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Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1897 - Cargo payload model DC-8-73F Hits: 1642   
fsPassengers cargo payload model for DC-8-73F, UPS, ect.
Almost 60,000 lbs of cargo.

Author: scottR  |  2009-09-07  |  Users Rating: 6.45/10 (47 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1895 - PayloadCorrectionFokker100 OceanairHits: 1626   
Correction for payloads nš1868, 1869 and 1884 for Fokker 100 Digital Vision - Oceanair - Brazil.
Sorry for my fault.

Good Fly!

Dalmo FIlho


Author: Dalmo FIlho  |  2009-09-02  |  Users Rating: 4.94/10 (17 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1894 - Payload fokker100 DigitalVision TAMHits: 1983   
Payload for Fokker 100 Digital Aviation - company TAM - Brazil.

Good fly!

Dalmo Filho (PR-DAL)

Author: Dalmo Filho  |  2009-09-02  |  Users Rating: 7.24/10 (33 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1889 - Embraer ERJ-190 KLMHits: 6317   

Payload model for Wilco / FeelThere's magnificent ERJ-190, in KLM seating configuration.

Author: Ard  |  2009-09-01  |  Users Rating: 6.62/10 (55 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1886 - Payload for DHC6 British AirHits: 2043   
Payload Model for Aerosoft's TwinOtter DHC6 - with pressure cabin. British Air.
By Erik Rasmussen.

Author: world00leader  |  2009-08-27  |  Users Rating: 4.05/10 (22 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1884 - payload fokker 100 digital aviationHits: 1471   
Payload model for the fokker 100 Digital Aviation, aero line OCEANAIR, operation South America, Brazil.

Author: Dalmo Filho  |  2009-08-25  |  Users Rating: 3.92/10 (24 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1881 - RealAir Beech DukeHits: 3065   
The payload for the Beechcraft Duke B60 by Real Air. All the variations of the Duke work with this payload. The weights are realistic (cargo and 4 seats in business class). Enjoy !

Author: JardY  |  2009-08-18  |  Users Rating: 7.16/10 (31 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1878 - Ariane 737-800 X2 Air BerlinHits: 2384   
Payload Model for the Ariane 737-800 X2, Air Berlin

max Passengers = 186

Author: coltz  |  2009-08-15  |  Users Rating: 5.41/10 (44 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1869 - FOKKER-100 OCEANAIRHits: 1095   
FOKKER 100 Oceanair (Brazillian Air lines) PR-OAK.

Author: PR-DAL  |  2009-08-11  |  Users Rating: 4.91/10 (22 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1868 - OCEANAIR fokker100Hits: 1171   
Payload for Fokker-100 OCEANAIR PR-OAK (Brazil)

Author: PR-DAL  |  2009-08-11  |  Users Rating: 6.84/10 (19 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1865 - Embraer EMB 110C BandeiranteHits: 1788   
Payload Model for the Embraer EMB 110C Bandeirante(C-95).
By Daniel Nole.

Author: Daniel Nole  |  2009-08-06  |  Users Rating: 4.21/10 (24 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1858 - Payload wilco A319 MeridianaHits: 1552   
Payload model for the wilco Airbus A319 Meridiana

Author: ginopatrassi  |  2009-07-27  |  Users Rating: 2.86/10 (21 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1852 - PMDG MD-11 FedEx ExpressHits: 5098   
Hello guys. I am here to present another cargo surprise for you. This MD-11 is configured for Federal Express Airlines. It is the only airline on the planet to have more then 50 aircraft of this type. This model will only to work with your PMDG MD-11F product. In addition to the interest I have added a "pax" load to the aircraft in a form of VIP crew, the cheaper for them to fly, the most will fly with you. It is supposebly FedEx personal loading/unloading crew. It can hold a max of 10 crew. and about 200,000lbs of cargo. Personally this is the most beautiful bird out there.
Enjoy your flights.


Author: PMPT - Konstantin K. - FedEx VA  |  2009-07-17  |  Users Rating: 6.82/10 (39 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1851 - Airbus A330-200 Air TransatHits: 2785   
Air Transat is a Canadian charter airlines that operates out of Montreal and Toronto. Airlines only owns few long-range jets, but still managers to operate most of western european cities. Airbus A330-200 is one of the aircraft in its fleet. It holds a totat of 343 passengers in 2 seating classes (B21/E322). This payload model is based on those real to life seating arrangements.

Author: PMPT  |  2009-07-17  |  Users Rating: 8.40/10 (25 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1847 - AS350Hits: 1495   
Helicopter AS-350
Venha ser Piloto da Brazil Air

Author: M-Queiroz  |  2009-07-09  |  Users Rating: 8.00/10 (33 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1845 - Bombardier CJR700 Thai airHits: 2078   
Bombardier CJR700 Thai air
This payload model is made for my own use and enjoyment, but i hope you find it useful.

The Class discribtion is from Thai airway and the seatplan is from Air france.

The payload model has the following characteristics:

The capacity of the plane is a maximum of 171 passengers:
- 10 passengers on Thai air - Royal Silk (First class)
- 60 passengers on Thai air - Royal Economy class (splitted in a 61 and a 61 configuration to balance out the load)

FrontCargo Capacity 6000 lbs
RearCargo Capacity 6000 lbs

The plane is perfectly balanced so you won't have the overload flag hanging out! Happy Flying!

Author: Ricky Petersen  |  2009-07-09  |  Users Rating: 8.00/10 (35 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1844 - Boing 747-400 Thai airHits: 2772   
This Payload model is made for me own use and enjoyment, but I hope you find it useful aswell

The payload model has the following characteristics:

The capacity of the plane is a maximum of 428 passengers:
- 24 passengers on Thai air - Royal Silk (First class)
- 18 Passengers on Thai air - Royal Business Class
- 383 passengers on Thai air - Royal Economy class (splitted in a 140 and a 243 configuration to balance out the load)

FrontCargo Capacity 15000 lbs
RearCargo Capacity 15000 lbs

The plane is perfectly balanced so you won't have the overload flag hanging out! Happy Flying!

Author: Ricky Petersen  |  2009-07-09  |  Users Rating: 8.21/10 (24 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1843 - Boing 737-800 Thai airHits: 2296   
This payload model is purely made for my own use and enjoyment, but i hope you find it useful too.

I've used the class describtion from Thai airwaws, Royal Silk, Royal Business and Royal Economy.
The seatplan is made of the 737-800 used by KLM.

The payload model has the following characteristics:

The capacity of the plane is a maximum of 179 passengers:
- 57 passengers on Thai air - Royal Silk (First class)
- 122 passengers on Thai air - Royal Economy class (splitted in a 61 and a 61 configuration to balance out the load)

FrontCargo Capacity 10835 lbs
RearCargo Capacity 10835 lbs
OperEmptyWeight 91300
MaxTakeoffWeight 174700 lbs
MaxZeroFuelWeight 136000 lbs
MaxLandingWeight 146300 lbs
MaxFuelWeight 46057 lbs

Author: Ricky Petersen  |  2009-07-09  |  Users Rating: 5.33/10 (15 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1837 - Mitsubishi marquiseHits: 1325   
Payload of Mitsubishi Marquise, Mediterranea virtual texture

Author: mak71  |  2009-07-07  |  Users Rating: 6.39/10 (23 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1836 - Legacy 600Hits: 1967   
Embraer Legacy 600

Author: Juninho L  |  2009-07-02  |  Users Rating: 6.13/10 (8 votes)    Download

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