.25/10 (8 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1206 - D Maltby HS121 Trident 2Hits: 1887   
A payload model for David Maltbys excellent HS 121 Trident 2 aircraft.

The aircraft can be downloaded at

Author: indigoed  |  2007-03-12  |  Users Rating: 6.25/10 (8 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1204 - Embraer PIC ERJ-145Hits: 3963   
Payload Embraer PIC ERJ-145 Feel There - Sonic Fast

Author: Enrique Fuentes  |  2007-03-09  |  Users Rating: 7.00/10 (12 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1203 - Cessna Citation Deluxe XHits: 2377   
Payload Cessna Citation Deluxe EagleSoft - Sonic Fast

Author: Enrique Fuentes  |  2007-03-09  |  Users Rating: 3.60/10 (10 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1202 - Lockheed Super ConstellationHits: 2387   
Payload Lockheed Spuer Constellation L-1049 SFCA - Sonic Fast

Author: Enrique Fuentes  |  2007-03-09  |  Users Rating: 7.67/10 (12 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1199 - ATR 72-500Hits: 2130   
Payload ATR 72-500 Flight1 - Sonic Fast

Author: Enrique Fuentes  |  2007-03-07  |  Users Rating: 8.00/10 (17 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1198 - Beechcraft King Air B200Hits: 3733   
Payload Beeach Super King Air B200 Aeroworx - Sonic Fasr

Author: Enrique Fuentes  |  2007-03-07  |  Users Rating: 7.36/10 (28 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1197 - Boeing 747SP payload modelHits: 2999   
Boeing 747SP payload model.

331 passengers standard cabin version, especially made for Posky 747SP model.
Corsair F-GTOM profile included.
Also included is a Photoshop file for people wanting to change the 747 profile.

Author: Alexandre Cadel  |  2007-03-07  |  Users Rating: 8.20/10 (15 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1195 - de Havilland Dash 8Q-300Hits: 3071   
Payload de Havilland Dash 8Q-300 PSS - Sonic Fast

Author: Enrique Fuentes  |  2007-03-07  |  Users Rating: 7.20/10 (10 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1194 - Pilatus PC-12Hits: 2646   
Payload Pilatus PC-12 Flight1 - Sonic Fast

Author: Enrique Fuentes  |  2007-03-07  |  Users Rating: 4.07/10 (27 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1193 - Cessna Grand CaravanHits: 2012   
Payload Cessna Grand Caravan Deluxe Feel Ther - Sonic Fast

Author: Enrique Fuentes  |  2007-03-07  |  Users Rating: 6.53/10 (15 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1192 - Cessna 310L Dreeam FleetHits: 1979   
Payload Cessna 310L Dreeam Fleet/Flight1 - Sonic Fast

Author: Enrique Fuentes  |  2007-03-06  |  Users Rating: 4.44/10 (18 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1190 - Beech Baron 58 RXPHits: 1857   
Payload Beech Craft Baron 58 RXP Dreeam Fleet - Sonic Fast

Author: Enrique Fuentes  |  2007-03-04  |  Users Rating: 4.67/10 (12 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1189 - Beech Bonanza A36 TTHits: 1838   
Payload Beech Bonanza A36TT Dreeam Fleet - Sonic Fast

Author: Enrique Fuentes  |  2007-03-04  |  Users Rating: 8.53/10 (38 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1188 - Cessna U206G CarenadoHits: 2289   
Payload Cessna U206G Carenado - Sonic Fast

Author: Enrique Fuentes  |  2007-03-04  |  Users Rating: 6.80/10 (30 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1187 - Piper Archer P128 Flight 1Hits: 1950   
Payload Piper Archer II PA 128 Flight - Sonic Fast

Author: Enrique Fuentes  |  2007-03-04  |  Users Rating: 6.23/10 (13 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1182 - AT2000 Fireflash V1.0Hits: 1512   

First model that I have made. The Legendary Fireflash! V1.0
Runs very well on my FSP.
A very nice touch to your airline.
600 passengers!
Go's up to mach 6!
First Class in the wings

Need or want the aircraft?
sujest you click here

Author: Sgt_Ximo  |  2007-02-16  |  Users Rating: 6.17/10 (18 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1180 - Citation II payload modelHits: 2168   
This is a payload model for the Citation II

Author: James Harvey  |  2007-02-14  |  Users Rating: 6.79/10 (19 votes)    Download

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27282930 31 32333435

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