08-08-2005, 03:45 PM
Hi guys,
Firstly, congratulations to Dan and his team for this incredible work. It's for me the best add on ever made. Again congratulations !
I'am a FsP addicted now I can't stay a day without flying and make money ;-) Thanks Dan.
I have three questions to avoid penalties :
- If I choose FL100 for cruise. May I have landing lights on ?
- Can I let NAV lights already ON from dark and cold cockpit to shutdown at destination gate ?
- I made several flights under FL100 and let landing lights on to avoid penalties. Am I right or not ?
- As said on this forum, starting up a turboprop cause penalties due to 100% RPM at first start on brakes, can we switch off parking
brakes and brake with the brake used while moving the aircraft before start up without penaties while waiting for the update ?
Thanks for your answers.
Yann Collas
FsP Multi-Engine Propeller (5900 pts bonus / No penalty at this point)
Company started at 1 000 000$ (33$ remaining after Beech 58 buy)
Career mode on
Economy mode on
Damages on 3%
All difficulties on
War zone on
1 Mooney Bravo (brand new)
1 Beech 58 (opportunities)
13 flights / 26:10:30 hours / 26 passengers carried
Firstly, congratulations to Dan and his team for this incredible work. It's for me the best add on ever made. Again congratulations !
I'am a FsP addicted now I can't stay a day without flying and make money ;-) Thanks Dan.
I have three questions to avoid penalties :
- If I choose FL100 for cruise. May I have landing lights on ?
- Can I let NAV lights already ON from dark and cold cockpit to shutdown at destination gate ?
- I made several flights under FL100 and let landing lights on to avoid penalties. Am I right or not ?
- As said on this forum, starting up a turboprop cause penalties due to 100% RPM at first start on brakes, can we switch off parking
brakes and brake with the brake used while moving the aircraft before start up without penaties while waiting for the update ?
Thanks for your answers.
Yann Collas
FsP Multi-Engine Propeller (5900 pts bonus / No penalty at this point)
Company started at 1 000 000$ (33$ remaining after Beech 58 buy)
Career mode on
Economy mode on
Damages on 3%
All difficulties on
War zone on
1 Mooney Bravo (brand new)
1 Beech 58 (opportunities)
13 flights / 26:10:30 hours / 26 passengers carried