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Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2194 - Boeing 2707Hits: 2081   
B2707 Boeing2707 or Boeing 2707 is a SST plane that make 3.00 MACH in +/- 3-4 min.
300 passengers

Author: RicardoTV  |  2011-12-07  |  Users Rating: 3.93/10 (14 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2191 - Airbus A300-600F UPSHits: 2269   
The Airbus A300-600F special configuration from UPS specifications. can be used with Airbus CLS. Enjoy

Author: Rudy  |  2011-11-15  |  Users Rating: 6.29/10 (28 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2185 - 737-800 Ryanair PayloadHits: 4855   
737-800 Ng Ryanair Payload

Author: Daniele Barbiera  |  2011-10-30  |  Users Rating: 5.28/10 (54 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2184 - AC11 Payload ModelHits: 1476   
A user requested Payload Model for the Commander 114 (AC11).
1 pilot
1 Forword Passenger (sit up front next to pilot)
2 Rear passengers.
200lbs Maximum Cargo in Rear Cargo Bay

Author: TimTom  |  2011-10-15  |  Users Rating: 4.20/10 (20 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2183 - Carenado Cessna 337 payload modelHits: 1849   
A payload model for Carenado Cessna 337 Skymaster.

2 versions of the image included:
-FsPassengers style version
-my custom style version

Author: PetarP  |  2011-10-15  |  Users Rating: 6.16/10 (38 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2176 - C919 payload modelHits: 1478   
Simple but nice payload model for the C919. Tested and worked.

Author: airbus319  |  2011-09-04  |  Users Rating: 6.16/10 (25 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2175 - Air Berlin 737 - 700 Payload modelHits: 2867   
Please find attached an awesome payload model for an AirBerlin 737-700. Tested and working with the iFly 737 - 700 range.

Any future requests let me know ; )

Look me up on facebook - search "Free Flight Europe" group page



Author: GB-FJL  |  2011-09-02  |  Users Rating: 5.15/10 (27 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2174 - FSproHits: 1380   
RealAir Turbine Duke is for sure best one pilot aircraft for FSX.Now with detailed textures,phisics including custom engine failures it has its own passengers.Enjoy the flight!

Author: Navuhodonosor  |  2011-09-01  |  Users Rating: 6.95/10 (21 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2172 - Cessna Citation SovereignHits: 1650   
Payload Model for the Cessna Citation Sovereign. Seats up to 8 pax in VIP configuration.

Feedback/comments are welcome.

Author: Inaki Sievert  |  2011-08-27  |  Users Rating: 2.75/10 (44 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2171 - Dash 7-103 de SUR Air HUB BairesHits: 1523   
Para los pilotos de sur air, aca esta el payload del dash 7 que no se podia encontrar por ninguna parte

Author: MarceHub  |  2011-08-26  |  Users Rating: 6.83/10 (58 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2169 - British Airways A318Hits: 1662   
Payload model for the British Airways A318 to be used on the London City-JFK route. Takes 16 'VIP' passengers and payload

Author: NamroN  |  2011-08-13  |  Users Rating: 6.94/10 (17 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2165 - B747-8iHits: 3678   
I made this payload model for PMDG 747-8i Extension. The seat configuration is according cathay pacific 747-400, and now 747-8i can carry 431 passengers in 4 classes and 147168 Lbs cargo.

Author: Wayne  |  2011-08-03  |  Users Rating: 5.50/10 (58 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2149 - PIC Legacy payload ModelHits: 1406   
PIC Legacy 600 Embraer payload model.

Author: davidpenney  |  2011-06-17  |  Users Rating: 7.75/10 (20 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2147 - Convair 240 payload modelHits: 1402   
I couldn't found a payload model for my new convair 240, so, i made it. Enjoy!

Author: Mariano Pedro Bernacki  |  2011-06-13  |  Users Rating: 4.31/10 (36 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2146 - Messerschmitt BF 108 BHits: 1329   
This is a payload model for the Messerschmitt BF 108 B. I made this cause i bought the great model vom "Classics Hangar" and missed it in the payload-model list.
Its the first one that i did and maybe ill change the max weight vor the payload, but all over im happy with the result.

Author: kleineMax  |  2011-06-08  |  Users Rating: 6.76/10 (21 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2139 - Sky Airlines Payload Models - V3Hits: 1534   
*** New Version With Corrections And New Fleet Members ***

Payload Models are based on real aircraft configurations and cargo capacities ...

B737-400 : TC-SKB , TC-SKD , TC-SKE , TC-SKF , TC-SKG , TC-SKM
B737-800 : TC-SKH , TC-SKR , TC-SKS , TC-SKU
B737-900 : TC-SKN , TC-SKP
A321 : TC-SKI

VA Homepage :
Real Airline Homepage :

Author: B.Fatih KOZ  |  2011-05-05  |  Users Rating: 6.50/10 (26 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2138 - RealAir Turbine DukeHits: 1732   
Payload model for the RealAir Turbine Duke. The stations are based on the aircraft.cfg and recalculated for FSP (note: cargo goes in the front). Screenshot is made at Aerosoft's Lelystad X (EHLE). Please feel free to post your comments.

Author: PK  |  2011-05-01  |  Users Rating: 4.68/10 (37 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2136 - Boeing 747-8 IntercontinentalHits: 2931   
Real PayLoad Model aircraft Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental.

Author: EricKlepton  |  2011-04-21  |  Users Rating: 6.96/10 (45 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2132 - IFly Boeing 737-800 S7 AirlinesHits: 7150   
loader for S7 Airlines Boeing 737-800 by IFly

Author: tyazhkiy  |  2011-04-05  |  Users Rating: 6.38/10 (71 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2122 - Kodiak Quest floatplaneHits: 2058   
For Kodiak Quest amphib but set up for any Kodiak aircraft. Read the README_NOW file.

Author: slim  |  2011-02-23  |  Users Rating: 4.18/10 (34 votes)    Download

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78910 11 12131415

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