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891011 12 13141516

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2118 - Tu-154MHits: 2937   
Tupolev Tu-154M 2-class Business-16 Economy-126
Total passenger-142 it's normal configuration

Author: Alex  |  2011-02-19  |  Users Rating: 6.85/10 (47 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2116 - 737 southwestHits: 2290   

Author: Michael Tramaglino  |  2011-02-13  |  Users Rating: 5.00/10 (33 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2113 - Payload Lancair IV-P OrbxHits: 1678   
Payload model for the (amazing) Lancair IV-P by Orbx

Author: Ciboulette  |  2011-02-08  |  Users Rating: 6.61/10 (18 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2110 - QualityWings B757 Air BerlinHits: 3722   
Quality Payloads for QualityWings Boeing 757-200 Air Berlin.

2 Config included: 1 Class 209 pax / 2 Class 203 pax

Accurate Class!

Author: Christophe Bouville  |  2011-01-10  |  Users Rating: 7.16/10 (70 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2109 - QualityWings B757 US AirwaysHits: 2915   
Quality Payload for QualityWings Boeing 757-200 US Airways.

Accurate Class! Trans-Atlantic layout.

Author: Christophe Bouville  |  2011-01-10  |  Users Rating: 5.41/10 (71 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2108 - QualityWings B757 ThomsonflyHits: 2860   
Quality Payload for QualityWings Boeing 757-200 Thomsonfly.

Author: Christophe Bouville  |  2011-01-10  |  Users Rating: 5.68/10 (53 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2107 - QualityWings B757 Air AstanaHits: 1932   
Quality Payload for QualityWings Boeing 757-200 Air Astana.

Accurate Class!

Author: Christophe Bouville  |  2011-01-10  |  Users Rating: 6.71/10 (51 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2106 - QualityWings B757 airBalticHits: 2044   
Quality Payload for QualityWings Boeing 757-200 airBaltic.

Author: Christophe Bouville  |  2011-01-10  |  Users Rating: 7.64/10 (50 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2105 - QualityWings B757 Thomas CookHits: 2778   
Quality Payloads for QualityWings Boeing 757-200 Thomas Cook (UK).

2 Config included: Short Haul 235 pax / Long Haul 187 pax

Accurate Class!

Author: Christophe Bouville  |  2011-01-09  |  Users Rating: 5.80/10 (50 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2103 - QualityWings B757 L'AvionHits: 2108   
Quality Payload for QualityWings Boeing 757-200 L'Avion.

Accurate Class! Entire Business plane.

Author: Christophe Bouville  |  2011-01-09  |  Users Rating: 7.70/10 (44 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2102 - QualityWings B757 Jet2Hits: 2008   
Quality Payload for QualityWings Boeing 757-200

Accurate Class!

Author: Christophe Bouville  |  2011-01-09  |  Users Rating: 5.01/10 (74 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2101 - QualityWings B757 American AirlinesHits: 3585   
Quality Payloads for QualityWings Boeing 757-200 American Airlines.

2 Config included: Domestic 186 pax / International 182 pax. Accurate Class!

Author: Christophe Bouville  |  2011-01-09  |  Users Rating: 7.47/10 (57 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2099 - Boeing 747-400 KLMHits: 3284   
This is a payload model for your 747-400 KLM. It has a total of 470 seats in a three class layout. Please read the readme. Enjoy!

Author: Larzz  |  2011-01-05  |  Users Rating: 4.97/10 (34 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2097 - Boeing 797Hits: 1621   
This is a payload model for the Boeing 797. It has a total of a 1000 seats. here's a link to download a awesome 797 for FS2004 & FSX. FSX USERS WHO WANT THE PLANE NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE FS2004 VERSION FIRST AND THEN DOWNLOAD THE FSX UPDATE!!!!!

FS2004 version:

FSX update:

I hope you like it!

Author: Larzz  |  2010-12-27  |  Users Rating: 5.88/10 (24 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2096 - 707-353B (VC-137C) Air Force OneHits: 1480   
This is a payload model for the VC-137C (707-353B) Air Force One. Please read the Readme. Enjoy!

Author: Larzz  |  2010-12-27  |  Users Rating: 6.88/10 (17 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2095 - PMDG Jet Stream 4100 Payload ModelHits: 2522   
Payload model for the PMDG JS41

With 3 crew seats and 30 passengers
Front and rear cargo

Author: HBE66  |  2010-12-24  |  Users Rating: 6.04/10 (25 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2094 - 747-200Hits: 1731   
747-200 air force one

Author: lars  |  2010-12-24  |  Users Rating: 4.37/10 (41 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2093 - 747-200 Air Force One/1Hits: 1940   
I hope you like this new 747-200 Air Force One model. This model has a total of 78 seats and 23 crew members just like the real plane. Please read the readme. Enjoy!

Author: Larzz  |  2010-12-21  |  Users Rating: 5.00/10 (38 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2092 - Carenado Cessna 206 II payloadHits: 2573   
Payload for Carenado's Cessna 206 Stationair II, but may work on other models.

The Payload model is accurate, with a 120lbs baggage limit, and seats for 1VIP(Pilot), 1 First, 2 Business and 2 Economy.

Author: Shaun Patterson  |  2010-12-20  |  Users Rating: 4.43/10 (58 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2091 - Carenado Cessna 152 II payloadHits: 2335   
Payload model for the Carenado C152II, but may work for other C152 models.

The payload CG's are accurate, but the 120lbs baggage has been moved forward slightly to stop the aircraft falling on its tail.

Author: Shaun Patterson  |  2010-12-20  |  Users Rating: 4.53/10 (40 votes)    Download

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891011 12 13141516

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