09-11-2005, 09:55 PM
Just this evening I was on final approach to intercept the ILS for rwy 27R at London Heathrow and all of a sudden I see that I'm entering a war risk
zone after being vectored by ATC on VATSIM. I can understand the warning for flying into military airspace but what I don't understand is why I was
shot at? I was flying over one of the most densily populated cities in Europe and they were gonna shoot me down? Those shots resulted in a total
hydraulics failure but luckily I managed to land the plane somehow. I never filed this flight but still have the flight report after it which is below:
Flight ID: EI178
Pilot: James O'Grady
Company: Aer Lingus
Aircraft: PSS A320 CFM Aer Lingus
Flight Date: 09 November 2005
Departure: 19h42 (19h42 GMT)
Arrival: 20h45 (20h46 GMT)
From: EIDW - Dublin - Ireland
To: EGLL - Heathrow - United Kingdom
Nbr of Passengers: 160
Incident Report:
The hydraulic system was hit by a ground shot resulting in total loss of all hydraulic systems. There was an exceptional pilot on board and despite
the dire situation he was able to land the aircraft safely.
Flight Distance: 241 Nm Landing Speed: 135.91 kt
Time Airborne: 00h55:41 Landing Touchdown: -424.61 ft/m
Flight Time (block): 01h14:01 Landing Pitch: 7.97°
Time On Ground: 00h20:12 Landing Weight: 61696 kg
Average Speed: 260.90 kt Total Fuel Used: 4417 kg
Max. Altitude: FL 310 Fuel Not Used: 2092 kg
Climb Time: 00h15:08 Climb Fuel Used: 2274 kg
Cruise Time: 00h11:37 Cruise Fuel Used: 572 kg
Average Cruise Speed: 427.60 kt (M0.70) Cruise fuel/hour: 2956 kg (calc)
Descent Time: 00h28:56 Descent Fuel Used: 1570 kg
Passenger Opinion: Good flight (89%)
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Were anxious because they had flown over a war risk zone.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +8'562€ (241 Nm)
Cargo Income: +6'009€ (5990 kg)
Services Income: +0€ (0 sandwich 0 hot food 0 drink)
Services Cost: -0€ (50% quality)
War Area Bonus: +19'818€ (68% max war level)
Emergency Bonus: +5'237€ (800 failure point)
Fuel Cost: -3'710€ (4417 kg Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -169€ (Large Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -629€ (4.32% rate)
Total Real Income: 35'118€
Total Income: 1'755'925€ (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: 0€ (0 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: 1'755'925€ (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was good,the tickets price very low,and there was no service aboard,passengers on this flight think that your company's
reputation should be 89%
Your company reputation is now: 90% (-0.18 decrease)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 930 points
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
A serious problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+800)
Flying in a combat area and a safe landing. (+100)
Pilot's Penalty points: -350 points
You had a serious failure aboard and you forgot to call a mayday. (-350)
I'm not very familiar with London airspace but I find it hard to believe that when a controller has to be familiar with all military airspace, that he
would just vector me into it for one and two me being attempted to be shot down! Whats this all about? I strongly suggest this be fixed along with
other places which have similar problems like this. This completely ruined my flight on VATSIM and at the end of the day this stupid emergency
shouldn't have happened. I hope to see an update for this in future updates.
Post Edited ( 11-09-05 21:56 )
zone after being vectored by ATC on VATSIM. I can understand the warning for flying into military airspace but what I don't understand is why I was
shot at? I was flying over one of the most densily populated cities in Europe and they were gonna shoot me down? Those shots resulted in a total
hydraulics failure but luckily I managed to land the plane somehow. I never filed this flight but still have the flight report after it which is below:
Flight ID: EI178
Pilot: James O'Grady
Company: Aer Lingus
Aircraft: PSS A320 CFM Aer Lingus
Flight Date: 09 November 2005
Departure: 19h42 (19h42 GMT)
Arrival: 20h45 (20h46 GMT)
From: EIDW - Dublin - Ireland
To: EGLL - Heathrow - United Kingdom
Nbr of Passengers: 160
Incident Report:
The hydraulic system was hit by a ground shot resulting in total loss of all hydraulic systems. There was an exceptional pilot on board and despite
the dire situation he was able to land the aircraft safely.
Flight Distance: 241 Nm Landing Speed: 135.91 kt
Time Airborne: 00h55:41 Landing Touchdown: -424.61 ft/m
Flight Time (block): 01h14:01 Landing Pitch: 7.97°
Time On Ground: 00h20:12 Landing Weight: 61696 kg
Average Speed: 260.90 kt Total Fuel Used: 4417 kg
Max. Altitude: FL 310 Fuel Not Used: 2092 kg
Climb Time: 00h15:08 Climb Fuel Used: 2274 kg
Cruise Time: 00h11:37 Cruise Fuel Used: 572 kg
Average Cruise Speed: 427.60 kt (M0.70) Cruise fuel/hour: 2956 kg (calc)
Descent Time: 00h28:56 Descent Fuel Used: 1570 kg
Passenger Opinion: Good flight (89%)
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Were anxious because they had flown over a war risk zone.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +8'562€ (241 Nm)
Cargo Income: +6'009€ (5990 kg)
Services Income: +0€ (0 sandwich 0 hot food 0 drink)
Services Cost: -0€ (50% quality)
War Area Bonus: +19'818€ (68% max war level)
Emergency Bonus: +5'237€ (800 failure point)
Fuel Cost: -3'710€ (4417 kg Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -169€ (Large Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -629€ (4.32% rate)
Total Real Income: 35'118€
Total Income: 1'755'925€ (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: 0€ (0 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: 1'755'925€ (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was good,the tickets price very low,and there was no service aboard,passengers on this flight think that your company's
reputation should be 89%
Your company reputation is now: 90% (-0.18 decrease)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 930 points
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
A serious problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+800)
Flying in a combat area and a safe landing. (+100)
Pilot's Penalty points: -350 points
You had a serious failure aboard and you forgot to call a mayday. (-350)
I'm not very familiar with London airspace but I find it hard to believe that when a controller has to be familiar with all military airspace, that he
would just vector me into it for one and two me being attempted to be shot down! Whats this all about? I strongly suggest this be fixed along with
other places which have similar problems like this. This completely ruined my flight on VATSIM and at the end of the day this stupid emergency
shouldn't have happened. I hope to see an update for this in future updates.
Post Edited ( 11-09-05 21:56 )