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Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1827 - Carenado Mooney M20JHits: 3008   

This is a payload model for the Mooney M20J with 2 rear seats and the front VIP one

Author: Jordy Orellana  |  2009-06-22  |  Users Rating: 7.11/10 (19 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1823 - Boeing 787-900Hits: 2239   
Payload Model for 787-900

Author: GT  |  2009-06-14  |  Users Rating: 5.63/10 (30 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1822 - Ariane 737-800 X2 KLMHits: 3526   


this payload model is purely made for the Ariane 737-800 NG X2

it is based on the typical seatplan of a 737-800 as used by KLM

the payload model has the following characteristics:

the capacity of the plane is a maximum of 171 passengers:
- 57 passengers on KLM Select class
- 114 passengers on KLM Economy class (splitted in a 53 and a 61 configuration to balance out the load)
- 2 crewmembers

FrontCargo Capacity 10835 lbs
RearCargo Capacity 10835 lbs
OperEmptyWeight 91300
MaxTakeoffWeight 174700 lbs
MaxZeroFuelWeight 136000 lbs
MaxLandingWeight 146300 lbs
MaxFuelWeight 46057 lbs

The plane is perfectly balanced so you won't have the overload flag hanging out! Happy Flying!

Author: Rmk80  |  2009-06-14  |  Users Rating: 6.84/10 (37 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1821 - T03 Intercontinental EditionHits: 1097   
T03 Intercontinental Edition

This can hold many passengers

Author: madison20691  |  2009-06-14  |  Users Rating: 6.88/10 (33 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1816 - Air France Airbus A330-200Hits: 3755   
Air France is one of Europe's most successful airlines. Having completed a perfect merger with KLM, Air France keeps pushing and widening its borders. It is considered as one of worlds most safest airlines. Currently its fleet consists on many Airbus aircraft, starting from short range Airbus' A318s to Long Range A340s. One of its Airbus planes, during its commercial flying career for many airlines, have never had any life loss experiences. Airbus A330-200 was considered unquestionably one of the most safest and technologically advanced aircraft on the planet. Until...

Flight 447.
June the 1st, was a fun day of many people setting down on a return fight to Paris from charming city of Rio de Janeiro. But A330-200 would only successfully pass its take off stage. Sometime during its 4th hour of flight, Air France department receives news, ACARS message from AF447 telling them that several electronic components have failed. AF447 would go off the radar 300km North East of Brazil. It was said that Flight 447 was flying in a Massive Thunderstorm and that a lightning has hit it. Later on in the upcoming days, search teams would find several debris fields in the Atlantic ocean about 650km North East of Brazil belonging to Air France flight. Atlantic has taken Flight 447 and its 228 souls to its deep blue waters...May everybody's souls rest in peace - you will never be forgotten.

It is based on a real life seating configuration of 219 Passengers (40B/179E) and over 90000lbs of cargo

Author: PMPT - Flight 447  |  2009-06-04  |  Users Rating: 8.11/10 (19 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1815 - Eurofly Airbus A330-200Hits: 1837   
Eurofly is one of Italy's best private airlines. Having many destinations all over the world it help transport travelers from half a dozen Italian airports. Payload model is based on real life Eurofly Airbus A330-200 seating configuration.

PMPT - Payload Model Production Team

Author: PMPT  |  2009-06-04  |  Users Rating: 3.67/10 (18 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1812 - EUROFLY A330-200Hits: 1408   
Hello guys. PMPT is proud to bring you a little surprise in a form of a rare privately owned company Eurofly. The company operates only Airbus airplanes, the current payload model features Eurofly Airbus A330-200 by its realistic seating configuration of 282 Passengers (B26/E256). Enjoy

PMPT CEO - Konstantin Kharlamov

Author: PMPT  |  2009-05-28  |  Users Rating: 4.26/10 (19 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1811 - VC-25A Payload ModelHits: 1968   

VC-25A - 'Air Force One' Payload Model

I often fly 'Air Force One' within my sim and the experience is even better with FsPassengers, but I had to create my own payload model for the aircraft to suit this unique bird. I've uploaded the files here so that anyone else who fancies flying a VC-25A with FsPassenegers can easily do so. :)

Feel free to contact me about these files - details within the ZIP.

Author: Ryan Jackson  |  2009-05-26  |  Users Rating: 6.05/10 (19 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1809 - TRANSAERO BOEING 747-444 PMDGHits: 3265   
Transaero has been one of Russia's highly growing airlines. It is unique in many ways in some of which, it is the only Russian airlines to have a fleet of Boeing 747's and 777s. A while back Transaero started receiving Boeing 747's but older -200 and -300 models, and recently not too long ago they placed orders and have received Boeing 747 -400 series. Currently the fleet holds 3 747-400. Transaero's Boeing 747-400 seating configuration holds up to 352 Passengers (F11/B56/E285) and cargo configurations of about 50 Tonnes.


Author: PMPT  |  2009-05-25  |  Users Rating: 6.94/10 (36 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1805 - Pacific West Airways 717-200Hits: 1677   

Pacific West Airways is back!

