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Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1782 - PMDG MD-11F LufthansaHits: 4975   
Besides major cargo airlines, like FedEx and UPS, there is one airline which is mainly a passenger carrier, and holds a 6th place in the world of biggest passenger carriers. Yet at the same time Lufthansa, holds 4th place in the world, with the amount of Cargo movement, and its cargo fleet has 17 aircraft of the one and only McDonnell Douglas MD-11F. This payload model has been created for ONLY and ONLY PMDG MD-11F, no other MD-11 aircraft.

Fly It - Enjoy It - Feel the realism -=- PM DEVELOPERS GROUP

I haven't done this before but I want to give my special thanks to Dan and the FSPassengers crew, for helping me and all sim flyers make this realism possible. THANK YOU

Author: Konstantin Kharlamov  |  2009-04-17  |  Users Rating: 6.54/10 (46 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1779 - Carenado C172II N Payload addonHits: 2091   

This is a Remake for the Carenado 172IIN including 1 vip spot in the copilot seat and 2 business seats in the back with a pilot and everything else is explainable

Copy the files to this directory
32 bit=C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesMicrosoft Flight Simulator XFsPassengersPayload_model

Author: Justin | Brick  |  2009-04-14  |  Users Rating: 6.28/10 (50 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1776 - Sky Airlines Payload ModelsHits: 1266   

  Smile In The Sky

Payload Models are based on real aircraft configurations and cargo capacities ...

B737-400 : TC-SKB , TC-SKD , TC-SKE , TC-SKF , TC-SKG
B737-800 : TC-SKH
A320 : TC-SKJ , TC-SKK
A321 : TC-SKI

VA Homepage :
Real Airline Homepage :

Safe flights

Author: Fatih KOZ  |  2009-04-09  |  Users Rating: 6.61/10 (36 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1775 - MD-11 Swiss International AirlinesHits: 3666   
Its very unfortunate that Swiss International Airlines has phased out their MD-11 in 2004. But the their legend still lives on with us. MD-11 was considered a unique aircraft, and maybe, possilby the most beautiful aircraft ever built. I bring you Swiss International Airlines MD-11. The model was build ONLY for PMDG MD-11, it will not work correctly on IFDG and Overland models. This payload model carries over 300 Passengers and about ~90,000lbs of cargo. It has special configuration. So you have to be very careful when you load it up. Even though it looks completely off....its actually fine. Enjoy it.

PM DEVELOPERS GROUP CEO - Konstantin Kharlamov

Author: Konstantin Kharlamov  |  2009-04-08  |  Users Rating: 6.81/10 (27 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1770 - B777-232LR (Delta)Hits: 2439   
For those who love to fly Delta Aircrafts, Here is my rendition of a Boeing 777-232LR payload model using a Delta 777LR.

Author: Anick  |  2009-03-29  |  Users Rating: 5.00/10 (12 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1769 - Qatar Airways A330-200Hits: 2574   
[b/]Qatar Airways is one of the few airlines that was given a 5 star rating. The airline holds mostly a fleet of long haul aircraft. Qatar Airways also has 2nd biggest fleet of Airbus A330 planes in the world. We have already created a payload model for Airbus A330-300X of Qatar Airways, and now the time has come - - We Present you Airbus A330-200 2in1. In this package you will find both 2 Class and 3 Class payload model. For our company it is only a second payload model package that will hold 2 and 3 Class payload models in 1. (Previous was Emirates Boeing 777-300ER). Qatar Airways Airbus A330-200 holds 281 passengers in 2 Class configuration and 259 passengers in 3 Class config and also is holding a stunning amound of 91000lbs of cargo

CEO PM Developers Group - Konstantin Kharlamov

Author: Konstantin Kharlamov  |  2009-03-28  |  Users Rating: 6.80/10 (10 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1767 - Vickers Viscount V.700D and V.810Hits: 1411   
Payload Models for the Rick Piper, Vickers Viscount V.700D and the V.810 models.V.810 corrected and adjusted after actual payload.
Select payload version after Viscount type:

Viscount= Vickers Viscount V700D
Vickers= Vickers Viscount V810

By Daniel Nole.

Author: Daniel Nole  |  2009-03-28  |  Users Rating: 5.86/10 (7 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1764 - A330-300X (323X) Delta Airlines NWHits: 3080   
This is our latest release of a newly painted and transfered under Delta name (Originally still Northwest Airlines) Airbus A330-323X. As many of us may know, Delta-Northwest Merge was one of the most successful Airline murges ever. The two currently hold the biggest murged fleet (At over 1100 aircraft). Northwest has allowed some of its aircraft to be painted with Delta Airlines colors. And here I bring you the first painted aircraft for my latest payload model. Airbus A330-323X Delta Airlines holds 298 passengers in 2 seat configurations (34 Business and 264 Economy). X stand for extra payload, so the aircraft using this config will carry about 90,000lbs of cargo.

