15-07-2005, 04:55 AM
Greets Dan! First off, let me say that out of the 1000's of dollars I've spent on flightsimming through the years, FSPassengers has been
the best money ever spent! Fantastic and finally gives me a realistic reason to fly and specific goals to achieve!
However, I'm having a bit of a problem. I keep getting the following penalty:
Pilot's Penalty points: -250 points
Pushing the engines to maximum power with parking brakes set is not a good idea. (-250)
This happens every time in the following aircraft: FSD Piaggio Avanti; F-1 Cessna 441; F-1 ATR 72-500
The only way to prevent this is to start FSPass after I've started the engines....I've noticed that in the turboprops, when starting engines
they spool up to full torque, then settle down to ground idle. I believe this has been mentioned before, but wanted to ask if there's a
possiblity of putting a timer in the program to not check for max power until x seconds after engine start or some other fix.
I hate to bother you with this, but I now have 5 perfect flights, one good flight and one horrible flight (prop pilots shouldn't fly heavy jets
without much more training!
) yet I'm at -21 points........
Thank you again for such a great program and for bringing FS to life!!
the best money ever spent! Fantastic and finally gives me a realistic reason to fly and specific goals to achieve!
However, I'm having a bit of a problem. I keep getting the following penalty:
Pilot's Penalty points: -250 points
Pushing the engines to maximum power with parking brakes set is not a good idea. (-250)
This happens every time in the following aircraft: FSD Piaggio Avanti; F-1 Cessna 441; F-1 ATR 72-500
The only way to prevent this is to start FSPass after I've started the engines....I've noticed that in the turboprops, when starting engines
they spool up to full torque, then settle down to ground idle. I believe this has been mentioned before, but wanted to ask if there's a
possiblity of putting a timer in the program to not check for max power until x seconds after engine start or some other fix.
I hate to bother you with this, but I now have 5 perfect flights, one good flight and one horrible flight (prop pilots shouldn't fly heavy jets
without much more training!

Thank you again for such a great program and for bringing FS to life!!
Earl M Hilton