This payload model was created for the Pacific West Airways 717-200. Also available is the PWA 767-300ER, PWA 737-700, PWA Q-400, Paradise 767-300ER, Paradise 717-200, and the Paradise Q-400.

The payload models were designed with the aircrafts typical real world specifications.

Visit us at !

Author: Dave Steed  |  2009-05-23  |  Users Rating: 5.14/10 (21 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1804 - Lufthansa Boeing 747-400 PMDGHits: 8590   
Up to date, Lufthansa has been the largest operator of Boeing 747-400 airplanes. Having 30 Aircraft in its fleet, Lufty transports passengers all over the world using Boeing 747-400. The Aircraft has been configured for long-range flights ONLY for PMDG Boeing 747-400. Has a seating configuration for 330 passengers (F16/B80/E234) and able to carry over 100,000lbs of cargo.

If you have any problems with the model feel free to contact me, or edit it yourself :P


Author: PMPT  |  2009-05-21  |  Users Rating: 6.82/10 (57 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1803 - Swiss A330-300Hits: 3047   
Swiss International Air Lines was formed after a breakup due to bankruptcy of Swiss Air. After Swiss International Air Lines have dropped MD-11s from its feel, its been operating primarily airbuses. Holding a long range fleet of A330-200 and A340-300, Swiss has made a recent addition, which will later on be replacing some of its Airbus A330-200 family aircraft. This addition is the all new Airbus A330-300. The airbus has a shorter range then a A330-200 but can carry almost 1.5 times more passengers. Swiss's Airbus A330-300 configuration sits 236 Passengers (8F/45B/183E) and as of now it is the most highly loaded aircraft in Swiss' fleet.

(Previously called PM Developers Group)

Author: PMPT  |  2009-05-21  |  Users Rating: 5.19/10 (26 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1800 - Sky Airlines Payload Models - V2Hits: 1562   

Smile In The Sky

*** New Version With Corrections And New Fleet Members ***

Payload Models are based on real aircraft configurations and cargo capacities ...

B737-400 : TC-SKB , TC-SKD , TC-SKE , TC-SKF , TC-SKG , TC-SKM
B737-800 : TC-SKH
A320 : TC-SKJ , TC-SKK
A321 : TC-SKI , TC-SKL

VA Homepage :
Real Airline Homepage :

Safe flights

Author: Fatih KOZ  |  2009-05-19  |  Users Rating: 7.71/10 (17 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1793 - A330-200 KLM PH-AOCHits: 1791   
I made this payload model for the Airbus A330-200 GE that is part of the Wilco Airbus Series 2 payware.

It is especially made for the KLM A330 with registration PH-AOC, just like the fantastic textures made by McPhat Studios. ----> Freeware

It has 251 seats in a 2-class configuration just like the real thing. (


Author: Rmk80  |  2009-05-12  |  Users Rating: 6.36/10 (42 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1791 - Payload Model for Stratojet ChronosHits: 1249   
This is a payload model for the fictional supersonic aircraft Stratojet Chronos.

It can carry up to 20 VIP passengers + 1000 lbs of cargo.
(note: I've created this numbers myself using the weight values of the aircraft).

Works well on FSP 2004.

The Stratojet chronos is a plane which can fly at mach 3.5, and cruises at mach 3 at FL450.

Just be careful with the G forces while flying this plane.

Author: pedro  |  2009-05-07  |  Users Rating: 7.64/10 (33 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1790 - Iris T-6 Texan II AdvancedHits: 1186   
This is a custom Payload Model for the newly released T-6 Texan II made by Iris Simulations. I have created this payload model to reflect the exact weight and balance listed in the aircraft Config file. This results in the aircraft flying as the developer intended it to fly after loading with FSPassengers.



Author: Buzz313th  |  2009-05-03  |  Users Rating: 2.67/10 (3 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1787 - FSD Pilatus Porter PC-6Hits: 1736   
Payload model for FSD Pilatus Porter PC-6.

Author: Willhelm Vetinari  |  2009-04-26  |  Users Rating: 6.17/10 (12 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1786 - Tomcat F-14Hits: 1487   
Important! this payload was created for Iris F-14 Tomcat, however each Iris model has a different name number.. ex: "IRIS F14 V2_58" Therefore you should rename the .ini with the last two digits of your pretended IRIS model. Be careful ussing the Wing Cargo and Wing Weapons Loads for not getting an undesired CG (center of gravity)!!! Just unzip all files and put them on FSPassengersX Payload_model folder.

Do not change the name of the .jpg file! enjoy!

André Luz Costa [Sir_Paganiny]

Author: Sir_Paganiny  |  2009-04-24  |  Users Rating: 5.15/10 (27 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1785 - Aeromexico Boeing 777-200Hits: 1854   
Payload Model de la Aerolinea que opera en México "Aeromexico" con su Boeing 777-200ER.

Author: erayalcor  |  2009-04-21  |  Users Rating: 6.63/10 (30 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1784 - FSX Dornier Do-X Payload ModelHits: 1162   
A "Mostly" Accurate payload model for the FSX Dornier Do-X ( say mostly because it's hard to find accurate data on the Do-X

Author: Eric Buchmann  |  2009-04-20  |  Users Rating: 6.00/10 (35 votes)    Download

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