17-11-2005, 02:53 PM
Well, there you go...I knew sooner or later it was bound to happen. My HD crashed and I lost well over 300 hours with FsP. I was lucky I
was able to recover everything else! I find it amazing that the section hit the hardest is exactly where FS2004 was installed. In my
Program Files folder the last folder I can read starts with an "I". I'm trying to use different softwares and see if I can get something back
but in the meantime:
1) I bought a new HD and reinstalled everything. If I start flying again after creating a new company, will I be able to merge the new
database with the old one (if I will ever be able to get it back)? Or I will loose the new company once I cut and paste the old one into FsP?
2) Is the "Virtual Airline Demo" reversible, meaning is it possible to download my flights from there and put them back into FsP?
3) Is there any way to read my backed up database to see exactly how many hours I have in there without using FsP?
Thanx for the help.
was able to recover everything else! I find it amazing that the section hit the hardest is exactly where FS2004 was installed. In my
Program Files folder the last folder I can read starts with an "I". I'm trying to use different softwares and see if I can get something back
but in the meantime:
1) I bought a new HD and reinstalled everything. If I start flying again after creating a new company, will I be able to merge the new
database with the old one (if I will ever be able to get it back)? Or I will loose the new company once I cut and paste the old one into FsP?
2) Is the "Virtual Airline Demo" reversible, meaning is it possible to download my flights from there and put them back into FsP?
3) Is there any way to read my backed up database to see exactly how many hours I have in there without using FsP?
Thanx for the help.