13-08-2005, 06:40 AM
It would be very nice and interesting to see a panel with captain announcements that have a certain effect on passengers.
Delay on Pushback Announcment (if more than 10 minutes)
-( I know that points arent taking off for delay on the ground but i think in real life if the plane is standing for more than 20 minutes peopel
would start to get a lil anxious, and maybe you could add some kind of formula to take away satisfaction)
-Adds Satisfaction by %1 for 10 min
While Taxiing (Usually what I hear)
Captain Announces:
This is the captain speaking -...
Welcome to (type of aircraft)
Today we'll be flying at altitude
Tell about weather
Service To come
Arrival weather and time
-people feel reassured and relaxed (satisfaction +1%)
Turbulence Announcment
-People are aware that the problem is not a danger (satisfaction +1%)
Delay on Arrival
-People are warned before hand (increases the flexibilty on arrival time)
Go Around
-Kills fear -10%
-Satisfaction +1%
Approach Announcement
Thank you for flying with us we hope you enjoyed our flight and well be landing soon
satisfaction +1%
I believe that these are the basic responsiblities of a passenger jet captain that should be done. Mix it with Vatsim, good aircraft such as
LDS767, and a good weather engine, And you will not be bored during the flight quite as much. I like those things because they add to
stress and really test your ability to execute a flawless operation.
On an Advanced note, you could add the type of announcment, "agressive but informative" or "pleasant but vague"
for example when an engine goes out, the first type of of announcement will not change the fear % but in the end will have a good
impacton customer satisfaction, where as the second will kill the fear, but will do the opposite to satisfaction. So its a pilot's choice on
how to handles his/her passengers. as that is soo - oh important these days in the industry.
I will gladly accept Arguments!
Delay on Pushback Announcment (if more than 10 minutes)
-( I know that points arent taking off for delay on the ground but i think in real life if the plane is standing for more than 20 minutes peopel
would start to get a lil anxious, and maybe you could add some kind of formula to take away satisfaction)
-Adds Satisfaction by %1 for 10 min
While Taxiing (Usually what I hear)
Captain Announces:
This is the captain speaking -...
Welcome to (type of aircraft)
Today we'll be flying at altitude
Tell about weather
Service To come
Arrival weather and time
-people feel reassured and relaxed (satisfaction +1%)
Turbulence Announcment
-People are aware that the problem is not a danger (satisfaction +1%)
Delay on Arrival
-People are warned before hand (increases the flexibilty on arrival time)
Go Around
-Kills fear -10%
-Satisfaction +1%
Approach Announcement
Thank you for flying with us we hope you enjoyed our flight and well be landing soon
satisfaction +1%
I believe that these are the basic responsiblities of a passenger jet captain that should be done. Mix it with Vatsim, good aircraft such as
LDS767, and a good weather engine, And you will not be bored during the flight quite as much. I like those things because they add to
stress and really test your ability to execute a flawless operation.
On an Advanced note, you could add the type of announcment, "agressive but informative" or "pleasant but vague"
for example when an engine goes out, the first type of of announcement will not change the fear % but in the end will have a good
impacton customer satisfaction, where as the second will kill the fear, but will do the opposite to satisfaction. So its a pilot's choice on
how to handles his/her passengers. as that is soo - oh important these days in the industry.
I will gladly accept Arguments!