CEO - PM DEVELOPERS GROUP - Konstantin Kharlamov

Author: Konstantin Kharlamov  |  2009-03-24  |  Users Rating: 5.40/10 (52 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1761 - Beechcraft A65 Queen Air U-8FHits: 1309   
Payload Model for the Beechcraft A65 Queen Air U-8F.
By Daniel Nole.

Author: Daniel Nole  |  2009-03-19  |  Users Rating: 9.60/10 (15 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1760 - Airbus A310 MRTTHits: 1980   
German Air Force Airbus A310-340 MRTT

Have Fun !!!

Author: Panavia  |  2009-03-17  |  Users Rating: 6.00/10 (11 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1758 - A350-1000 Payload version 2Hits: 1960   
This is my 2. attemp of making a payload model for the fantastic A350. My version of aircraft is from Fspassengers is giving FS2004 so much more. Why not get a great payload of my aircraft?? :-)

Author: Torben Bredvig  |  2009-03-15  |  Users Rating: 6.25/10 (8 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1753 - Pacific West Airways Dash 8 Q-400Hits: 3305   

Pacific West Airways is back!

This payload model was created for the Pacific West Airways Bombardier Q-400. Also available is the PWA 767-300ER, PWA 737-700, PWA 717-200, Paradise 767-300ER, Paradise 717-200, Paradise Q-400.

The payload models were designed with the aircrafts typical real world specifications.

Visit us at !

Same Name. New Look. New Attitude.

Author: Dave Steed  |  2009-03-08  |  Users Rating: 5.71/10 (17 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1748 - Pacific West Airways 767-300ERHits: 2108   

Pacific West Airways is back!

This payload model was created for the Pacific West Airways 767-300ER. Also available is the PWA 737-700, PWA 717-200, PWA Q-400, Paradise 767-300ER, Paradise 717-200, and the Paradise Q-400.

The payload models were designed with the aircrafts typical real world specifications.

Visit us at !

Same Name. New Look. New Attitude.

Author: Dave Steed  |  2009-02-27  |  Users Rating: 7.10/10 (29 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1747 - Piper Super Pacer Hits: 1299   
This is a payload model for Brian Gladden's freeware Super Pacer for FS2004.

Author: poden  |  2009-02-27  |  Users Rating: 4.83/10 (18 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1743 - Boeing 737-200AdvHits: 2458   
Payload Model for the Boeing 737-200Adv.
By Daniel Nole.

Author: Daniel Nole  |  2009-02-24  |  Users Rating: 5.93/10 (15 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1738 - SUR Air - NAMC YS-11Hits: 1430   
Con capacidad para 64 pasajeros y 4000 libras de carga

Author: Marcelo Brizuela  |  2009-02-17  |  Users Rating: 6.67/10 (9 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1737 - Payload Model for the HJG, Convair Hits: 1225   
Payload Model for the HJG, Convair CV880-22M

Author: Daniel Nole  |  2009-02-15  |  Users Rating: 3.64/10 (11 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1736 - Piaggio P. 180 AvantiHits: 1825   
Payload model for Piaggio P. 180 Avanti: fastest FAA certified small turboprop in existence.

This model can hold 8 passengers and carry 120 lbs of luggage. Feel free, of course, to play around with it any was you would like. Feedback is appreciated.

Author: Dan Code  |  2009-02-11  |  Users Rating: 7.74/10 (27 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1735 - Digital Aviation's PA-31T2 IIXLHits: 1414   
This payload model was custom made for the FSX version of Digital Aviations PA-31T2 Cheyenne IIXL with the addition of adding two small jumpseats just foreward of the rear cargo compartment to give the aircraft 8 seats for FSEconomy. The two jumpseats were added where they would fit in the actual aircraft without changing the seat layout of the original design. The payload model was created to reflect the weight and ballance that the developer intended for this addon. This ensures that if you load the aircraft in FSPX you will experience the same exact flight model as Digital aviation intended. The only exception to this is by loading the two rear jumpseats will move the CG further aft, but within limits.

Hope you like it


Author: Buzz313th  |  2009-02-05  |  Users Rating: 5.85/10 (27 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1734 - Carenado C-206 Stationair FSXHits: 1723   
This is a custom payload model I created for the Carenado C-206 Stationair. The ini file was created to make the weight and ballance exactly the way the developers intended it to be. Doing this ensures the flight model is not effected from the original intent.


Author: Buzz313th  |  2009-02-05  |  Users Rating: 5.68/10 (19 votes)    Download

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