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Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1679 - 767-300ER LEVEL-D Delta AirlinesHits: 4271   
This payload model was created for Boeing 767-300ER from the great company - Level-D. I created a Delta Airlines model, it is fully based on precise, real life (2 Class) Delta seat and load configurations. This load configuration features a max total seating of 216 people (BC35 + EC181).

V2 of United LDS coming soon.....
Mass production for airlines started on Airbus Series 2 and PMDG aircraft[u/].

Author: PM Developers Group  |  2008-12-23  |  Users Rating: 8.04/10 (48 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1678 - turkishHits: 1782   
Turkish airlines b737-400

Author: Kadir AKKAYA  |  2008-12-22  |  Users Rating: 6.10/10 (41 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1677 - THY 737-400Hits: 1622   
Turkishs Airlines 737-400.Designer By Kadir AKKAYA

Author: galibu  |  2008-12-20  |  Users Rating: 6.79/10 (28 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1675 - Bae ATPHits: 1458   
my first payload model of the bae atp i made it from the BSMP version from avsim injoy

Author: lee  |  2008-12-16  |  Users Rating: 3.61/10 (23 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1671 - payload model for Antonov An-10AHits: 1415   
Payload model for Antonov An-10A

Author: Methuselah  |  2008-12-02  |  Users Rating: 8.25/10 (4 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1670 - payload model forTupolev Tu-104Hits: 1790   
Payload model forTupolev Tu-104.

Author: Methuselah  |  2008-12-02  |  Users Rating: 6.00/10 (4 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1669 - payload model for Antonov An-148.Hits: 1660   
payload model for Antonov An-148

Author: Methuselah   |  2008-12-01  |  Users Rating: 7.00/10 (8 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1668 - L-1011-500 payload modelHits: 1282   
This payload model is for Mike Stone's L-1011-500, 2-class configuration. To install, simply extract l-1011.jpg and l-1011.ini to your FSPassengerspayload_model directory.

Author: Coinneach Fitzpatrick  |  2008-12-01  |  Users Rating: 6.25/10 (4 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1666 - payload model forTupolev Tu-142Hits: 1340   
FS Passengers payload model forTupolev Tu-124B.

Author: Methuselah   |  2008-12-01  |  Users Rating: 8.00/10 (10 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1660 - American Boeing 700 (concept)Hits: 1461   
450 seats in 4 classes and plenty of cargo. Aircraft available from avsim library. 1st payload model so bear with me but you should only have to unzip the files to your payload directory. Flys great and makes great $$$$$.

Author: Cody  |  2008-11-13  |  Users Rating: 4.13/10 (15 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1658 - Alandalus Super King Air 300Hits: 1892   
Modelo de carga (payload) para el Super King Air 300 de AlAndalus Airlines VA.

Author:   |  2008-11-09  |  Users Rating: 5.69/10 (45 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1655 - A330-200 BMI WilcoHits: 2527   
Payload Model Developers Group has created a brand new second generation payload model for WILCO AIRBUS SERIES 2 / Airbus A330-200. It is based on real life configuration of BMI (British Midland) A330-200. A 3 Class configuration will totol a max of 220 Passengers and 65000lbs of cargo[b/].

Upcoming models....
A330-200 Emirates V2, A330-300 Lufthansa V2, A340-300 Swiss V2, B777-200 British Airways V2....

Author: PM Developers Group  |  2008-10-27  |  Users Rating: 4.58/10 (12 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1649 - 777-222ER TransaeroHits: 2133   
Recently, at 4th Quarter of 2008 Transaero Airlines has received its first Boeing 777-222ER. This payload model was created based on real life Transaero seating arrangements and cargo holding. Boeing 777-222ER Transaero Airlines from Project Opensky is able to fit 306 passengers in 4 Class seating arrangement. (First, Business, Tourist Economy, Standard Economy). Both English and Russia readmes included.

For more of our work, please see PM Developers Group under artist section.
Thanks. More and more coming soon.....

Author: PM Developers Group  |  2008-10-21  |  Users Rating: 5.17/10 (18 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1648 - B767-300ER Transaero LEVEL-DHits: 2803   
This is a model based on one of the seating configurations for one of Russia's leading airlines. Transaero operates several Boeing 767-300ERs. Current configurations for LEVEL-D Boeing 767-300ER allows for maximum seating of 285 Passengers (3 Class).

Author: PM Developers Group  |  2008-10-21  |  Users Rating: 7.85/10 (13 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1646 - CLS A300-600R IberiaHits: 2894   
Fichero que contiene el payload para el modelo A300-600R de Commercial Level Simulations, de la compañía Iberia.

cambiar el título del modelo en el Aircraft.cfg, sustituyendo la linea del título por esta...

title=CLS A300-600R Iberia

Que lo disfrutéis.

Author: scooby  |  2008-10-07  |  Users Rating: 5.08/10 (13 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1645 - 747-200 Iberia payloadHits: 2236   
Este carpeta ZIP, contiene el payload del 747-200 de Iberia. En principio es para el modelo de Commercial Level Simulations, pero puede adaptarse para cualquier modelo de características similares.

Solo hay que modificar el titulo del modelo original del fichero Aircraft.cfg, para la textura seleccionada.
Modificar el sguiente linea tal y como indico.

title=Commercial Level Simulations - Boeing 747-200 CLS Iberia

por esta...

title=Commercial Level Simulations 747-200 Iberia

Que lo disfrutéis.

Author: scooby  |  2008-10-07  |  Users Rating: 6.05/10 (20 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1642 - JFG DC8-63 Payload Model - CP AirHits: 1359   
Payload Model for CP Air's DC8-63 by HJG.

Bruce Wood

Author: Bruce Wood  |  2008-09-12  |  Users Rating: 4.44/10 (27 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1641 - DC8-63 Payload ModelHits: 1794   
CP Air Payload Model for the Historic Jetliners Group DC8-63.

Author: Bruce Wood  |  2008-09-11  |  Users Rating: 6.00/10 (38 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1639 - Mooney_CarenadoHits: 2044   
Mooney Carenado

Author: Rafael Ledezma Andrade  |  2008-09-10  |  Users Rating: 5.17/10 (36 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1638 - Dash-8Q300_PSSHits: 2737   

Author: Rafael Ledezma Andrade  |  2008-09-10  |  Users Rating: 6.44/10 (16 votes)    Download

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